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Ural Civilian with items, Im leaving it to your hands

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It's got quite some items, since it has like the highest capacity of every vehicle.

I even got NVG from it, though i lost them due to a buggy failed save Q_Q

Anyways, found it above Cherno, ended up driving it to my friend so he could get some loot as well at north-east airfield. Then we kinda abandoned it.

It's a great vehicle that can take down trees and rocks(not sure bout rocks, but wiki says so).

Have fun taking it over <3

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Guys... don't do this. I'll state the reasons NOT to:

1st : Since he just registred a account of the DayZ-forums with the name Obvious.Hacker (1 post).

2nd : Considering the chance he might be a hacker, the items that are in that vehicle is obviously hacked items - that means, if you etc touch anything that can be detected by Battleye (the anti hacker program used in DayZ) it will surely lead to a ban of your account (perma ban) - automaticly.

3rd : Why would you risk this? Like icomrade posted "IT'S A TRAP" ... so if you don't plan on being ambushed by either a scammer or a hacker. Then don't even consider it.

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2nd : Considering the chance he might be a hacker, the items that are in that vehicle is obviously hacked items - that means, if you etc touch anything that can be detected by Battleye (the anti hacker program used in DayZ) it will surely lead to a ban of your account (perma ban) - automaticly.

As far as i know, BE will only ban based on detection of scripts. IF you pick up any hacked in equipment that you didn't personally spawn into the server then you will not get banned for it.

From what i remember a while back , one of the devs ( could have been Rocket himself ) said that any equipment found in your inventory that has been illegally spawned into the game that you didn't spawn yourself, will just turn into a makarov or a tin of beans the next time a DayZ inventory database sweep is executed.

Looking at the list of items, they are all legit DayZ items. They may or may not have been illegally spawned into the game. Up to you if you want to risk them turning into a Makarov or as other have said ..... could be a trap dun dun dun !

Edited by 4L4N

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I have been on the DayZ community TS all day, so the guys there prolly found it ^^

Btw, you can't judge someone on his post count, you should rather google that guy first :P

I have got over 6000 posts on the Battlefield Heroes forums ^^


Edited by obvious.hacker

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