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The ability to leave a written message somewhere...would be amazing.

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ala demon/dark souls...but free write not presets.

It would help me know when the game fucks up and erases my tents and cars or if someone just took it....come one you know most people would leave a bragging note behind if they could.

Also it would be more entertaining to see random notes for fun or serious business like PVP warning. Or recent events like random journal pages.

Ya the clutter could be pretty intense but could be controlled by only allowing one person to write one message per server and if they write another it erases the previous.

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ala demon/dark souls...but free write not presets.

It would help me know when the game fucks up and erases my tents and cars or if someone just took it....come one you know most people would leave a bragging note behind if they could.

Also it would be more entertaining to see random notes for fun or serious business like PVP warning. Or recent events like random journal pages.

Ya the clutter could be pretty intense but could be controlled by only allowing one person to write one message per server and if they write another it erases the previous.

Also they would despawn daily or weekly depending on how serious the risk to FPS and or performance lag could be

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I'd love to be able to do this. That way I could leave a note in the guy's tent I found nearby mine that tried to shoot me the other day. Imagine coming back to your supposedly-secret tent and finding a note that says "I'm watching you..."

As someone who doesn't like to KoS, this would be perfect revenge.

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I swear you can do that by writing it on the map. I wrote "anyone in cherno?" on it once :P

Edit: Ninja'ed

Edited by Sticker704

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Yea I love this idea, finding a pen and paper and being able to write notes, that would be epic.

Could write things like "The cake is a lie." Totally original right?

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If only. I sent a message like this when I found a camp and packed up all the wire/tank traps, took everything out of the tents that I didn't need, dropped it on the ground, took what I needed, and filled every one of their 6-7 tents with firewood.

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I agree, it would be an amazing contribution to the game; what I'm wondering is "How would it affect servers?"

Would, let's say for conversation's sake, forty custom messages affect server performance at all?

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i've thought about this too. it would be great to be able to leave notes. maybe you'd have to have a pen and paper to write notes.

and maybe big towns could have a bulletin board where you could hang up your notes. That could be used meeting up with people, warnings, wanted posters, locations of stuff etc.

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You can, sort off. By leaving notes on the map.

Ya but those are for everyone to see and they are vague plus they could have been 10 weeks or so old it would be cool to have a more personal way but ya your right i just wish the map markers had time stamps or something. But ya the ability to leave a note in a tent or near a camp would just be great i think.

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You can leave messages, I raided a large camp the other day and took loads of ammo (got an ak kobra and 17 clips for it, my pack was full)

Before I left I laid some gear on the ground set out in the shape of and F and then a U.

I was kicked by the admin 5mins later, I think he figured out that I was the one who had raided his camp as I was the only one on the server not in his clan (there were 6 people in the server)

and how would it affect servers? The same way tents do, the player must find a blank poster and place it like a tent (perhaps on a pole so it can go anywhere) and it is removed after two days

Then when a player approaches it, an option to read it much like the way you study a body

so instead of 'his name was bob, he died of unknown causes'

You get, 'This poster was put here by bob, it reads: Danger ahead, bandit ambush' etc etc etc

Edited by thelonewarrior
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i've thought about this too. it would be great to be able to leave notes. maybe you'd have to have a pen and paper to write notes.

and maybe big towns could have a bulletin board where you could hang up your notes. That could be used meeting up with people, warnings, wanted posters, locations of stuff etc.

the problem with the bulletin board idea though is that you would most likely have to be standing near it to put the note up making you a prime target for snipers and bandits. just camp out and watch the board waiting for some sorry guy to come along trying to read or post a note.

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I fully support this, Reading "By the time you've read this, you've wasted enough time for me to aim at your head." hah, would stop your heart :P

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i once found a bunch of tents in the north, full of awesome stuff.

so i put 2 markers on the map:

"dude, nice camp!"

"p.s. thanks for the sniper rifle!"

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i actually thought about the ability to have a crap out side said camp or something :lol: they tread in it and it damages there health . :D

imagine coming back to tent and theres a large human turd ! looool

Edited by dgeesio

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yeah it would be risky to stand to read a bulletin board in, say, cherno, but it's still a pretty good idea i think.

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So alot of kids,Immature,Going to puberty kids are gonna start writing crap all over the place?

Naaahh..And look at this.A troll finds a tent...Then he writes near a wall..."Theres a tent nearly.Just make a right a left and head to the north."


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just because kids will write shit, doesn't make it a bad idea. i would think it would be pretty hilarious to read notes left by other players.

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assholes will just scrawl JEWS on the walls.

Ultima Online had books you could write in. Given the contents of the player written books I collected, the UO playerbase is like a hitlist of the up-and-coming KKK members. I doubt that will differ here.

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like a few have suggested already, i can see that alot of people will just post random bullshit on the bulletin boards like "hai where can i find dis gunz?"

sure some will use it properly for trading or baiting others as a bandit etc. but primarily stupid crap. can you imagine how much there would be a full 60+ person server?

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people using it for shit would be half the fun, sure you would risk your life to check out the bulletin board in Cherno, sure you might not find anything worthwhile written on the board, but it sure would be entertaining. you never know what you might find. thats the whole fun in it.

theres really no downside. (if it wouldnt effect servers) if you dont want to bother with notes, then dont read them. too easy

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