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10 murders in 7 minutes

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So, me & my buddy were camping in the treeline of elektro, each kitted out with AS50's, M4A1 CCO SD's and Ghillie Suits.

And while we were watching the city we see 2 guys on a hill, so as one is running I zero in and hit him in the head, while the other guy is trying to prone over to his body I shoot him in the torso.

While our 3rd friend went to loot them we spot 2 others in the fire station, while I was relocating my friend took them out, 4 down between us.

So while I was watching the hospital I see someone, zero in, and fire hitting him straight up then I see someone in the office/school and fire, I miss and he runs off the roof into one of the rooms and I shoot through the window and he dies.

Another 2 players head up to the hill where I killed the other players, and one of them is oblivious to the other who was a bandit sneaking up on him with a hatchet and starts hacking away, I shoot her and then aim at the near dead player and shoot him.

Then 2 more players run into the Supermarket while my friend is in there, I snipe one of them and he shoots the other.

9 Murders & 1 Bandit kill in 7 minutes, fuck yea.

I've been up north, unchallenged on a server with 50 people on, It's boring.

And I camp elektro only to kill the armed, if you shoot any unarmed or hatchet wielding players then I agree you must be sad.

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I kill everyone on sight, unarmed and armed.

Why unarmed you say? Because it gives me great amusement knowing that they're probably raging and have to endure the loading screens again.

That is all.

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So you know the definition of bandit then right? No.

Bandit implies that one steals and holds up, in which NO bandit in Dayz does, maybe from not having the capacity to or just from survivors saying "ZOMG HES GON TAKE MAH L00T" *Alt + F4*

So good sir, are YOU a bandit? No.

Iam absolutely a "bandit" ,however iam not a respawn killer because it yeilds no returns IE loot off the player. in Dayz the bandit kills for the gear he gets fom a player. IF you snipe in elektro I know your not looting them cause youd be to affraid to go loot the kill which is also something I know.

Edited by Jerry Gruszecki

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