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Hackers Read up.

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Congratulations you've done it again, yet another great game ruined to people that have zero skill and enjoy spoiling games.

I'm 21 and over my years of gaming I can't bring myself to understand why people cheat, in a game like this its like shooting fish in a barrel. I blame the fact that there's little to no anti-hack measures, correct me if I'm wrong but that's the way it seems. I joined a clan and they were a bunch of hackers that speed hacked can pin point your location and any tents vehicals they want on the entire map.

Not only do you have to worry about in-game Bugs and Zombies but hackers too. I'm starting to leave gaming and getting back into sports at least cheaters in real life can get what's coming to them.

Who creates these hacks I'd have to suggest the DayZ mod creators!

Why, because hacks can be purchased for a fee from a website that will again remain unnamed. Considering the DayZ mod creators don't make money off this sweet idea they sell cheats. Again correct me if I'm wrong that just makes sense.

Hackers keep it up, at the end of the day you still have no sex no parties no job just your hairy right hand, so go fuck yourselves.

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Jesus christ, who pissed in your beans?

Rocket, apparently.

Let's spend a thousand working hours to make a fun game just so we can SHIT ON EVERYONE HAHA AMAZING PLAN ROCKET LET'S GET HIGH.

Edited by TheBadger
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Thats actually a good idea. Sell the hacks, get money, get the IP from the buy, then ban the IP on the DayZ servers.

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Who creates these hacks I'd have to suggest the DayZ mod creators!

Hacks for DayZ are actually hacks for Arma2.

They have been out for Arma2 for a LONG TIME, Long before DayZ surfaced.


DayZ Staff makes hacks for DayZ back when Arma2 came out.

Seems Legit

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This is a usual assumption when a hack wave is predominately bad. That the developers are somehow behind the unknown individuals that are selling the cheats.

Its pretty much 100% unfounded. Rocket has a better potential profit on this entire idea if he protects it, not if he exploits it in the short term, any developer would be smart enough to see that.

But its not uncommon for people to start believing that the hacks are a product of the developers selling the hacks simply to make money, then more return profit on new unit sales when they go through and ban the hackers.

I doubt the hack suites have made more than a few thousand dollars at best, and to be honest Rocket's intellectual property here is worth quite a bit more than that.

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If I were to cheat in sports, I would get a 15 minute time-out/removed from the game. If I were to cheat in DayZ, I would have to buy a new copy of the game ($30).

People who use cheats know the risks they take and what happens if they get caught.

Also, they WILL get caught at one point or another.

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Hello man,

You're right, hackers suck. I'm with you 100% on that.

However, I don't think the Dayz team would risk the possible income generated by Standalone DayZ VS the small amount of money made by these hacker sites.

More people play fair than cheat.

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Haters gonna hate. And if he's a fan boy he's gonna hate for no reason and come to the quickest conclusion ever....makes em' sound stupid

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Hmmm....DayZ coders make DayZ for free , Get greedy and make hacks to piss their loyal fans off while at the same time giving said hackers more "Lolz" to fap to....Interesting...I shall have to ponder on this...

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Check behind the grassy knoll..there was a second shooter..

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I think a lot of the comments above are ignorant to the true number of hackers. Currently there are about 35,000 people playing online right now. Of that I'd suggest at the very least 1,000 people own hacks and that's way underestimating it. From what I've been told hacks cost about $30, that's $30,000 made from just one hand full of people.

I don't blame the developers for making hacks I just wish they'd sell the game rather then the cheats. If it was a third party creating the hacks the DayZ mod creators would have taken the site in question to court for interfering with their product which is against the law.

Also if this thread gets closed that's a tell tale sign.

Edited by xRyan99

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I'd suggest at the very least 1,000 people own hacks and that's way underestimating it.

Provide facts, because if you are gonna talk out of your ass so is everyone else.

And no the Arma 2 hacks are not the same.

Yes, they are. There might be some 'types' of hacks that work specifically for DayZ and not Arma2... but if you knew the first thing about the servers you'd know that DayZ runs off of Arma2 servers and connects to a DayZ HIVE.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin

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I think a lot of the comments above are ignorant to the true number of hackers. Currently there are about 35,000 people playing online right now. Of that I'd suggest at the very least 1,000 people own hacks and that's way underestimating it. From what I've been told hacks cost about $30, that's $30,000 made from just one hand full of people. And no the Arma 2 hacks are not the same.

Your own estimates do not count as a valid source. I'm sorry. It just doesn't. You are bringing nothing to the table that is supported by anything. All of it is flagrant speculation and worse yet, you're making accusations of people you do not know anything about. You get hurt by some hackers, so you think it's okay to accuse people of sabotage? With no evidence and just guess work?

Man up, you've got nothing. Go into an Irish Pub and accuse a stranger for beating their wife and see how eager you are to start pointing fingers.

if this thread gets closed that's a tell tale sign.


That's like Multiplying 0 by 10.

Edited by TheBadger

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I think a lot of the comments above are ignorant to the true number of hackers. Currently there are about 35,000 people playing online right now. Of that I'd suggest at the very least 1,000 people own hacks and that's way underestimating it. From what I've been told hacks cost about $30, that's $30,000 made from just one hand full of people. And no the Arma 2 hacks are not the same.

Perhaps , those numbers may or may not be correct , i am not pulling an asshole move and say'ing there is no bigfoot just because i have never seen one. but to go off the wall and claim that DayZ itself is behind it is alot like claiming that Avast peddles trojan horses on the side to bump up profit. That being said you have your right to your opinion , as do we all.

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I think a lot of the comments above are ignorant to the true number of hackers. Currently there are about 35,000 people playing online right now. Of that I'd suggest at the very least 1,000 people own hacks and that's way underestimating it. From what I've been told hacks cost about $30, that's $30,000 made from just one hand full of people.

I don't blame the developers for making hacks I just wish they'd sell the game rather then the cheats. If it was a third party the DayZ mod creators would have taken the site in question to court for interfering with their product which is against the law.

Also if this thread gets closed that's a tell tale sign.

they could easy start a kickstarter and make probally a million+ they're are totally not selling hacks.. idiot.

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Man up, you've got nothing. Go into an Irish Pub and accuse a stranger for beating their wife and see how eager you are to start pointing fingers.

You sir are a troll. :facepalm:

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Not sure if OP is trolling or not.. <_<

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You sir are a troll. :facepalm:

No, I'm not even trolling you. I'm just suffocating because all the air is being sucked out of me from this warped black hole of a conspiricy theory.

Edited by TheBadger
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Not sure if OP is trolling or not.. <_<

Pretty sure OP is just upset and ranting.

Still doesn't excuse him for his lack of facts or proof.

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You sir are a troll. :facepalm:

Accuses mod creator of selling hacks for profit.

Calls someone else a troll.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the internet.

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they could easy start a kickstarter and make probally a million+ they're are totally not selling hacks.. idiot.

Look at the numbers as I posted above they probably already have made a million off hacks.

Guys I've been gaming for over 15 years, game creators make cheats for games whys this so crazy they've done it for consol games dating back to N-64 with the game shark are you fuck'en new?

Edited by xRyan99

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Who creates these hacks I'd have to suggest the DayZ mod creators!


Just no.



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Guys I've been gaming for over 15 years, game creators make cheats for games whys this so crazy they've done it for consol games dating back to N-64 with the game shark are you fuck'en new?

Again, Proof Bro. Trying to compare the Game Genie to DayZ is laughable.

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