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Thank you Elektro sniper on DE 196

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Thank you for giving me a heart-pounding little adventure about 2 hours ago!

I had scouted Elektro and saw no signs of life, player or zombie, so moved in to loot the power station firehouse and then the rest of the town. All I needed was a box of matches and I was all set to survive in the wilderness. The firehouse seemed clear as I approached so I went inside and capped a fiew curious zombies with my M9SP. Unfortunately I only had 1 clip and had already offed some zombies prior so finishing off these last 3 zombies emptied my gun. I proceeded to cautiously run up the tower and grab some loot.

I think I only spent a couple minutes in the tower so was not expecting trouble when I came back down. As I exited the tower room into the main bay area I looked left and HOLY CRAP THAT IS A FRIGGIN .50 CAL POINTED AT ME!!! A prone sniper in the corner had me dead to rights. Fortunately for me his first shot missed. I proceeded to run around him a couple of times, clicking my empty pistol at him in my panic and then dart back into the little room at the base of the tower. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer, I wanted to LIVE! I sprinted like mad out of the room and through the big bay door (BAM! another miss) and around the corner I went like a crazed man. Zigging and zagging through town I kept waiting with shoulders hunched for the inevitable bullet.

It never came, I had escaped! I ducked into a bush, drank some water from my canteen and tried to slow down my frantic breathing and heart rate. Circling wide I checked out the fire station from the hill to the East but saw nothing. I waited a good 10 minutes, hoping the hunter would leave to the North, away from my sprint direction. I never did spot him again.

Thank you anonymous player, that was exhilarating!

Edited by Kerbouchard

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.50 CAL Sniper Rifle? Gillie Suit? Probably another hackers spawning gear, no wonder the noob missed you two times.

Edited by Mikeambrose3

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.50 CAL Sniper Rifle? Gillie Suit?

I have both, and i'm not a hacker >_>

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.50 CAL Sniper Rifle? Gillie Suit? Probably another hackers spawning gear, no wonder the noob missed you two times.

No ghillie and what looked like a regular starter backpack so I think this was just some guy that got lucky and found a nice gun. I'm pretty sure it was the M107 but I was a little preoccupied screaming like a little girl and peeing my pants... ;)

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