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What do youy do if you see a player

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At what distance? Where are they going? What are they doing? What weapon do they have? What pack? Where on the map are we?


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Depends, if I have equipment I don't want to give up and it's a direction confrontation I immediately shoot on sight. Otherwise, avoid at all costs

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i try everything to not engage the other person. i'm not the type that needs to lessen the experience of another person to temporarily feel good about myself.

i am playing survival right now. and i am anti-social so it works out fine for me.

if i am seen at all, i run evasively. if they follow, then it is officially ON. if not, then i make my way into the shadows or location not traveled, abort my current plans (if in that area), and move in the opposite direction asap towards a new target location.

it's not as exciting, but it's working.

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I've been playing for nearly a month. Have never shot anyone on sight.

Of all my encounters with other players, there has been only two or three where I came out alive. Only once did I manage to kill two other players who happened to run in front of me. I yelled "friendly or I'll shoot!" several times but they wouldn't say anything, just kept trying to find me (I'm sure I was in range for comms), so I killed them. I left their loot there so they or some other player could benefit from it.

I think that the true challenge of this game is actually getting people to trust you.

Today, for example, I kept spawning on Electrozavodsk (or nearby). I was trying to befriend a pair of survivors who were scavenging the town. I threw flares at them (when I could have shot) several times, but they just panicked and kept moving from building to building. Eventually I climbed to the top of the school building (or offices, who knows) and threw a flare right on my feet. I put my weapon down and saluted in their direction. Only got myself killed. I spawned again and came back, saw them enter the firestation. I got close and tried to talk, they shot me again. Respawned once more, I made sure they saw me get in the school again. I went to where my body was and looted back my handgun. I waited there and told them there was no point in killing me, I just wanted to join up with someone. They came up and asked me to put down my gun. I did. We talked for some time (while they aimed their guns at me), but in the end, they said they were sorry but that they had to kill me. Clean shot to the head at least.

Is there truly so much backstabbing in this game that people have grown this distrustful? I have never been backstabbed myself. But then again, I have only managed to team up a handful of times, and most people seem to lose interest in the game quite fast.

For me, going north and getting awesome weapons is just a secondary objective. There's no point in JUST getting geared, and I'm no fan of going around killing people just because. The true challenge, and the most rewarding thing you can do in Day Z, is getting people to play with... At least that's what I believe today.

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use direct comm and say friendly? if no answer, just watch then, dont use ur mic in this case, direct comm has a big range on text chat, so for all the other player knows u could be watching them threw a sniper scope, if there un-armed and say yes still be wary of them

only times ive managed to team up in this game is with fresh spawns/newbies

newbies ive helped(telling what gear they need to find, etc,) fresh spawns ill help escort em to somewhere they are safe then go my seperate way

i do that because it helps my zed kill count go up lol

still dont trust anyone, unless they are a real friend u play with, everyone else is fair game

its about surviving, not who has the biggest friend list

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Really depends on the situation and the player in question. If the person is geared up then I shoot him. My reasoning being that if someone has acquired much loot he'll be paranoid about protecting it. Call it a pre-emptive strike, because I fully expect that player to attack me.

New players I tend to leave alone. Unless they make odd movements etc. Once I killed, well tried to kill, one for fun. Still feel bad about it!

Edited by Jaime

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Today I was stalking a sniper only to find out I was being stalked as well.

Like the noob I am I didn't notice him until I stopped and I heard his feet a foot behind me. I turned around and shot him immediately in the chest with my Lee. He said "ow, don't shoot me". He had a silenced M4, and allowed me to live. So I didnt fire again and we went our seperate ways.

But yeah, shoot on sight unless I decide otherwise.

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shoot him for fun no matter what he says un armed or armed if its unarmed i just laugh

and its idiots like you that detier people from teaming up

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Watch him from a distance and stalk him. From that point I can determine if he is worth wasting rounds on or not.

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I always shoot first if they are armed...lol I was tired of being killed as a newb so I have a zero tolerance on anyone I see that can be a danger to me. Also most people lie to me when they say they are friendly.

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Hi ! First post, will have the game in few days...

So if I understand good, everybody's shooting at everybody ? No mercy here ?

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There have been a few times that i've come across someone who used comms to tell me they were friendly. Which was nice because it seemed to just be us in Cherno and he had a shotgun and I only had nothing lol. I will try in the cities but will not hesitate to shoot you in the face if you don't respond and spin on me. If im out in the country side i'll observe just to see what you have and if my shot will be heard from possible other players. Mostly I leave them alone.

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Duck and cover, so far every person I ever approached just killed me on sight like they had some kind of personal vandeta on me.

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If they surprise me and havent shouted "friendly", I'll shoot them down in an instant. Been burned too many times by stumbling into someone, hesitating and just being shot.

If you spot them from far away, avoid them. The only people you can trust are your friends, in my experience anyway ^^ Shouting "friendly" at them is more likely to alert them to your presence and encourage a flurry of bullets in your direction.

Edited by BrotherDoma

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Check if other player is just starting out with his character or not.

If he is: Spare his life and kill him when he's well equipped.

If he isn't: Kill him

So eitherway, I'll attempt to kill them.

I trust nobody, not even myself.

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Unarmed... I'll attempt to team up. Within the first few exchanges of conversation, you can generally tell the motive.

I then either play and have fun... or break their leg, and run off to a secure spot to watch their actions.

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Hi ! First post, will have the game in few days...

So if I understand good, everybody's shooting at everybody ? No mercy here ?

Dont trust anyone

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Reminds me of earlier that day as i was sniping from the roof of Cherno. (The big high building there)

We were 3 and someone spawned behind us.

For sure i shot him in the face as a welcome but....

What would you do? Would you open a dialogue with someone who just spawned next to you?

I care about my "life".

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If i see a player without a night vision ill say that he has to lower to weapon while im running around him, if i see one with night vision or at the day i try to sneak behind him and do the same if he sees me i shoot.

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Btw: @Raptorsangel: Was there a guy who just climbed up to you multiple times ? I just got shot down by the last member of a bandit group on that building about 2 hours ago and i just want my stuff back :)

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I'm started a few days ago and still I type in "friendly" whenever i see someone (don't have a mic). So far, it has work just once. The other times, people usually ignore me. Then I try to writte where they are so they are sure I'm talking to them (not telling my position). If there's no reply, I just wait untill they're gone. And I'm not unarmed. I have a 1911, Lee Enfield and an Alice pack filled with food, drinks and medicine. So I'm all set for recovering even if I'm shot, but not dead.

Today I did the same thing. I was on the outskirts of Electro, in a yard next to the gas station where those medical tents are. I saw two guys, armed. I hid and tried to communicate. No reply after 4 or 5 tries. They started searching for me, but stopped after a while and went their own way. That sh*t changed something in me, almost like a RL situation would. I saw one of those big chimneys or whatever those are. Thought maybe there is some loot there, and they're really high so I could see where I should go, since I don't have a map. I got up and heard shots. Saw a couple of guys running around me. I shot on of them. The other one ran away. Two more guys came and I shot them both.

When I killed the first guy the other one yelled "friendly". I wrote "help your friend, i won't shoot" (he still wasn't dead). Of course he didn't do it. I wrote that I thought they were two guys who were looking for me earlier, and that I won't kill him, and that he can help his friend or loot his body so he can give him his stuff back. The guy didn't reply, but left, and shortly after came back, peeking befind a wall in the direction where they though I was. I was behind him and killed him. He could have lived, and saved his friend's stuff, but he chose not to reply. I'm all about team work in this game, but when you get silence - shoot, don't think.

I wouldn't risk getting down from there and getting killed. I felt kinda bad at that moment, but I was alive and that is what matters.

Some people say this ruins game. Any guy from those groups could have seen me up there, with no cover to hide behind. I was aware of that the whole time. It's just a big difference I think. Someone who kills for fun, and someone who kills to survive.

I'll be sure to get a mic soon, and try to kill less people.

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if you see another player you best either run or take the first shot. the game has attracted the trigger happy that only want to kill other players. rocket said he is a carebear that wants to create rather than destroy.... no one can create in this game anymore. its filled with the insane.

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