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An Average Gamer's Feedback After Two Weeks of DayZ

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This game is so fun. I have not had this fun in a game since Ultima Online/Asheron's Call Darktide days. This game show's some great potential. Thank you for not catering to the World of Warcraft carebear gamer masses and developing a hardcore, fun adrenaline pumping game that carries severe rewards and consequences.

Some improvements I think can be made to enhance the experience and bring this game to the next level. Just so we are clear I am of the mindset that a game like this should push realism not fairness. What is fair and what is realistic are too very different things and that is why I like this game so much.

1. There is no such thing as SD Ammo take it out and make it as it should be... realistic. My M9 9mm Ammo should work just the same in a M9 with or without a silencer.

2. Gun mods should be interchangeable. (If it makes since) For example my Aimpoint CompM4 red dot can be mounted on my BCM M4/AR15 variant or my Mossberg 590 tri rail tacitcal shotgun etc. We should be able to find and add lasers, lights, etc. if the weapon has mounting capabilities.

3. More guns. More. The larger and more realistic the loot tables are the more fun this is going to be.

4. More melee weapons and improved melee combat.

5. Improve the GUI and Inventory Mechanics.

6. Graphics are decent I imagine they will only get better when you port over to ArmA 3.

7. Find a good Balance between Zombies/Mobs Aggro range & Speed between outside Aggro and indoor Aggro & the mobs movement speed.

8. A player should be able to enter all buildings. (ArmA 3 should fix)

9. Appears to be some syncing and lag issues from time to time but that could just be the servers.

10. A larger one world... open world... server built on cluster cloud technology would be ideal. (Darkfall Online for example).

11. A neutral city/trading post built by survivors armed to the teeth with the most ruthless ass kicking guards would be ideal. You could add a Diablo 3's RMAH type of technology for an Auction House or even better let players setup their own tables/shops to sell and trade goods. The RMAH would be very profitable and provide funding for future development.

12. Nightvison goggles should and can be used with most optics and scopes.

13. Lastly, never stop developing as long as you have a large player base every month add something new and exciting. Asheron's Call was great about this and I as a gamer had no problem paying a monthly subscription to experience the next upcoming good quality updates.

I'm really enjoying this one keep up the great work. I hope this feedback helps.

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1. There is no such thing as SD Ammo take it out and make it as it should be... realistic. My M9 9mm Ammo should work just the same in a M9 with or without a silencer.

Suppressed weapons fire sub-sonic rounds which are different from standard rounds. If you used a regular round your barrel would explode because of the compressed gas being blocked by the suppressor itself.

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1. SD ammo are non tracer ammunation so they are real.

2. Not possible with arma 2 engine, but the feature will be added in arma 3 engine.

3. Agree with that.

4. The melee is not in regular arma so I think they did pretty good job when making melee.

5. Again needs the change of engine.

6. Engine

7. They are pretty unbalanced now they just need a bit buff to their aggroing.

8. Engine

9. They are working their best on it.

10. Again change of engine.

11. Not going to work and would take some "survival" aspect of game away.

12. Realisim

13. I rather play finished game with little content that buggy as hell but lots of content (might be just me)

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This game is so fun. I have not had this fun in a game since Ultima Online/Asheron's Call Darktide days. This game show's some great potential. Thank you for not catering to the World of Warcraft carebear gamer masses and developing a hardcore, fun adrenaline pumping game that carries severe rewards and consequences.

Agreed. By the way I was an Anti-Blood back in the day of Darktide. Only because Blood took up over half the server.

Some improvements I think can be made to enhance the experience and bring this game to the next level. Just so we are clear I am of the mindset that a game like this should push realism not fairness. What is fair and what is realistic are too very different things and that is why I like this game so much.

1. There is no such thing as SD Ammo take it out and make it as it should be... realistic. My M9 9mm Ammo should work just the same in a M9 with or without a silencer.

It's an ArmA thing with the SD ammo. While I agree with you I think it prevents people from using the SD weapons forever and forces them to find more ammo for it.

2. Gun mods should be interchangeable. (If it makes since) For example my Aimpoint CompM4 red dot can be mounted on my BCM M4/AR15 variant or my Mossberg 590 tri rail tacitcal shotgun etc. We should be able to find and add lasers, lights, etc. if the weapon has mounting capabilities.

Another ArmA thing. This will change with ArmA 3. Check out youtube for vids on that. Pretty cool stuff coming from ArmA 3 and hopefully DayZ will be a part of that.

3. More guns. More. The larger and more realistic the loot tables are the more fun this is going to be.

Lots of guns in ArmA...thats for sure. I agree more variation of guns are needed but it seems they are taking them out recently not adding to them.

4. More melee weapons and improved melee combat.

ArmA was never coded to have melee in it at all. The fact that they were able to sort of code in melee is a miracle in itself. They are improving on this.

5. Improve the GUI and Inventory Mechanics.

Again...ArmA not the mod. There is a club for this complaint. Join it.

6. Graphics are decent I imagine they will only get better when you port over to ArmA 3.


7. Find a good Balance between Zombies/Mobs Aggro range & Speed between outside Aggro and indoor Aggro & the mobs movement speed.

Yup...that has been being tweaked in recent updates.

8. A player should be able to enter all buildings. (ArmA 3 should fix)

Another ArmA issue...can be fixed with the proper mod from Armaholic.com though.

9. Appears to be some syncing and lag issues from time to time but that could just be the servers.

I am sure this is being worked on to what extent it can be.

10. A larger one world... open world... server built on cluster cloud technology would be ideal. (Darkfall Online for example).

Yikes...that will be an undertaking...

11. A neutral city/trading post built by survivors armed to the teeth with the most ruthless ass kicking guards would be ideal. You could add a Diablo 3's RMAH type of technology for an Auction House or even better let players setup their own tables/shops to sell and trade goods. The RMAH would be very profitable and provide funding for future development.

Eh...not sure this is the type of game for that.

12. Nightvison goggles should and can be used with most optics and scopes.

Another ArmA issue.

13. Lastly, never stop developing as long as you have a large player base every month add something new and exciting. Asheron's Call was great about this and I as a gamer had no problem paying a monthly subscription to experience the next upcoming good quality updates.

Not going to find a lot of people that want to pay a monthly sub. Personally I think it should remain as a mod to ArmA 2 and later ArmA 3. Rocket should bet permission to sell the mod for $25-$30 with part of that going to BIS. Both parties would make a crapload of money. Look at the guy that made MineCraft as a good example of this.

I'm really enjoying this one keep up the great work. I hope this feedback helps.

My responses are in RED.

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This game is so fun. I have not had this fun in a game since Ultima Online/Asheron's Call Darktide days. This game show's some great potential. Thank you for not catering to the World of Warcraft carebear gamer masses and developing a hardcore, fun adrenaline pumping game that carries severe rewards and consequences.

Some improvements I think can be made to enhance the experience and bring this game to the next level. Just so we are clear I am of the mindset that a game like this should push realism not fairness. What is fair and what is realistic are too very different things and that is why I like this game so much.

1. There is no such thing as SD Ammo take it out and make it as it should be... realistic. My M9 9mm Ammo should work just the same in a M9 with or without a silencer.

-I think Jarhead covered that one.

2. Gun mods should be interchangeable. (If it makes since) For example my Aimpoint CompM4 red dot can be mounted on my BCM M4/AR15 variant or my Mossberg 590 tri rail tacitcal shotgun etc. We should be able to find and add lasers, lights, etc. if the weapon has mounting capabilities.

-I have not played Arma. Sounds like it would be an engine issue. If it's not in Arma it probably won't make it in anytime soon.

3. More guns. More. The larger and more realistic the loot tables are the more fun this is going to be.

-I agree that an increased variety would be ideal. However I think guns in general need to spawn much less frequently. Guns should be something to fight over.

4. More melee weapons and improved melee combat.

-Same as the last thing.

5. Improve the GUI and Inventory Mechanics.

-Engine issue

6. Graphics are decent I imagine they will only get better when you port over to ArmA 3.


7. Find a good Balance between Zombies/Mobs Aggro range & Speed between outside Aggro and indoor Aggro & the mobs movement speed.

-From what I understand they have been messing with this. They will find a good balance eventually.

8. A player should be able to enter all buildings. (ArmA 3 should fix)


9. Appears to be some syncing and lag issues from time to time but that could just be the servers.


10. A larger one world... open world... server built on cluster cloud technology would be ideal. (Darkfall Online for example).

-I think Chernarus is big enough. With arma 3 i think we were looking at something like around 400km^2 I think? Anybody care to correct me?

11. A neutral city/trading post built by survivors armed to the teeth with the most ruthless ass kicking guards would be ideal. You could add a Diablo 3's RMAH type of technology for an Auction House or even better let players setup their own tables/shops to sell and trade goods. The RMAH would be very profitable and provide funding for future development.

-Only way I see this happening is if Rocket implements his base building idea. And even then I don't think NPC's will happen ever.

12. Nightvison goggles should and can be used with most optics and scopes.


13. Lastly, never stop developing as long as you have a large player base every month add something new and exciting. Asheron's Call was great about this and I as a gamer had no problem paying a monthly subscription to experience the next upcoming good quality updates.

-Super agree.

I'm really enjoying this one keep up the great work. I hope this feedback helps.

Edited by drseptapus

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Suppressed weapons fire sub-sonic rounds which are different from standard rounds. If you used a regular round your barrel would explode because of the compressed gas being blocked by the suppressor itself.

I understand and can accept that. However a proper suppressor this day in age will work with or without sub sonic ammo and not explode. I own three HTG Silencers in the Calibers 9mm, 308, & 45.

One for my Glock 17, FHN USA FNAR, & Kimber Tactical Entry 2 1911.

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I understand and can accept that. However a proper suppressor this day in age will work with or without sub sonic ammo and not explode. I own three HTG Silencers in the Calibers 9mm, 308, & 45.

One for my Glock 17, FHN USA FNAR, & Kimber Tactical Entry 2 1911.

Using a suppressor with a full load found in a standard round is extremely dangerous and damaging to the weapon system. It may work, or it may explode. Do as you wish but you couldn't pay me to fire a suppressor with standard rounds, i like the way my flesh looks on my face.

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