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Where do you draw the line?

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ya, i was takin out by a hatchet before on a dark evening in elektro, kept yelling in direct chat FRIENDLY U CRAZY FUCK as i preceeded to pump makarov mag after mag(couldnt switch weapons in the heat of the fight) into the bastard, somehow he lived, grabbed my 870 remington and disconnected before my friend could go get his ass, im sure he bled out in the next server, hopefully anyways

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The unarmed person you let run by you in the city is the same guy that comes up behind you with the new Enfield he found in the next building over. If you don't know them then they are either a threat or soon to be a threat. Popping a newly spawned player just sends him to a different spawn away from you, or at least makes him unarmed for longer (good thing).

That being said, if you already have gear then you have something to lose. If you aren't killing for gear you are killing to protect your gear. If anything you will kill more indiscriminantly when you have better gear, depending on the situation of course.

Edited by Maki

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I draw the line at anal...

It's exit only...

Certain phallus objects are not meant to be put up there...

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I start to kill until i see someone armed in my way. Someone is armed for me if hes close enough and has an hatched. Someone with firearms get instantly killed. Im a european player, we in europe are a different kind. Because we got the "russians". Which are well known as the non english speakers who kill and rape everything they find. Thats why im like this, you never know if you see are russian or not. If you see one, he will open fire when he thinks he can hit you. Thats the problem. They dont even write in our letters.

I prefer to stay alive, the only way to do that, is to kill everyone else whos not in my group. I killed 12 people with my current life and just 50% were self defense. But i dont care, because im sure that i wouldnt stay alive for 40 days without killing this people. I dont regret.

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Last night I run into the grocery store, I saw an Enfield on the ground. I only have a 1911, would like to have a rifle you know? Run in, pick it up, and as I'm looting I notice movement in my peripheral. As soon as pickup is done I face the movement as one player proceeds to unload an entire clip of AK-74 at me, and his friend at the back of the store shoots his Enfield. I walked into a trap.

Luckily, they're both terrible shots. Enfield guys runs to the back of the store as I unload a full clip of 1911 into his buddy, landing a headshot. I have time to reload as he's running back into the main section of the shop, and I can see him trying to train the Enfield on me. Wait for the shot (which misses of course, he couldn't shoot for shit), bring up the iron sights and get another headshot with my 1911.

I'm starting to think the main problem with this game, and the reason why people whine so much about PVP, is that they're just terrible at first person shooters. This situation is a perfect illustration of that. They have the ambush set, two rifles, one of which fully auto and the other a one hit kill, and they let me go through an entire loot animation, empty a mag, reload, empty and reload again without killing me. My suggestion to these players is to stop camping grocery stores and go find something to do that doesn't involve combat.

Edited by Huuwap
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I'm starting to think the main problem with this game, and the reason why people whine so much about PVP, is that they're just terrible at first person shooters. This situation is a perfect illustration of that. They have the ambush set, two rifles, one of which fully auto and the other a one hit kill, and they let me go through an entire loot animation, empty a mag, reload, empty and reload again without killing me. My suggestion to these players is to stop camping grocery stores and go find something to do that doesn't involve combat.

Its also a problem yes. The most people want sth. like an arcade experience, nothing realistic. So they think they get to loot more and more people just by doing traps. And then they miss their target, because they are bad as hell, and then? A hater is born.

They begin to hate this game, for his realistic difficulty and fair chances against over people. Most casual gamers which join day z want to "RULE THE WORLD" by their skill. Atleast they think that. But the truth is, arma is a very realstic game, difficult to handle.

And the reason why im able to kill an intire group by my own is, because this game is realistic and thats the problem of the most gamers. They seek the wrong experience in this game. They think they gonna loot everyone on their way, they just need to attack it when they see it.

But arma is about good firing positions, aiming, a really waterproof plan. And the most important thing? Patience.

Younger guys dont have that, so they run, sometimes with light signals in their hand through places.

People who just go there for an PVP experience mostly stop playing fast, because they arent able to "rule". This isnt CoD, you do not have that much chances to kill and you dont respawn near to the combat field again.

I love this game, because it takes much presure on the player. But the most players seek a fast fun making experience, without presure and the need of a good plan. They just read about day z and think "wow im a super cod soldier, im so good in realistic war games". I dont say cod is like shit, but its a different experience and much more easier.

But Huuwap, i dont think that is a problem, because there are enough players out there who really want what rocket gives them. And im one of them. I was killed in very cruel and fast ways. But im not crying about it, because i want that fair realistic expierience, where my death can await me on every fucking corner on a hughe map. These guys are playing an ArmA II mod, but what they want is dead island or left 4 dead.

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You people got an unhealthy obsession with cod. Hardly anyone comes to this game the way you picture it.

It just fits into the projection you have of the world - you're on top of it and everyone else is retarded.

It's pretty entertaining when you watch people like that rant about stuff, actually.

And yes, you are obviously butthurt with your completely unrelated post.

Edited by Merciless

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Was that in my direction Merciless? I'm not sure I follow you.

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Shooting someone in the back is cowardly. If you do, you're a coward. Especially if you greet the guy as "Friendly" first.

Shooting unarmed players is being a dick. Then you're a dick. It's not funny. It's just being a dick, and if somebody grabs your nick and hunt you down, then you deserve it.

Shooting players just armed with a hatchet is also pretty dick, unless he's right in front of you.

However, stopping an unarmed dude and demanding he give up his beans is being a real bandit. Then you should take pride.

And if you stop an armed fellow, and demand that he give up his weapons, then you're a frigging hero.

i agree 100%

skip to 12.30 in the video to see what all bandits should be like, no pretending tobe freindly then shooting them with the weapon you stole out of their bag, that is just gutless.

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Yeah, I draw the line at killing people on the shore.

If I just wanted to get my jollies from killing players I would set up near Kamenka and snipe people as they spawned on the shore.

But honestly:

1. It's pointless and a waste of a bullet.

2. We have all been in their shoes, throw them a bone and stay in the shadows.

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Was that in my direction Merciless? I'm not sure I follow you.

Was my post aimed at someone with an unhealthy obsession for cod? Yes.

Did you talk about cod? No.

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Was my post aimed at someone with an unhealthy obsession for cod? Yes.

Did you talk about cod? No.

Awesome. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't mixed up in that =).

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The knowledge to field dress and butcher a human would not be very different from any other animal. And yes, I would know how, and yes, there would be a considerable amount of food. Would I want to? Now thats the question. But like I said, there are all kinds of people that play. If realism is the name of the game then cannibalism would be a reality.

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Not to go off topic here, but depending on the nature of the infection I'd expect most people would avoid eating other people to avoid becoming infected.

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That's an interesting point. It is something I have discussed with my family when we delve into our "zombie plan". I've wondered if you could eat a "fresh" zombie if well cooked. Like you said, it depends upon the nature of the infection.

Assuming a viral or bacterial infection it should be safe if properly cooked. Standard food service protocols show this as long as the meat is not full of waste products of the bacteria. So, someone that was just turned could be safe to eat well cooked. Now if we are talking about some sort of cosmic dust as some movies have followed then your guess would be as good as mine.

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I'd rather go hunt game, unless the game is infected too.

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I'd say the line for me is a bit blurry, it depends on the situation.

I typically won't shoot at someone without a gun, unless they have a hatchet/crowbar and are uncomfortably close. However, if you do have a gun then all bets are off, fair game.

That being said, I tend to stay inland and off the coast so most players there aren't new players anyway.

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If someone is armed, I will stalk them and kill them, or if they see me, they had better hope they hit me because I'll be going after them do or die mode.

If someone is unarmed, I shoot them in the leg and leave them. If I'm feeling particularly generous, I'll throw smoke grenades near him.

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I just think the game would be more entertaining and intense if the old style of banditry was restored...

I.E - mugging people rather than just shooting on sight.. at least if your gonna get mugged you kinda still enjoy the game as its something to tell your mates about and laughed about, rather than just getting shot in the head from a mile away by some cunt with a sniper.

Only my opinion.

^ I would NOT hate bandits so much if they did that exact example right there. I can handle a mugging, i cant handle respawning across the map from where i was heading.

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^ I would NOT hate bandits so much if they did that exact example right there. I can handle a mugging, i cant handle respawning across the map from where i was heading.

Problem is people disconnect, shoot you while you're trying to give them the chance to survive, etc. With the game mechanics its simply too dangerous to even try communicating with most people on the server. Just take the shot and get the loot, any other way will end up with you getting shot at or the person disconnecting.

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