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To Clan [OrK] on LU94

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Hey guys, so me and my clan stumbled across your camp (West of Myshkino).

We had fun wrecking your tents and destroying 2 of your 3 cars. The last one, the Ural, we cruised around in for a while picking up our friends and sharing your loot (AS50, M4A1 CCO SD, M107, G17, UZI, MK49, MK 40 MOD 0, L85 AWS, M4A1, DMR, SVD CAMO...) and as many rounds as we could carry. Don't forget night vision goggles, ghillie suits and a GPS for all... :D

Anyway, we took as much as we could and we still had ~10 guns left, don't forget 30 Stanag rounds and a bunch of other things, (we aren't too greedy). And hey, we even left the truck for you guys... smouldering on the side of the road as we chucked your grenades inside it. :P

Last thing, TROLOLO.

No hard feelings,

A bandit

Edited by George3011
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I wish people would stop making pointless threads like these.

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We found two more of their camps and lootet it. Twice. Seems like they didn't regonize it the first time, so we left one of us dead.

Thanks for M4A1 CCO, DMR, M240, M249 SAW, CZ550, Coyote Backpack, Ghillie Suite ... etc.

We made you a picture. This is us, |FPL| sponsored by Clan Ork


Please put everything you loot in those tents. We will come and grab it sometime next week. Thank you :)

btw.: Its dumb to warn people via map that they might get banned if they will ALT+F4 again. But putting those markings on your actual position is far beyond dumb. But thanks. Helped us a lot. :)

Edited by deXXXa
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You actully did us a favor by taking the Ural.

It's so visual with the white cover, anyway took us about 5 minutes to locate your camp and burn it down


It's far beyond dumb to post a picture of your camp

/Regards Clan Ork

Edited by Freix
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thanks for the gear back, pitty about the ural. i hope thats not ur only base, was in such a good spot, we had a base there once too.

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< FPL Guy

That wasn't our Camp, we thought it was your Camp, dear Orks.

But funny anyway

lol :D

btw. We didnt take the Ural.

Edited by Stevii
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well, it seems we both ruined some other groups day!

1 of our supply depots got hit the other day n thats what we thought u were talking about. it had a different number of vehicles at it than george3011 said, which confused me, and it wasnt west of Myshkino but nearish, which also confused me. then i saw deXXXa's pic and instantly recognised the location as id been there a few times with [TL] clan when i played with them. so we thought it was urs n went to pay u a visit but no1 was home so, with revenge in our eyes, we went about our evil business (freix's pic)!

i guess u just raided 1 or 2 of the many, many other groups that are regulars on our server. so thanks for the intel! if u find any more, be sure to let us know and we will dispatch our specialy trained wild life protection team to clean the area! :lol:

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Just because we raided two other camps doesn't make us friends. We will find your camps and loot everything we can.

Be prepared.

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lolololololol fags.

[Warned - 4L4N]

Edited by 4L4N
Unnecessary posting/Homophobic slurs.

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Just because we raided two other camps doesn't make us friends. We will find your camps and loot everything we can.

Be prepared.


So cute, you make it sound like you are a good player cause you can be bothered to walk around in the wilderness for 10 hours per day to search for camps, well sure then.

I hope you find our camp if that's the only fun you can have in this game :o)

Might be some Sachel charges in the vehicles to whenever you find it.

Hfffffffffffffffff running around in teh wilderness

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So cute, you make it sound like you are a good player cause you can be bothered to walk around in the wilderness for 10 hours per day to search for camps, well sure then.

I hope you find our camp if that's the only fun you can have in this game :o)

Might be some Sachel charges in the vehicles to whenever you find it.

Hfffffffffffffffff running around in teh wilderness

It took us 20min to find the two camps. And it was great fun looting all the stuff that was in the tents thinking about you finding it the next day. Maybe we find some of you guys next time, not just your tents. Would be great fun to place a bullet in your head.

btw.: Check your PMs. Do you guys speak german?

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It took us 20min to find the two camps. And it was great fun looting all the stuff that was in the tents thinking about you finding it the next day. Maybe we find some of you guys next time, not just your tents. Would be great fun to place a bullet in your head.

btw.: Check your PMs. Do you guys speak german?

None of us speak any german.

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Just to clear things up: We (FPL) don't have anything to do with OP. We just found this Thread and tried to find your camp because 90% of the time we play on your server.

Do you own a helicopter? We tried to shoot a guy some time ago who found his way out of the gunfight by hitting ALT-F4 like a coward. A few minutes later we heard a helicopter flying to the direction where we were shooting that guy (airstrip).

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Just to clear things up: We (FPL) don't have anything to do with OP. We just found this Thread and tried to find your camp because 90% of the time we play on your server.

Do you own a helicopter? We tried to shoot a guy some time ago who found his way out of the gunfight by hitting ALT-F4 like a coward. A few minutes later we heard a helicopter flying to the direction where we were shooting that guy (airstrip).

No we do not atm, haven't been playing since we updated the server yesterday.

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never said we were friends, but whats wrong with som friendly banter while we shoot eachother in the face?

i guess george is 1 o the coward groups that dont wear clan tags ...

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Did you change the time on the server? It was dark when we started to play around 10:30 pm (gmt +2)yesterday. Normally it was like 2pm on your server when we joined that time. But this time it was getting dark.

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we change the server time most days, depending on when we play n who has NVGs (currently most of our regulars do so it will likly b dark most of the time). as far as im aware ther is no rules against that, if ther is please link! its currently utc -3 but may change. the server also semi-regularly (between 3 to24 hrs) resets itself and defaults to UTC -6.

i am new admin and our normal admin is on holiday til 15th i think, he gave me the wrong password for Rcon so i cant give warnings when i reset, sorry for any inconvenience.

let me know what timezone ur clan would prefer n ill see if i can find a happy medium.

Edited by dj.

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as far as im aware ther is no rules against that, if ther is please link!

Didn't want to offend you. Your server, your rules. I was just wondering if you changed something.

None of us has a NVG so we had to switch servers the last two days :/UTC -8 or UTC -6 would be awesome.

Edited by deXXXa

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im not offended, i was using my "helpful admin" voice! :)

server only does multiples of 3 (3,6,9,12 + & -). server default is -6 so it will b back to that at som point, just keep checking.

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im not offended, i was using my "helpful admin" voice!

server only does multiples of 3 (3,6,9,12 + & -). server default is -6 so it will b back to that at som point, just keep checking.

Thanks mate! We were able to spent some time today on our favourite server today. It was getting dark at the end, but its better then last time we tried to play.

Think we scared some people away when we were looting the airport with ~6 ppl and a good amount of amunation. Only one corpse was left when we arrived :(

Edited by deXXXa

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Naaaw was cute to see you guys have a fight then make up.... :rolleyes:

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