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Server Blood of Britain Hacked by player "Jamie"

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Our server had to be taken down because someone killed every player on the server on some crazy mass auto slay. We think it was a player by the name of Jamie, He shot at us near Stary Sobor and was killed. While we looted his body he reappeared with the exact same gear right next to his body and shot one of our group before we shot him again. At that point we were wondering what the hell was going on. He spawned again for a third time and we killed him again, after that everyone on the server was killed. Perhaps in some childish act of rage on his part.

I would like to apologise to everyone on the server at the time for what's happened. It's annoying that something like this has happened, we've had our server up for a month and we've started to see a regular crowd which is great then this happens which sucks.

We've submitted a ticket to Multiplay.co.uk the server provider and we are going to pull the logs so we can try to find out as much info on this guy as we can and exactly what it was he did.

Edited by Longs
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If you can prove this with logs can you forward me his GUID please (in PM).


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Sorry to hear about the issue you had - if you can get in contact with the Server Owner which it appears you've already have.

Tell them all there is to known about the situation, and the Server Owner can go about and write the issue to the staff.

Thanks for the report :)

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I would like to add someone in our group got a look at the gear he had and he literally had all the best stuff. Range finder, Ghillie Suit, Coyote backpack, NVG, GPS, all the tools.

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Sounds just like the mass-death hacks that were found in battlefield 3 for a period of time.

To be honest I find myself discouraged from continuing to play DayZ at the rate it's going with the cheats. People flying around in helo's even though they are taken out of game, finding AS50 TSW's on dead players, mass-death scripts and whatever else is running rampant lately just sucks all the fun out of the game.

So fun to have the thrill and excitement of getting gear and not getting sniped on an airfield, only be the victim of a serverwide massdeath. Sure, DayZ is about how long you live and eventually you die and restart. But when the death comes in the form of a cheat or idiotic advantage someone has gained by abusing scripts, well... then it's no longer fun, exciting or any fear and paranoia involved anymore. Then it's simple frustration.

And honestly, despite Rockets claims in the SideStrafe interview about not really looking for the fun/excitement thing for DayZ but rather the other emotions... I don't find frustration over incessant script and hacking an emotion I come to enjoy over longer periods of playing.

So for me, I find it hard to dig up enough motivation to start all over again knowing it probably wont be zombies or legit players that will be the undoing of me, but these cheats and hacks. I don't mind being the victim of a fair kill, or even bugs/glitches... I do mind being the victim of a hack or cheat.

Anyways, maybe i'll pick it up from time to time, but I've really lost the spark I felt in supporting the game when I first started out.

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I think I might take a break from the game for a few days, the above post echo's quite well how I feel atm. We had a regular crowd on our server, people that had set up camps and were using vehicles etc. It was giving me and my friends a real sense of adventure having other organised players to play against. I'd been killed a few times but was always keen to do the start over loot some gear thing then head north to meet up with my friends to get back in the action.

This one hacker may have ruined that and scared off the players that were coming on the server every day.

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I think I might take a break from the game for a few days, the above post echo's quite well how I feel atm. We had a regular crowd on our server, people that had set up camps and were using vehicles etc. It was giving me and my friends a real sense of adventure having other organised players to play against. I'd been killed a few times but was always keen to do the start over loot some gear thing then head north to meet up with my friends to get back in the action.

This one hacker may have ruined that and scared off the players that were coming on the server every day.

I was in one of those groups and we had a camp of several vehicles and tents set up on your server. We lost an awful lot of stuff from not only people getting killed during the mass killing but also all of the vehicles and tents were removed.

We have since moved server and have a camp with a few vehicles set up on another server now so it is unlikely we would come back and I realise it isn't your fault that this happened.

The hacking is ruining the game for players like us who like to set up on a single server.

Edited by Frenzy
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I was in one of those groups and we had a camp of several vehicles and tents set up on your server. We lost an awful lot of stuff from not only people getting killed during the mass killing but also all of the vehicles and tents were removed.

We have since moved server and have a camp with a few vehicles set up on another server now so it is unlikely we would come back and I realise it isn't your fault that this happened.

The hacking is ruining the game for players like us who like to set up on a single server.

I couldn't agree more, it saddens me that because of one person we have lost a group of players like yourself. Me and a friend bought this server so we can play with our friends and to have organised groups get set up which we can compete against. The really annoying thing for me tho is that we are unable to ban this child because Rocket says we can't as it's against his terms of service, fine I understand Rockets reasons for this but he really needs to consider the position of server admins a bit more or do something about the these kids coming on and running their scripts.

The script kiddie keeps coming back but all we can do is repeatedly kick him, Multiplay the server operator won't allow access to any files that could violate the terms of service for DayZ so we can't put his player ID on the ban list. All we can see is the log which just shows people logging in/leaving and authenticating with Battleye, in the case of Jamie he doesn't authenticate with Battleye, he's bypassing it somehow; that's all we can see from the basic log file along with his player ID and IP.

Edited by Longs

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I am not totally convinced the Jamie guy is the hacker, both myself and at least two of our group have died and respawned near where we died with all of our gear on your server.

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I am not totally convinced the Jamie guy is the hacker, both myself and at least two of our group have died and respawned near where we died with all of our gear on your server.

Well that's never happened to me or anyone else I know on the server and I've died so many times I've lost count. From what we've managed to pull from the log that Multiplay will let us see is that whenever Jamie logs on he doesn't authenticate with Battleye like everyone else does when they join the server. He's also logged in as Admin, I don't know how or why that is but we've asked Multiplay to look into it for us. Aside from that there's nothing we can do, we can't ban him even if we wanted to because Multiplay won't allow access to the files which I assume is to stop people violating the terms of service and banning people however they see fit. At the moment all we can do is just kick him if he comes on but he's probably changed his name now so we'll just have to keep an eye out for his player ID.

He was killed 3 times in the same place each time spawning in with the best possible gear and a 4th time quite a distance away when he teleported in behind the last member of our group who had legged it (when we finally twigged what was going on). Again Jamie was shot and killed, moments later the entire server was killed. Every time we shot this person it said Jamie was killed, there's no question that at the time the script kiddie was using that name. We have his player ID and IP now anyway since he's likely changed his name.

He joined the server the following day as well and was spawning weapons, I know this because the only other person on the server was a friend and he asked me on mumble why he suddenly had a gun, bigger backpack, loads of ammo etc

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N/A double post

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