joeasyrida 8 Posted July 25, 2012 Yea im not saying you will get PTSD from digital murder, i agree i feel no remorse gunning down people, but im not the guy to offer hey guys lets camp cherno for the lawls. Yeah i liked the skin change for humanity, did feel it was a bit touchy, kill one guy you are a bad man, isn't true.I thought since that was done and gone, i wouldn't revisit old experiments.However i see the majority of replies are from people reluctant to try new things, or "pros" deciding to give tips. If i wanted tips i would be in the New player sub form Mr two. I was not in the slightest bitching about pvp, but that is the only challenge this game has to offer and that is not even a challenge at all. I'm stating i like this game and what it has to offer in the future, i would like to help develop the game in a new direction, rather than have is fall in line with a traditional FPS. Anyho I'm gonna swap to a less hostile post to calm down the Raging PVP Zealots. Feel free to come by and drop a suggestion your input in appreciated Joeseasyrida!I was kinda being sarcastic about the first part and Im behind what your saying. I must have read your OP wrong because I had just gotten home from the eye doctor. I know exactly what your saying now and I beleive a solution must be found soon too before the game sinks deeper into a mmofps death match where you have to sometimes find a can of beans. I also want to sugest my idea on the forums but I want to think it over and get it tightened up to avoid as little of the PVP zealots as possible. but Ill drop by your new thread and mabey we will run across each other in game some time and hopefully not blow each others brains out. Good luck! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 175 Posted July 25, 2012 What i think is that a HUGE amount of players adopted the kill on sight attitude. Maybe because they suffered from it a lot, or maybe because they got bored without nothing better to do after many hours of gameplay.So trying to stop that from happening or even trying to make it happen a little less will cause them to start bitching here and there, so a change will be very difficult regarding this matter, because let's face it, most people (MOST PEOPLE, not everyone) that think everything is fine the way it is, are probably doing this all the time.Due to the lack of cooperation and even reasons to cooperate, even i killed a lot of people on sight just for fun. Why would i even bother wasting 1-2 hours going to the NWAF getting better equipment knowing that i may get killed there for no reason? Where would i go with that gear? Sometimes i rather stay in Cherno with my good ol' Lee Enfield sniping people with my buddies.We need a reason to cooperate, we need that feeling of reward that the bandits get when they kill someone for giggles, when we are cooperating too.That's what i think, instead of adding features to punish this kind of attitude, we need to think about ways to promote team play and cooperation, THAT is what i expect from the game, just my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
L0G!N (DayZ) 149 Posted July 25, 2012 Check the suggestions in my Sig, most of them are ideas to make this game harder and through that stimulate teamplay, while not making it entirely impossible for skilled players to choose and be bandits. Because i think bandits add a valuable other thread to this game. idiots with guns on the other hand, well they generally cause the kind of stuff that happened at the recent Batman release... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shade (DayZ) 5 Posted July 25, 2012 He ended the argument respectfully and you called him a retard. Maturity levels revealed."Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics; even if you win, you're still retarded."Why argue if your just going to debase yourself after saying nothing thats valid at all? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xximrtwoixx 104 Posted July 25, 2012 (edited) However i see the majority of replies are from people reluctant to try new things, or "pros" deciding to give tips. If i wanted tips i would be in the New player sub form Mr two. I was not in the slightest bitching about pvp, but that is the only challenge this game has to offer and that is not even a challenge at all. I'm stating i like this game and what it has to offer in the future, i would like to help develop the game in a new direction, rather than have is fall in line with a traditional FPS. Anyho I'm gonna swap to a less hostile post to calm down the Raging PVP Zealots. Feel free to come by and drop a suggestion your input in appreciated Joeseasyrida!Your thread is titled "simple deterence to Trigger happy COD fans and 'bandits'" and your proposal is to add a negative effect in game based on murders, based on the "problem" with kos/bandits/murder/cod kidies/shoot for lulz so yes you have an issue with pvp.This game is not falling in line with a traditional FPS, it is in a unique category based on its concept and your "new" direction from my perspective seems to be more of the same crap every other persistent game has in it. No other game has the combination of features Day Z has because main stream gamers can't handle the environment, open no rules sandbox, persistence, perma death, open pvp, and realisitc damage. I'm all for giving people ways to co-operate or other things to do than murder each other but features or content should never intentionaly hurt a play style. Edited July 25, 2012 by xXI Mr Two IXx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Etmer 24 Posted July 25, 2012 To be honest I don't like the idea, though I did like the idea of hearing gunshots around you. I don't think that people should be punished for killing too much. In fact I like it how it is. The tension stand-off with another player, who has a gun like you, the idea of a person betraying you does not give you paranoia in-game, but in real life. Its a type of immersion that makes this game great. It also makes cities impossible to become a shopping mall.I don't think bandits should be punished at all... even for my hatred for them they are a game mechanic. It's like removing Creepers from Minecraft, you hate them but it isn't the same with them gone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ribano 46 Posted July 25, 2012 the only way bandits should be detered is environment. triple the amount of zeds and any bandit is going to think twice about whether its really necersarry to shoot you.on the other hand your life is gonna be made harder too. good. why should you be given a free ride to prance around picking up loot all safe and sound anyway 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeromentor 169 Posted July 25, 2012 (edited) Well maybe i should change the Title since you guys seem to be guns up in defense over something that i am not even attacking. I have Zero issues with bandits or pvp. Maybe the part i stated earlier of you not reading everything still applies. I'm saying this game is too damn easy, i want game mechanics that strech beyond "oh man i am hungry", the onlt hardcore thing about this game ATM is permadeath, and thats not even that bed honestly. Like i said i can grab a lee in 2 mins and play a normal FPS in Cherno. You know, i would rather support new ideas then the conventional shoot em up game, hence im presenting them. I would like to see more traps, less obvious tents, making lean-tos, Checking can foods for pop lids (indicates Festering Bacteria), what you should be doing is adding not subtracting.If the system i orginally stated affects everyone then why are you saying it only punishes bandits? You should read what you said the Requirements for PTSD since you are such an expert, Extreme stress, Fatigue, being on a Battlefield, sounds like all those fit under a Zed apoc situation. Constantly under fire, Friends you love dieing around you, can not get more than 4 hours of sleep cuz you need to keep an eye out for hostile people. If you have a hard time reading my post, the least you can do is read your's.Intaking morphine at illregular periods and excessive use leads to addiction, Tolerance, or even death, people use these like candy in the game. But i guess you know better than to overdose, seeing you are such an expert on these things. Are we all perfect humans in this game? I want the game to give me a chance to make a choice and have consequences on both ends. Oh my i seem to broke my leg for the 3rd time, well i could take another morphine since i got 5 in my pack. I never feel the effects such as pain and broken legs in this game cuz i can grab and alice pack and hit up medic boxes all damn day to fix up after a firefight. punishing Bandits ingame is another issue, Shoot and D/c, 8/10 do that. The fact you can change your name at will, makes tracking impossible. Please read and/or think before you make an arguement like that.Glad you agree with the Blood trans, we shouldn't have magic potions that heal us to full in a matter of seconds. Im mostly Dedicated medic in my team and yeah no issues with broken legs or having anything short of 12k blood. I feel like the medic in BF with Defibs, no one dies as long as i get there.I didn't claim to be a professional, nor am I. But linking your own source is nice as I can do this, " In the presence of pain and the other disorders for which morphine is indicated, a combination of psychological and physiological factors tend to prevent true addiction from developing, although physical dependence and tolerance will develop with protracted opioid therapy."In other words, if you use in when you NEED it, no addiction. If you use it when you DON'T NEED it, addiction is very possible. Continued use, either because the pain doesn't go away and now the body requires it, or because you kept using it when the pain went away, you can become addicted. Tolerance is always possible with any drug to some degree.ALT+F4ing is an exploit which will be fixed in the future. Arguing that people can do that is pointless, as others hack. Should we build the game around the knowledge that people WILL use exploits and hacks to their advantage? No...This mod is a Sandbox Survival Mod for a military sim game, plus zombies. You should expect PvP, and due to it being a Sandbox mod you should expect different playstyles to be equally allowed within the boundries of the game (note: Hacking is outside those boundries). PvP exclusively is how some people want to play. I say let them. Just like how others avoid PvP at all costs.Also, Sanity meters have been asked for many, many, many times. Any search of such can find dozens of threads, all of which went nowhere. That means there is little to no support from the Dev team, and that such a thing will not be implemented unless they completely change their ideas for this mod. Part of that is in my SIG. I'm telling you to investigate and learn to read.Anyhow, who said my character ingame doesn't get 10 hours of sleep? And from what I can hear, my character is already a little messed up. Twigs cracking that aren't there. Gates openning. Noises in the wind. He is already showing signs of stress. But you are obviously a professional on the matter, so arguing with your education from the great Wikipedia University is pointless. Edited July 25, 2012 by Zeromentor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psyl3nt 125 Posted July 25, 2012 ha yeah im so bad at this game that i want to make it harder. that makes sense. please don't waste your time on these posts, you are way too pro for us if you can assume i suck at a game because i suggest reactions to careless actions, minimal intervention that it is noticable but does not affect you aim nor stats. and when your humanity goes up, your conditions go away, it is a deterance for people to grab a lee and sit in cherno. You are not pro nor cute, more or less a waste of space. You commit murders or mass murder (get them killstreaks cuz ur pro), im sure you will feel remorse or grief, i don't see why you are so close minded on testing new things.last time i waste my time with you "uber pro" bunch that claims murder is banditry, try looking up a word once before you use it :) Say something with meaning and an actual concept vs your thoughts on how much of a noob or carebear you think I am. You could give me a laugh and threaten me with an AS50 tho, funny stuff, big talk from a man that hides in a bush and camps.I do all those things ? wow, I never knew....In all the time I've played this mod, I have "murdered" about 3 people. You have missed the entire point of my original post, which was in relation to your mention of "trigger happy COD fans" - saying that you have the delusion that anyone who kills someone else in this game or more specifically anyone who kills YOU "must" be a COD player because well, just because ! . . . . . My comment was stating that you must suck at CoD and got upset and butthurt in that game so you blame that playerbase for things you don't like in this one.You carry on about others not being "closed minded" but there it is in your topic, that identifies you immediately as some nub who is going to cry no matter what the game is or what the mechanics of it are. This is DayZ, making suggestions is fine, but attempting to berate others for voicing their disagreement is again indicitive of yourself being the "closed minded" one.Most here are happy with rockets advances in the game, PvP from what I understand is a major part of his idea, we cannot expect total realism because it detracts from the game experience, but where it's possible it's good to have, when you shoot someone in real life you do not "change", it would be a one in a million that shooting someone would cause some mental disorder, especially when faced with a zombie apocolypse where bloodshed and death are a daily encounter.If your going to lose your mind over shooting a person, then you won't last very long when you walk into a town and see zombies feasting on the rotten carcass of their latest kill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shade (DayZ) 5 Posted July 26, 2012 i am for making the game harder, but punishing pvping is wrongthere was a bandit marker once, and the problem was people got identified bandits though they did no bandit acts, like self defense or rightfull reactions (saying someone to lower his gun, he doesnt -> shoot him)the game just cant track social interactions right, live with itI understand the people who are just defending themselves turned into bandits.Therefore since the system can "log" info, then in my opinion there should be one where as ifa player got attacked by another player, the player who got attacked should have at least a set time to kill the attacker or just be able to without punishment because the system logged that Mr.A attacked Mr.B, either it be axe to guns to nades. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicraM 137 Posted July 26, 2012 Do Do DoDoDo...Manana Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidcactus 719 Posted July 26, 2012 Yes my ego needs a boost so I make it seem like something I don't like in this game, must be caused by others from "another" game I suck at . . . .haha what ? makes some sence sonny.. general ideas i had was hearing ghostsounds like opening soda cans or as much as hearing gunshots around you. I would like input or altered concepts, but i think this should be close and sublte to what PTSD does IRL. Just giving a deterance to not be a gunwielding idiot that calls himself a "bandit".This is actually a pretty good idea i like it ... however it would have to be done very right ! :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psyl3nt 125 Posted July 26, 2012 haha what ? makes some sence sonny..Reading and comprehension not a stong point round here eh . . . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SStriker 0 Posted July 26, 2012 (edited) VERY different planes, in terms of, I actually state a fact and you don't, you spew shit out of your ass that has nothing to do with anything that we were discussing or anything thats relevant to the point of discussion.I can see your passive attitude already because I showed you how retarded you actually are.Please point out these facts and the stated references of where you retrieved them and their accompanying research to prove them.The point that he was originally making is that there is no difference between the mentality that shooting survivors results in PTSD while shooting infected is completely fine, he was talking in a philosophical sense that there's no way that it could be proved that the infected aren't capable of higher thinking and aren't just controlled by a blood lust that the infection caused. In short zombies are humans too.Adding anything to deter PvP would ruin the game and make it easier if anything, if we all got along with each other and just killed zombies, shared supplies and guns, what use would there be for the game, you may as well go outside and start a peace protest. It would become a social experience rather than something you do to play as a game and may as well just become a Facebook group. Half the fun is running around finding gear, getting into gunfights, dying to random bugs and zombies or being shot by a bandit to fuel their escapades with your supplies. As I saw someone else say on these forums, "dead and diced is the way of all players, nothing on your character is yours, you're just minding it for the guy who kills you." (I did take some liberties on editing it so that it was as close to proper English as I can get it). The rest is in the atmosphere of knowing that at any time no matter how careful you are, you may still be shot by some guy who found a DMR.Wether you like it or not, in a 'real' apocalyptic scenario there will be people that will kill others just because they might have something, anyone who denies it really doesn't pay much attention to the news as it happens already in today's society when there's even less of a reason for it. Edited July 26, 2012 by SStriker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkL 0 Posted July 26, 2012 I think there is two aspect of why so many people chose the path of bandit. Economical and social.1. Economical, there is not much of a cost for a bandit. It is a few bullets, which there are so many ammo spawn in houses and zombie corpses.2. Social, basicly, You probably don't need another person alive. Have another person alive next to you will only thin out the loot and you possibly would not get any help from them anyway.And to solve the problem I would purpose this, but i can't really see this get implemented: Reducing the spawning of ammoIt is for realistic reason as well, as the production of the ammo would have halted and the people who used to own the ammo would have used it for self defense before turning into a zombie. It should be quite hard to find any ammo at all. Now in dayz you could get so many ammo even in residential area, in farms a gun spawn with at lease a clip of ammo sometimes 2-3 and it spawn a few times a day. In my opinion there should be much much less spawning of ammo.But as I said before, I don't see this being implemented because there are so many people playing for the shooting aspect more than the survival aspect of this mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shade (DayZ) 5 Posted July 26, 2012 (edited) Please point out these facts and the stated references of where you retrieved them and their accompanying research to prove them.Read my posts again and you will find the facts."The point that he was originally making is that there is no difference between the mentality that shooting survivors results in PTSD while shooting infected is completely fine, he was talking in a philosophical sense that there's no way that it could be proved that the infected aren't capable of higher thinking and aren't just controlled by a blood lust that the infection caused. In short zombies are humans too."Of course in a philosophical sense you can't prove it, that's why we turn to the idea that this mod has gotten suggestion from which is 28 Days Later."In short zombies are humans too." No shit Sherlock? Do you really see things that black and white all the time? Of course they are humans technically, but in regarding to the idea of "zombie" they went through a metamorphosis in which losing all humanity because they died and now only the Reptilian part of the brain is active. That's like looking at a catepillar turn into a butterfly and say well in short they are catepillar, of course they are but now they are a butterfly."Adding anything to deter PvP would ruin the game and make it easier if anything, if we all got along with each other and just killed zombies, shared supplies and guns, what use would there be for the game, you may as well go outside and start a peace protest. It would become a social experience rather than something you do to play as a game and may as well just become a Facebook group. Half the fun is running around finding gear, getting into gunfights, dying to random bugs and zombies or being shot by a bandit to fuel their escapades with your supplies. As I saw someone else say on these forums, "dead and diced is the way of all players, nothing on your character is yours, you're just minding it for the guy who kills you." (I did take some liberties on editing it so that it was as close to proper English as I can get it). The rest is in the atmosphere of knowing that at any time no matter how careful you are, you may still be shot by some guy who found a DMR."You act as if I want NO pvp at all, PvP is good but the loss of the bandit outfit and people reading and quoting Rocket saying he won't punish for being a bandit, created a KoS mentality for everybody and theres no way of making a group. Seeing a bandit and KoS is fine because you know he has a KoS mentality therefore becoming a bandit. With the bandit system back and more zombies, it may encourage players to group together thus lowering the amount of KoS trolls."Wether you like it or not, in a 'real' apocalyptic scenario there will be people that will kill others just because they might have something, anyone who denies it really doesn't pay much attention to the news as it happens already in today's society when there's even less of a reason for it."Of course there will be people killing others for something, whether it be a apocalypse or a zombie apocalypse. But in a zombie apocalypse people have a common enemy, therefore the will to survive together increases because dont forget, Humans are social beings.And no, there isn't a less of a reason for it because everything matters in today's society, in a apocalyptic setting nothing would really matter except surviving in a primitive way of hunting and gathering, instead of today's meaning of "survival" which is getting a job and etc. Edited July 26, 2012 by Shade Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
captainwaffles 41 Posted September 27, 2012 Oh I have an idea not killing turns you into a giant vagina thats immobile and can only whine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites