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A Bush killed me

No Respawn button now? /sigh

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This change is not welcome at all. It is already hard enough to find your friend you want to play with. Games should support playing with others, not torture you for trying. If this stays in the current build we need to have at least a map when we spawn. People will just quit out of frustration trying to find their friends. This is bad game/mod design imo.

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is this really happening? 'cause if so, there needs to be a suicide option if your character has any kind of weapon, or a hunting knife. it's bullshit that i could have a revolver and not be allowed to kill myself whenever i want in a sandbox game.

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Why? The respawn button is not a tool for you to find your favored spawn point.

Look at the text at the bottom right when you first load, under Chernarussia it will name your closest landmark. Use the online map and find your friends, no in game map needed and now people cannot exploit the respawn button (which btw stresses out the server). Win/Win

Edited by jackcrow
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I'm at college, so I can't tell if trolling or not. If he isn't and this is legit, it is not a welcome change. Respawn is an expoit when trying to get your favored spawn point, but when you get stuck (Which is EXTREMELY likely in Alpha,) I can say with certainty that more people will be getting stuck without the ability to get out with the respawn option.

Better hope some zombies hear your gunshots. And thats another thing, the poster above said "Just let the zombies eat you."

I'm okay with this.

Edited by Slazors92
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By rocket on reddit:

"The main issue is one of performance.

Creating a new character is the single most performance intensive operation the game/central server ever has to do. Each time this happens, it adds at least 0.2 seconds of pause to the server to devote to this task. Take a server with 50 people, you are starting to have real issues. Now imagine it with 100, or 150 people.

So at a base level, having people respawning to get where they want will simply not work. Adding in a "spawn area" is possible but I don't really like the idea.

Also, there is the side benefit of seeing if more consequence to death == change in player behavior. We just don't know, and nobody can accurately speculate, what effect such a change might have.

On the balance of everything, we will try it in closed testing (at least) this week to see what the results are. Then we will discuss, and make a decision.

My plea, is to remember we are experimenting here to try and find exciting new game design solutions to problems, without having to constantly retreat to compromise or the "old" ways of solving these issues.

So I think saying it is a "terrible change" is not the best way to think about it, at worst, it should be "terrible consideration" at which point, feel free to discuss and it will help me avoid the really stupid considerations in favor of options that might be better."


"What if players still glitch in to debug areas?"


"I replied in the thread, detection of this is now in place. Hopefully this will be effective, otherwise there may have to be new ways. If testing throws up issues, I will simply add a prompt to the respawn option. This is more work, and not ideal, but if debug spawns are a problem this will be the solution."

Edited by Daddy'o
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A bush killed me was killed

A bush killed me was killed

A bush killed me was killed

A bush killed me was killed

A bush killed me was killed

It's kind of annoying isn't it?

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Run to some zeds and kill yourself, should take about a minute max. What would you rather..take a minute to suicide ( im already died just the funeral i been waiting for ) or hit the respawn button by mistake on a 20 day old char ?

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There is no where in the OPi said it will ruin the mod. This is about trying to play with your friends and making it even harder to do so.

Edited by A Bush killed me
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Breaking everyone's legs in the server repeatedly just became the hacker's new favorite toy.

Breaking everyone's legs in the server repeatedly just became the hacker's new favorite toy.

^this is another problem that WILL happen.

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It will take you an extra 15 mins to team up, no one said it should be easy in the first place. Oh, and.

A bush killed me was killed

A bush killed me was killed

A bush killed me was killed

A bush killed me was killed

A bush killed me was killed

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this is a very welcome change, you should NOT be able to go wherever you please in a sandbox game with the push of a button, its like teleporting and it is UNFAIR and UNREAL.. thankyou, rocket

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im actually quite happy with this it stops the instant revenge after you kill a guy in electro hes going to keep killing himself till he gets to electro and try and recover his stuff

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This change is not welcome at all. It is already hard enough to find your friend you want to play with. Games should support playing with others, not torture you for trying. If this stays in the current build we need to have at least a map when we spawn. People will just quit out of frustration trying to find their friends. This is bad game/mod design imo.

You do have a map on spawn, it's called google.

Respawn made it to easy to just keep respawning to try and get a good spawn location, which isn't intended.

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So I guess this means less lag to the servers in general? I retract my previous statements of it being a bad change, then. Though the issue with actually getting stuck and NEEDING to respawn still stands.

I'm okay with this.

Edited by Slazors92

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There are many ways of killing yourself, the easyest one is jumping off of any high place, pretty easy...

Breaking everyone's legs in the server repeatedly just became the hacker's new favorite toy.

Well it's better than geting teleported/killed o.O

Edited by Scrumilation

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Run to some zeds and kill yourself, should take about a minute max...


And while I do understand this serverload thing, I really don't want to spend 2h to just get back to my guys. Imagine you die in Berezino and spawn in Kamenka. Maybe thats a good experience the 1st 10 times but after playing several 100h, I want to just team up again with my guys.

Taking the example from above: you run to Balota, check the airfield, check the 3 deerstands south run to cherno, check supermarket, church, firestation, those 4 cafes run north to Vysota and then start your run to Berezino. Find a chopper wreck or 2 on your way and then 2h later you are back. That is 2h of boredom after you did it 100 times. Or you just hit respawn until you spawn close to Berezino. And you will have 2h more time to play with your team.

But anyway its alpha, so give it a shot I guess, but I don't think it is a good idea.

Edited by *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa
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Why should we have to kill our selves to find a good spawn? Its the same thing as pressing respawn. Rocket said he doesnt like knee jerk changes but this screams knee jerk reaction.

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Respawning to find your friends is essentially an exploit which produces unnecessary server load. Removing the respawn button fixes multiple items (accidental deletion of character, server lag), and raises awareness to the real issue which frequent respawns is only a symptom of. Think, then write.

Edited by TolEressea

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Anyone else also annoyed by devs posting info on Reddit first instead of their community site? This doesnt fix anything. What if a hacker brakes your legs or you spawn in debug Forrest. Just encourages you to jump off a building or let zeds eat you.

Edited by A Bush killed me

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Fucking idiots all in this thread.

Choosing where you spawn defeats the purpose of the game,imo.

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Fucking idiots all in this thread.

Choosing where you spawn defeats the purpose of the game,imo.

Maybe your purpose isn't the purpose of others. And you are a fucking cunt calling me an idiot. ;)

...and raises awareness to the real issue which frequent respawns is only a symptom of. Think, then write.

If you are that smart, maybe you might tell me what the real issue is.

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@ jbz ^name calling lol, clearly you are the idiot.

Edited by A Bush killed me

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