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I feel completely betrayed...

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Today, I was completely betrayed by a bandit. So I was running through Elektro and I found a guy, He seemed nice enough, and after talking to him, and killing some zeds for him, I took a risk. I was bleeding pretty bad, and I decided to trust him with some blood packs to give me a blood donation. Afterwards, we went around Elektro together looking for guns, we only found a double barrel (I got it). He seemed nice enough, and when we went to the barn, we found an enfield. I asked if he wouldn't mind trading guns with me, he agreed, and then told me he was gonna leave and join his friends in cherno.

So I shot him in the back as he left the barn.

I lied about that first sentence.

Edited by Quadrophenik
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And then people wonder why most players kill on sight.

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a little bastard like u do the same to me .... this was the Point since im SHoot evryone and i shoot mutch players since that more then 150 players i killed ....... and it will be more and more im now a bandit FOREVEER becouse bastards like these kiddy

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Looool, nice story cut short, I actually laughed...

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To be fair, I play this game in two ways. For the most part, I play a cautious survivor, who doesn't shoot on sight, but doesn't overly trust either.

However, when I ultimately die, I generally hop on a heavily populated server, with the sole purpose of over the top banditry. Once I've had my brief fill/I die again, then I go back to playing normally.

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I hate people like you. And now have forever fallen into a life of greed and killing.... heres my beans

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Today, I was completely betrayed by a bandit. So I was running through Elektro and I found a guy, He seemed nice enough, and after talking to him, and killing some zeds for him, I took a risk. I was bleeding pretty bad, and I decided to trust him with some blood packs to give me a blood donation. Afterwards, we went around Elektro together looking for guns, we only found a double barrel (I got it). He seemed nice enough, and when we went to the barn, we found an enfield. I asked if he wouldn't mind trading guns with me, he agreed, and then told me he was gonna leave and join his friends in cherno.

So I shot him in the back as he left the barn.

I lied about that first sentence.

No greater joke has ever been pulled on a dumber target. +1

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Anyway today I was completely betrayed. So I was running through Elektro and I found a guy, He seemed nice enough, and after talking to him, he killed some zeds for me, I then took a risk. he was bleeding pretty bad, and he gave me some blood packs to gave him a blood donation. Afterwards, we went around Elektro together looking for guns, we only found a double barrel (he got it). He seemed nice enough, and when we went to the barn, we found an enfield. he asked if I wouldn't mind trading guns with me, I agreed, and then I told him I was gonna leave and join my friends in cherno.

He then shot me in the back as I left the barn. What an asshole. If I see him again Im gonna so shoot him in the jaw.

Edited by MadMax
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The funny thing is, I feel we shoot all the innocent guys on sight, and we always end up trusting a bandit XP.

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I decided to trust him with some blood packs and gave him a blood donation.

OP gave him the blood packs to use on him.

Edited by noobsmcgee

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