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Content Mirrors

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Currently approved mirrors:




As we have noticed with 1.5.8.* our standard two mirrors have been hit so hard it was pretty much ground shaking. So, we have decided to open up to the community in allowing people who may offer to be Content mirror hosts under specific rules and guidelines.

The current requirements for being a Content mirror host:

*1Gbps uplink or higher

*More than 30TB of available bandwidth per month although it is recommended to just have an unmetered plan.

*Some sort of FTP access to the files you are mirroring so that we can regularly check the files integrity.

Soon once things calm down we will be looking in setting mirrors up with rSync so that no extra work has to be applied.

If you are interested in helping us out for future updates to balance out the content load so that all DayZ users can get the required updated files quick and easy please send me a private message via the forums and I will overlook it, please specific the topic as Content Mirror - Request or something similar so that I do not trash this automatically as I receive a LOT of PM's per day.

DO NOT send me a private message if you are having issues with tying your shoes or any of that stupid stuff, only send a private message if you meet the requirements and want to help out.



DayZ Dev Team

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