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Sniped by a winchester...

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So I was at NW Airfield with a winchest 1866 :D I saw a guy on top of a roof sniping others with his AS50. I aim down my winchester and shoot twice. Both hit him and he is dead :D. I was around 100yards-200yards away. It was insane. I aimed it up around an half an inch due to bullet drop. Hit him :D. I went to go get the stuff but then I was shot :3. Anyways just saying that the winchester kicks ass.

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The thing is insane! To be honest I'd rather have it than a ak47 or something close to that :P

I like the Winchester too, but i LOVE the Lee Enfield. It has a higher range and does more damage compared to the Winchester. Also it seems i'm not seeing too many Winchesters around, and the bullets, so it's been a while since i got my hands on one.

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The winchester is a great starting weapon before you find the better higher teir military weapons.

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Did the same thing the other day in Cherno. Two bandits had killed another and were looting. I shot one and he went down immediately. The shot back but I went behind a wall and shot again. Both dead. 1 had an AKM and the other and M1014. Winchester forever

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Definelly winchester is a good gun. But the enfield is a delicious gun to use. This guns feel likes old shoot outs. But when you got only a bean, a bandaid and a wenfield, with only 10 shots in the magazine, and you spend only 3 shots to kill 3 gys with mordern warfare loot, you instanly fall in love with you re baby, because the rush you get, knowing you has only 1 shot in every 2 seconds and you need to take the time.

Also only one shot because they were running in the middle of the zeleno and i let the zombies eat them up :) because i had so few bullets i decide to not waste in unconscious individuals. Unfortunately i died to the axe murder that appear from nowwhere when i was looting the last one :(

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sorry about that...

had an axe, saw some loot. happened to be in the way...

did see quite a battle though.

Edited by Sythe179

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Proud WinSniper here :D! Most of my kills have been killing other fresh spawns along the coast whenever I find an 1886 in a barn.

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I like the Winchester too, but i LOVE the Lee Enfield. It has a higher range and does more damage compared to the Winchester. Also it seems i'm not seeing too many Winchesters around, and the bullets, so it's been a while since i got my hands on one.

Bad luck? Seems like every barn I visit has one laying around :/.

Edited by Stompopolos

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sorry about that...

had an axe, saw some loot. happened to be in the way...

did see quite a battle though.

Yeah too bad I was shot. I see you posting this all over the forums hoping to get some beans. You're annoying as fuck. Please stop :)

Edited by Beaker

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Proud WinSniper here :D! Most of my kills have been killing other fresh spawns along the coast whenever I find an 1886 in a barn.

You're a dick

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You're a dick

I don't mean unarmed fresh fresh spawns, but Cherno/Balota looters with Enfields, 1911's, etc. I don't hunt them down, but I KOS anyone who is nearby and armed.

Edited by Stompopolos

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