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DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

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Just got into a random server, before I could even see the game (still black screen), saw "MyPlayerName was killed", and once into the game i was on wilderness, looked to my left and there was a player with zombie face looking me all creepy lol, this is getting ridiculous, most of the people I know that play the game can't do it for more than 30 minutes without something weird like this happening.

That's not a hack. You just had bad luck. You logged in to the same area as someone else and he killed you before you were fully initialised. You can have a zombie face by editing your profile.

I agree hacking is a massive problem but it doesn't help when people being shot by snipers or desyncing call it hacking.

Edited by Fraggle
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That's not a hack. You just had bad luck. You logged in to the same area as someone else and he killed you before you were fully initialised. You can have a zombie face by editing your profile.

I agree hacking is a massive problem but it doesn't help when people being shot by snipers or desyncing call it hacking.

So I guess the tank traps and wire fences all around us were a desync problem too.

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Never even seen a hacker before. Only a G36C in a truck.

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LOL I haven't even seen 1 hacker in 2 weeks.

Yeah I have been playign since teh game came out and played hundreds of hours, only come across one Hacker who was teleporting himself all around, super fast moving. Nothign else though, maybe we have been lucky? Or maybe the people who are complaining just really suck?

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In my experience, never saw a hacker when i played at random servers, once I started playing with friends on the same servers, see them multiple times everyday. The admins are aware and ban people daily, but they are still coming.

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First experience with hackers was last night...

Everyone on the server was teleported to one spot on the coast, where they had spawned 2 helicopters. We were all mowed down pretty quickly.

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Yep. Well done Dayz, ive been in several servers that were hacked, i turned to a rabbit and lost my MK LMS coyote backpack ghille suite, its ridiculous they need to do something about it. to top it off its a shit way to play the game now that the m1911 is like 5 hit...

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Plenty of hackers out there. Seems to be equally as many terrible server admins.

Yep. My two biggest peeves. People who have a dick so small they have to cheat or use hacks to achieve something. Call it trolling but it's being a faggot because something isn't going right in their lives. The other is shitty admins who reset servers when you smoke them or kick you for killing them.

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I thought I was one of luckiest people week or two ago, because until week ago I never experienced hacker. At least not one of those who teleports and kills everyone on the server or changes your gear. I might've been subject of hacker who has that UI-helper that basically auto-aims for you or similar (will never know).

BUT... oh lord... in last week or two I died more to hackers then from legit situations.

Hacking is getting out of the hand and if something pushes people away from this game will be hacking.

I hope Rocket and everyone involved with DayZ realize that. :/

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It's pretty much out of control at the moment and verging on unplayable...

In fact: there is probably not a single thing that could be added to the game that would improve it at this stage, without fixing the hacking situation.

I'd like to point out that also that I DON'T CARE IF I LOSE ALL MY STUFF (unlike most of the people here it seems), however, it is frustrating as fuck to run around for an hour or two only to be teleported back somewhere and die, having to repeat those 1-2 hours again when I have made no mistake. Completely and utterly different to getting killed legitimately because the hours preceding are not wasted because at least it had some meaning / learned something / had fun.

Edited by Spectorials

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I used to rarely see hackers maybe once a week if that now I have been seeing 2-3 a day its really gotten outta control so much so that my guild decided to shut down our server as it has become a target for hackers or so it seems. Even playing on diff servers have seen hackers in action getting teleported and people using god mode ammo crates and vech spawns and more.

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ive been playing DayZ for 4 days now, and i've run into more hacked servers/characters than i have non.

ive been teleported, had my legs broken twice, seen a guy with infinite mortars mow down pretty much all of elektro, etc.

also, once, i saw the world literally get set on fire. it didnt seem to affect me because i didnt die or take damage, but literally EVERYTHING was on fire. buildings, grass, roads, even the sky. just fire EVERYwhere.

DayZ is the most fun i've had with a game in quite a while, and i LOVE the feeling of danger and suspence. i ENJOY walking through a field and getting sniped and losing my NVG. i say "damn. okay, no more walking through fields." that adaptation and experience is amazing to me and not found in any other game.

but the hacking and unfair tactics of killing people and snuffing out their hard work of gathering and surviving is completely unacceptable, and also completely rampant. ive been playing for FOUR DAYS, and have already seen incidents of hacking nearing the double digits. something HAS to be done to save this amazing game.

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Yeah there are tons out there. But currently there is an open source (Undetected BE Bypass). Which does'nt help the matter at all, personally I dont play when open source bypass' are undetected, once they say (Detected) then I will play for a while again.

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After 219 hours (at least steam claims so) I gave up dayz and canceled server 4 days ago. The hacker problem is not the end of it all but DUPING and EXPLOITS are.

Rocket... we supported you and shit but do not release a standalone in this condition.

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