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Some Cool Ideas

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I think it would amazing if you guys implemented some sort of lock system for the tents and lock picks to open tents(can be unlocked by the tent pitcher) and other very high loot areas. This would add a more challenging feel to the game by making lock picks somewhat hard to find and have more security for you and your teammates to know that their loot is a little bit safer.

Second Suggestion: Allowing players to create their own mini stronghold; obviously no larger than a two story building but still can store much need loot and a vehicle, and the supplies need to build this would be very large, as to create a challenging goal with an extremely satisfying reward. And players would have to be limited on how many of these they can create. I would suggest a sort of grouping system, such as having to need three people to create one stronghold and after they have created one they are not allowed to create another on that server, and having a 4-9 stronghold cap for each server. This would build trust among players, requiring players to group up instead of shooting them onsite and it would also bring player's friends to the game helping to even more strengthen your fan base. These are just some suggestions and I really hope that you take them in to account.

Please share your thoughts about these and feel free to post your own cool suggestions!

Edited by Beastly_god

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Why would a lock stop me from getting in a tent. I mean I could just rip it open.

The closest you will get to your stronghold idea is Rocket's plan to have player created bases. Search for the thread about rocket's interview with FPSGuru.

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