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Coitus - alternative to heatpacks

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As we all know heatpacks aren't always around when you need them. I think it would be a good idea to let players engage in coitus to raise their temperature levels. You could make the noises attract zombies and add a possibility of contracting an STD.


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i CAME for the title (ba dum tsss), and stayed for the idea. Interesting, and probably realistic. It would be an epic easter egg (if this ever makes it into the mod) that 4-5 months down the road you start getting a belly bulge. 9 months and you have a child. That would be funny as hell

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Um... wouldn't just... you know, huddling together do the same thing in a more... (jesus, the adjectives for "this" part) ...Uh, yeah.

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i CAME for the title (ba dum tsss)

I guess you could say this suggestion SUCKS

Edited by AluCaRdBe

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