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Oh no...

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My friends and me were playing at DE 165 server some mins ago. We started yesterday the first time in Day Z. Today we found some kinda good weapons and equiment, so we had lots of food and water and all the utilities like binos, matches in a box, maps etc...

Well and then... there was a big server lag and all 40 ppl on the server died for no reason.

You can imagin, we are all pretty pissed right now.

Does this happen often?

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My friends and me were playing at DE 165 server some mins ago. We started yesterday the first time in Day Z. Today we found some kinda good weapons and equiment, so we had lots of food and water and all the utilities like binos, matches in a box, maps etc...

Well and then... there was a big server lag and all 40 ppl on the server died for no reason.

You can imagin, we are all pretty pissed right now.

Does this happen often?

i've heard its happened allot, but its never happened to me, i think most of it is 'Story Telling'

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It was a hacker mate. Not server lag. You got unlucky

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You mean the server got hacked?

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it are hackers, it can happen at any time. I personally didn't encounter a hacker yet. but it can happen.

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Aw shit, that sucks... We were so confident having some nice stuff finally :-(

Edited by duKe_

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It was some script kiddie using his downloaded script.Stop encouraging them by calling hackers you idiots.

Edited by Jaeskern

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Sounds like a cheater came in and decided to ruin everybody's experience.

Edited by ATrickyCarnie

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