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I'd love to see these simple movement fixes added to DayZ

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As the title says, I'd love to see these added. They increase the playability level of the game by a vast amount, they make manoeuvring around buildings so very much easier.

I think it would be a fantastic improvement seeing as due to the basic mechanic of DayZ you have to spend a lot of time in and around towns and buildings (for loot), this would make the whole process more playable and enjoyable. Currently movement around buildings is ridiculously glitchy, you get caught up in doorways and corridors and what not, it's really flawed.


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This is such a simple luxury, there's no reason not to put it in with the game.

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This is the fourth thread about STMovement.

There has been no word about it from the DayZ devs but the developer of stmovement says it is alright to include in DayZ as long as it is not modified in anyway.

The general consensus of players is mixed, some believe it would be great, some would like a toned down version, while some are hostile towards any change to the Alpha. I assume it is because not every player has experienced the horror of being chased upstairs in this house.

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This is the fourth thread about STMovement.

My apologies, I should have checked.

I think that just goes to show how much people want it, the response on reddit has been very positive (that could be for various reasons though)

but I'd like to point out there's a reason I call it a 'fix' not a 'mod', because currently the indoor movement is broken. Maybe other people disagree, which is fair enough. But if that's the case I'd emplore you to watch this short youtube video and then consider the fact these are hobbyists and not trained professionals. Or, you could just walk around your house with a broom handle and see for yourself. It's not hard to do, therefore it shouldn't be hard in Arma II. This mod is a very simple way of fixing that, requiring minimal effort on the DayZ teams behalf. Therefore I think it's a good idea.

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i want this. having to go in a perfect straight angle to get through an open door is stupid.

you should be able to go through a door sideways and use it for cover etc.

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By allowing a custom mod like this, you've basically making it mandatory, because it gives the user an overwheliming advantage against non-users. I don't use it, because I prefere ArmA's heavy and anti-fps movement system.

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Definitely for this 100%, movement is so clunky in the Arma2 engine every little bit helps.

By allowing a custom mod like this' date=' you've basically making it mandatory, because it gives the user an overwheliming advantage against non-users. I don't use it, because I prefere ArmA's heavy and anti-fps movement system.


Couldn't it just be integrated into the mod itself? From what I understand, Day Z doesn't allow client side mods, so it would pretty much have to be-negating any sort of unfair advantage argument.

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