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Omega (DayZ)

To those with a 'broken inventory/gear' [FIX]

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I also thought mine was broken, but I realised you need to right click the ACTUAL ITEM in your bag slots in order to see the menu options. You're making the same mistake as me and just right clicking the name of the item with the amount you have next to it and seeing 0 options appear whilst you slowly bleed out. I made the same mistake and reported it as a bug, don't be confused with right-clicking the name of the item as opposed to right-clicking the item itself (the picture in your bag slots).

Hope this clears up the new inventory system for other people with the same issue.

[Another Fix]

Also check you have the latest dayz_equip

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how hard is it to read the patchnotes

I miss-understood it and thought right-clicking the name of the item was the correct method. When that failed' date=' I didn't think to try the actual item/picture in the bag slots so I assumed mine was glitched. I made this thread incase others did the same.


No change' date=' doesn't work for me.


Did you re-bind your right mouse button by any chance? Try re-installing the updates including the hotfix. It may be a simple case of a corrupt file or your right click being re-assigned to another function than the original.

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still doesn't work when i click on the actual item

i wish crucial info like how to fix this stupid bug would be easier to find, instead i have to search a forum for rockets post...

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Also check you have the latest dayz_equip

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Also check you have the latest dayz_equip

Added your post to the original incase people don't bother scrolling or the thread spans many pages. Thanks for your input!

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This is still good feedback about usability. We have nobody to blame but Arma 2 though. Maybe in the future we'll get a better inventory system. Other issues take higher priority at this time I'm sure.

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