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Any clues on finding downed Heli's?

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Any clues on finding downed Heli's?

I wanna get a gun with a good sight on it. I only ever seem to find AK47 or AKM guns.

The barracks never turn up anything good either

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Scratch that map, heli's spawn anywhere on the northern side of the map, close to a forest or in the middle of a field.

Not close to or inside towns or villages.

They're randomly generated, so a map will not help.

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Search open fields at night; you can spot the muzzle flash from the starboard minigun from quite a way off.

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Scratch that map, heli's spawn anywhere on the northern side of the map, close to a forest or in the middle of a field.

Not close to or inside towns or villages.

They're randomly generated, so a map will not help.

Shh son you don't know anything.

The map points out where the helos posssible spawn. There is around 3 helos per server. Its eaither on 1 of those location I would recommend to search around stary.

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at least 5 crashed choppers per server. Our group managed to find 5 on one. Though I personally believe it's more. Run around the open fields around Vybor, Novy Sobor, Stary Sobor and the Altar hills north east of Novy Sobor.

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The map is not 100% correct, i found one on a diffrend spot

Edited by WhiteCrown

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The map is not 100% correct, i found one on a diffrend spot

Of course it isn't. Heli crash sites are placed by an algorithm, meaning they aren't static. The map only shows locations that someone has found a crash site at.

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3 helicopters is the number of usable ones, not the crashed helicopters.

A lot of people report 5 or 6 per server, I personally have only ever found one. :(

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I found a Helicopter Crash right at the edge of Novhy Sabor. Found 2 SD Bizons a medical box and 1 M107 Rifle

Edited by Comanglia

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