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US 454 - 40+ Tents Full Of Weapons/Equipment/Ammo/Supplies

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First off.. all servers are clan servers/hosted by clans... I love how because of this you automatically assume it is the admins/clan of the server that are cheating.

Second.. your supposed "proof" proved nothing. Your proof consisted of screenshots of tents with crap loot and a picture of a car. Awesome job. You sure nailed those hackers.

Lets stop this witch hunt already and get back to playing Dayz or in your case running around your house doing lame training exercises >_>

Ahhh...... I see you edited your comment. Well guess what? you made another mistake. Yep. I'm just going sit and let you think about what you did wrong. Well I guess I'll give you clue because in fact you did fail to notice it in the first place. What else is on this page APART from the topic comment? Noticed it yet?

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Not wanting to pick holes, but I'm gonna anyway :)

If 'all the stuff' in the tents was moved on the third day, how come there's gear in them on the screenshots (dated 17th) 2 days after you 'discover' them on 15th (refer to first ss).

Secondly having played on this server a lot, and being the little explorer I am, those screenshots look nothing like any base camp I know of (and I know of a lot of them) on that server, let alone the one by the dam.

Thirdly you keep referencing another thread in your post, which if you bothered to read the thread the OP withdrew his accusation, ya might wanna do more research next time you look for evidence.

Thank you and have a nice day :)

Edited by Hiptu

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however when a tent dupes there is nothing we can do about it.

oh please you exploiter. if you know the tents dupe, then why do you stack tents on top of each other and put the gear in it? you are doing it cause you know they dupe.

i could understand having a tent or two and then getting dupes, but having tents stacked over other tents is a clear sign of knowing about duping and how it works, and taking advantage of it.

this is exactly why i tell poeple to avoid clan owned servers.

clan mentality: we form a group to have an advantage, we dupe tents to have an advantage, we own a server to have an advantage. basically the whole psychology of making a clan and being in one is having advantages over others, and unfortunately most clans don't set any boundaries to those advantages.

Edited by Ganjastar

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I think all the tents, will respwan the loot after server restart.. so i think its duped..

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Not wanting to pick holes, but I'm gonna anyway :)

If 'all the stuff' in the tents was moved on the third day, how come there's gear in them on the screenshots (dated 17th) 2 days after you 'discover' them on 15th (refer to first ss).

Secondly having played on this server a lot, and being the little explorer I am, those screenshots look nothing like any base camp I know of (and I know of a lot of them) on that server, let alone the one by the dam.

Thirdly you keep referencing another thread in your post, which if you bothered to read the thread the OP withdrew his accusation, ya might wanna do more research next time you look for evidence.

Thank you and have a nice day :)

Me and Williamz (i am his friend) had recently went back there some days later after we found the tents were empty. We found that there was new loot in the tents but not as good as it was before just meds and some tools, the best thing in the tents at that time was an ak-47 thats why the picture is differently dated. Anyway after they found us there they obviously moved all the high tier loot and moved it to another location and just use that as a sort of "staging area". BTW there where also more vechicles such a jeep and bus in the area that where also fairly well stacked.


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This sums up your entire comment right there. You have a stickman argument and it's walking on one leg and has no arms. The person you quoted his the nail on the head, perfect square on comment about how stupid you were to try to throw accusations around when you have little to no proof at all. Kindly fuck off until you can provide some actual proof!

Edited by Dylan748

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This sums up your entire comment right there. You have a stickman argument and it's walking on one leg and has no arms. The person you quoted his the nail on the head, perfect square on comment about how stupid you were to try to throw accusations around when you have little to no proof at all. Kindly fuck off until you can provide some actual proof!

someone got offended

(Stop Trolling)


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Nobody gives a fuck about who you clan-people are or whether you or someone else spawned the items.

Fact is, you're using that shit.

grow a pair? (:

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This sums up your entire comment right there. You have a stickman argument and it's walking on one leg and has no arms. The person you quoted his the nail on the head, perfect square on comment about how stupid you were to try to throw accusations around when you have little to no proof at all. Kindly fuck off until you can provide some actual proof!

Are you in another dimension? Go look at my first reply on the topic. I'm sick of replying to people like you and that guy, already. I KNOW this isn't FULL PROOF, IT IS HALF PROOF of what I reported. This will be here UNTIL someone else provides MORE PROOF as MINE is insufficient. IF they have stopped duplicating then there will be NOTHING FOR ANYONE TO POST/REPORT about this server and the topic will be BURRIED in the forums like it never happened. Unless this is DIGGED BACK UP for reasons RELATED TO IT. Understand now?

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Not wanting to pick holes, but I'm gonna anyway :)

If 'all the stuff' in the tents was moved on the third day, how come there's gear in them on the screenshots (dated 17th) 2 days after you 'discover' them on 15th (refer to first ss).

Secondly having played on this server a lot, and being the little explorer I am, those screenshots look nothing like any base camp I know of (and I know of a lot of them) on that server, let alone the one by the dam.

Thirdly you keep referencing another thread in your post, which if you bothered to read the thread the OP withdrew his accusation, ya might wanna do more research next time you look for evidence.

Thank you and have a nice day :)

The high Tier weapons was moved from the location or had been taken before the time I took the screenshots. Yes I know, it does sound like too much of a coincidence but what can I do. I also don't understand why the forum admin moved the topic I linked. I'm sure you find the link HERE.

Edited by Williamz

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You guys are going ape nuts over a problem in an alpha game that simply needs to be fixed. This is one of those times where 'it's alpha' actually works. The game this, fairness that, who cares who duped the crap. Report the duping process and wait for an update and move on with your lives.

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My friends and I have had our tents spawn. It sucks when you find a nice hiding spot for it and it is barely visible then come back the next day and there are 2 more stacked on top of or near the one you put up. I did not know picking it up would leave a "shadow" tent behind, will have to make sure we get the placement right the first time from now on. I did see something similar happen with a bear trap. My buddy found one, our first and decided to check it out. He put it down, tripped it, reset it then picked it up. He put it down to see if I could trip it, reset it and pick it up.. I could. So he grabbed it and put it in his pack. As he crossed the spot where it had been placed he got caught in its "shadow" that was left behind. So some of this might be intentional, but it is not always.

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I'm sure you find the link HERE.

*psst* that's the same link :)

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With 50ish clan members all making tents and having 30 people using one camp if 5 people where to pack their tents to move location on server restart 5 tents will just dupe. Its how it works. We can't avoid it.

Soon there will most likely be a wipe when the duping issue is fixed or it might not be fixed till standalone.

The QQ of you guys is unreal.

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I feel like I'm in 5th grade again reading this bullshit, hey OP, were you the little rat fuck in school that tattled on everyone? We dont cheat, we dont ghost, and we sure as shit dont hack. Go find someone else to bother.

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Nobody gives a fuck about who you clan-people are or whether you or someone else spawned the items.

Fact is, you're using that shit.

grow a pair? (:

Yawn.. Go make me a sandwich.

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OP you are so funny, if you don't like our server stop playing on it

I invite everybody to go play on our server and see for yourself, many people that play on our server keep coming back for some reason and if we do hack/cheat would there not be a hell of a lot more people posting about it.

You know what OP i invite you to join our guild and play with us and see for yourself and if you won't stop accusing us with this bullshit please(and this is asking nicely)


Edited by moglorn

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I don't get why you guys are so damn hostile to the OP. Cheat reporting forum.. He thought he seen cheating and reported it.. If he's wrong, then he's wrong but is it really necessary to come in here "YOU ISH TRASH, WE EREN'T CHEATERSH! DIS IS BURLSHERT!"? All it really took was someone explaining why the stuff was duping and why the tents were stacking and the OP was just asking more questions. He was trying to learn. If I had stumbled into what he did, I probably would have assumed the same thing, as would the majority of you, had you not known how it happened.

Dez and zolfo seem like some pretty upstanding guys. The rest of you are making your clan look like it's full of high schoolers who can't control their emotions. Seriously, just take some blood pressure medicine and chill before you stroke out on us.

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If you read all of the replies we tryed to explain it to the OP but he keeps insisting that we cheat so i ask ya what is your problem when we just trying to defend our guild, we care about our guild we are more a group of friends and i will always stand up for my friends so i ask again what gives you the right come in here and judge us you dont know us you have not played with us,

people who accuse us of cheating are making us look bad NOT our responses to it.

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If you read all of the replies we tryed to explain it to the OP but he keeps insisting that we cheat so i ask ya what is your problem when we just trying to defend our guild, we care about our guild we are more a group of friends and i will always stand up for my friends so i ask again what gives you the right come in here and judge us you dont know us you have not played with us,

people who accuse us of cheating are making us look bad NOT our responses to it.

What are you even talking about? He even apologized because he insulted zolfo and he didn't mean to. And after zolfo and Dez started posting, he seemed to understand what was going on and was having a friendly conversation with them before the rest of your clan got a raging hard on and started attacking. He even admits it's not full proof against you guys, but "half proof" and if no one else posted, the topic would be buried in the forums like none of this ever happened.

As for what gives me the right to come in here and judge you guys, this being a public forum does. The clan behavior (outside of zolfo and Dez who sound like they're actually pretty decent guys) is telling me enough about you that I don't have to play with you. Imagine how this thread would have looked had it just been zolfo and Dez explaining what was going on and him realizing his error without the rest of your clan popping a Viagra and going to town on him. While it's admirable to stand up for your friends, it's not admirable to gang up on a guy who was misinformed and beat a dead horse after the issue was resolved.The guy accusing you of cheating figured out what the deal with the tents were and YOU would not continue making your clan look like it was run by a bunch of 16 year olds (again, not at zolfo or Dez because like I said, you guys were clear and concise with your posts and gave us the information we needed. if you guys are the clan leaders, you're good ones).

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well kudoes for finding that camp. yes we wer moving it when you first saw it. no we were not hacking or anything there was actually a duping bug with tents. anything that in a tent when the server restarts is accidently duped. and the duped tents cannot be removed. as one of the leaders of the guild hacking/purposeful exploiting is not allowed. however when a tent dupes there is nothing we can do about it.

thats why you found so much items. and our guild is not just 10-15 people its more like 30-45. we are spread all over the map and find all kinds of goodies, mostly from crashed choppers. so getting that cool stuff isnt hard for us but keeping it is so we tend to get large stockpiles.

also its neat to hear from someone we considered enemy and most likely your the cause of us moving the camp. hope to hear more from ya

As a common member to the 454 server I can say i and a few others have Raided what we know of to be SIco camp sites for at least a month now. We have had a glorious battle at the dam site one night where I blew up there sedan (and me with it) we threw glowsticks everywhere and it was a great firefight. we also found another site where we killed a sico member and blew up there bus, and stole there pick up and UAZ. it has been great fun. I have been killed in my own camp after stealing a ural with various high end items and our camps were empty on return, I love our miny battles!

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