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Did i do a survivor dirty????

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Well heres the back story, me and my brother were communicating via steam voice chat, we met up at the medical tents outside of the South hangars near Balota. After looting the Deer stand/ Guard towers (yes the towers, there is usually a goldmine of military weps in there by the way) we decided to head to the hangers.

this is where shit gets tricky, my bro heads to the southern most hanger and i take the northern most; i pop out and see a survivor with a cz, i had the m4a1. i saw it in his eyes, there was hunger for my nice m4a1! he was jelly of that bad boy.

I yell to my brother over Steam voice chat "dude dude DUDE SHIT SHIT SHIT SURVIVOR LOOOK SAM LOOOK DUUUUDE FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK" my brother in his confused scared shitless state sees the survivor next to me and notices i start to bleed.

zombie walked up behind me and the dude didn't tell me, wtf bro, wtf!

my brother sees another survivor and lights him up with his Lee Enfield (see fog horn) waking up every zed two decrepit ex soviet states over, i quickly dispatch of the zombie and run into the hanger, the survivor follows. at this point ive switched from revolver to m4a1 and rip the guy a new bellybutton, nose, eye socket, asshole, urethra, and ear. it hits me; I've killed people in games before but this one hurt!

i say "shit sorry guys" and then steal his beans, why did i steal his beans?? well everyone else does, thats why.

did i do him dirty?? i felt really bad and left all his shit INCLUDING his map.

tl;dr killed two dudes because of zombie left all their gear on bodies and apologized.

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Not dirty, just another part of the game and why it is so great. It confronts you with the humanity behind killing others - in regular "shooters" you don't think about the other players you kill, since in your eyes they are the baddies and they need to go. Here, it's the zeds that are after you. Other survivors might just be ordinary people like you, just trying to survive one day at a time.

Feeling sorry for shooting someone is a feeling need to discover yet, as to date I've only killed zeds that managed to track me down despite my precautions. I hope to feel that way though, it'll give me another persepective on the game and another confirmation of the reason I started playing it.

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Yeah, you're in the clear dude. It just feels shitty when you're just trying to survive among your peers but find yourself faced with the reality that you will have to murder someone at one point. As I mentioned in another post, I had to kill an AFK Survivor so I could get his water bottle and prevent myself from dying of thirst. I couldn't wait, it was dark, he had lit up a flare and was standing by the beach. He wasn't responding to text and I was losing blood fast. One bullet to the back of the head with my Winchester and the deed was done. I did what I had to survive but that doesn't mean I'm not sorry about it.

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You can, at the first point of contact, assume that everyone you meet is an enemy. Ala; Deathmatch. Unlike Deathmatch games, most people in DayZ wont open up on the person as soon as they see them. They lock eyes, have a thousand situations run through their mind then back away as quickly as possible. All the while reluctant to open up on the other guy who might just want to crack your skull open and steal your beans (In your backpack, not your skull. If it's the former then he's a Zed).

I love DayZ for that reason. Such a strong reluctance to shoot another play, who at the end of the day if we're honest, will have no impact on my personal life once I walk away from the PC. It's crazy.

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Yeah I killed my first player last night felt terrible even though he tried to kill me.

It was night and I saw a flare that wasnt mine near a town so I asked on chat who it was. Got no response. So in a quiet are I set of sprinting towards it and just as I almost get there someone to my left blindly starts firing shots off.

I suspect he's new the way he's spraying everywhere but he manages to catch me with one, so I drop down and get back to the darkness. I bandage myself up and try and tell him I'm friendly and still no response.

From the darkness I toss a couple flares to where he was and sure enough he's still there looking all round. I try one last time but still no response so I take him out. I was panicking that much it ended in a messy firefight but he went down.

My heart was racing afterwords, I felt like I was shaking. I honestly don't think I've had a more powerful reaction in gaming ever. Of all the ten of thousands of kills I've done in video games I don't remember any quite having the same impact. This game really does evoke an emotional response.

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well hopefully when i get on tonight i dont have to light anyone up, time to head to nw airfield for some NVG's. ive decided to become a bandit rapist, i rape bandits and such.

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i know i am more of the guy that wouldn't shoot a survivor if not necessary, but it sure as hell felt good when a bandit sniper took out 2 of my teammates, not knowing that i was on overwatch and capped him right after.

Too bad we had 2 casulties, but they were new in the game and survived allready way too long for their first game and after all i avenged them nicely :)

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