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Cherno vs. Elektro

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I understand that Cherno is supposedly the "danger zone" and everyone claims that they head to Elektro instead. In my experience. I've had my fair share of run-ins in both places, but Elektro seems to be more heavily populated. It may only seem this way due to the high concentration of big looting areas, and Cherno is a bit more spread out?

Is Cherno perhaps losing it's title as the most dangerous of the coastal cities?

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Nah, Cherno is still the most populated and dangerous city. It's just more wide-spread than Elektro, with it's narrow streets and lots of hotels\pubs. Also, lots of sniping spots.

Elektro is only popular due to a supermarket and 2 firestations.

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Berezino. Less noobs just as good as both

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I'm king of Elektro, normally get like 5 murders in first 15 mins there.

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I feel like with all the talk about avoiding Cherno, there less people there, but it's still dangerous. Personally, I've run into more survivors along the smaller cities on the coast than at Cherno or Elektro. I also feel like, for the most part, the survivors you meet along the coast in smaller cities are nicer people. Just today, out of the three survivors I met at the coast, three were friendly. The first one, I helped by giving him a blood bag and a map. We then parted ways after he, very kindly, thanked me for the help. The second gave me an M4A1 Camo SD for free. The third invited me to his group of survivors. Nice people are fun to play with.

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Cherno, every newbie that gets a weapon is trigger happy or is being chased by every zed in a 3 mile radius. Elektro, the school in the middle or whatever it always has like 100 dead players in there, the sound of flies can hardly contain itself. My experiences. Elektro > Cherno.

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I'm calling BS! haha

It's true. I was just as surprised as you are when he dropped it. I was in a building, and I saw out the window that there was a guy running toward me. I said, over direct chat, that I saw him and that I am friendly. He said he was friendly, but obviously I was little on edge still. All I had was an axe, so I figured even if i died, it would really matter. He told me he was at the door with his gun down, so I walked down and met him. We talked for a little bit, and I explained that I had just spawned. He asked me if I'd like to have a gun. I said sure, that would be awesome. Next thing I know, he drops the gun and six mags for it, and then he whips out an AS50. He ran off as I was thanking him. It was pretty awesome.

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