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* [NEW] PROTIP: Use Global Chat/VOIP in populated areas

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as long as i don't know what that new feature is' date=' i just will refrain from writing at all.

Don't want to risk some instadeath suicide button to trigger, so from now on i have to assume that i need to take the shoot on sight-bandit way, which i never considered before.


It's pretty simple mate, dont start chatting on Global when around zombies

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I'd like to not have to decode vague messages in patch notes' date=' I still have no clue what "Should not be pellets for the Winny" even means.


Yeah how dare there be humorous messages in my patchnotes.

Stop being a bellend...

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as long as i don't know what that new feature is' date=' i just will refrain from writing at all.

Don't want to risk some instadeath suicide button to trigger, so from now on i have to assume that i need to take the shoot on sight-bandit way, which i never considered before.


It's pretty simple mate, dont start chatting on Global when around zombies

allright thanks, so back to Saluting or sitting down then :)

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Tried to test it a bit, using text in global chat. Didn't seem to trigger much zombies. Will test some more and see the radius.

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too bad that there is no way of analyzing text for stupid things, like whiners, noobs that ask the most obvious questions that they can find out in 1 minute and such, with a horde just waiting to jump them XD

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How about remove all chat except direct comm. It just completely ruins the immersion. Also a button to hide/show debug monitor would be great.

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So we now have another respawn button? If you accidentally knock caps lock you're fucked? Excellent feature!

1. Go into key binds

2. Unbind caps lock and 2x caps lock

3. ???

4. Profit

I bound CTRL+F12 to global comm

I bound left CTRL to direct comm

True story...


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Text too is a bit excessive...

But for the record I LOVE the release note format haha! Keep it up

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How about remove all chat except direct comm. It just completely ruins the immersion.

rocket plans to do exactly that:

Originally in the testing we had global chat disabled' date=' and the only thing you could use was direct chat. So we’ll be returning to that once direct chat is fixed.[/quote']

Source: http://games.on.net/article/15620/

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You can bind PTT capslock straight to Direct Comms VOIP.

Tears = stopped flowing.

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