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Was the power of the m1911 reduced?

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I've noticed that I'm not getting one shot kill on zeds anymore with my 1911 if I hit them center mass. Takes at least 3 shots, still only takes 1 to the head. Was the power on this reduced or perhaps my gun is glitched? O.o

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Just killed about 20 zeds with the M1911, I killed them all in one shot. Still didn't get any food/water which I desperately need.

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I noticed a power loss as well but i noticed last night after a server restart the gun started working like it was before 1 shot to kill a zombie, and my friend was kind enough to let me shoot him in the head from 50 meters and i took 3000 health from him, so i think it might be a server lag issue.

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Probably lag. Yesterday I saved two guys in the Elektro church by shooting a crowd of zombies using the 1911 and they all died in one shot.

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The 1911 will not 1 shot a zed if you hit it in the arm. Your aim could be just a bit off or your shooting them from the side and hitting the arm is what it sounds like to me.

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Not sure its becaus of the gun or the hitbox of the zombies but they dont go down as easily as they used to do when getting shot by the 1911. I can sometimes hit them in the arm for 2 or even 3 shots before they go down. Just adapt your aim and shoot dead center for now.

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Interesting. Thanks for the replies. When I've shot them I've noticed blood marks directly on their chest and their still smashing away on me. I'm positive it's a 1911 btw haha, not a Makorav! I fired off a einfeld shot, and agro'd like 10 zombies into a building and went to town. I couldn't drop a single one with one shot unless I hit them in the head. I wasn't even a great distance away. I'll keep screwing around because I have like 10 m1911 mags. Of course last night DayZ was kind enough to delete 5 mags of my m4a1 ammo.....sigh.

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