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Another silly topic; Why'd you shoot me, man?

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So I go to the office building in Cherno and find a fuckload of bodies [i heard M107 shots around there earlier]. I found an AKM, Coyote backpack and other useful stuff.

I then head to the supermarket...nothing there. So I head out back and what do I see? Another player crawling through the broken bottom of the wall.

"Friendly, friendly. If you don't shoot, I don't shoot. It's a simple as that. I don't want any trouble. I'm going to go away no-" BAM. He spams an M107, just missing me. I ran like hell, dodging his bullets. I ran for about 10 minutes away from Elektro, and DCed in the forests so I could come and post this.

He was the same fuck who killed the six other people.

Ahh, I'm going to give up on calling out friendly several times on fucking direct com, and either shoot players or avoid them. There's no point.

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So you're admitting to DCing in combat?

I'm pretty sure running away for 10 minutes and logging out in a forest isn't combat DCing.

Edited by Senrain
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I'm pretty sure running away for 10 minutes and logging out in a forest isn't combat DCing.

I was under the impression that he was being chased. Is this not true?

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yep. had a encounter a hour ago, basicly i see a player in a open field, so i stay like 50 meters inside the forrest outline. 3min later we cross paths again this time he opens fire even after i shouted "DON'T SHOOT IM FRIENDLY" in direct coms. The sad part was he emptied 3 DMR mags into the large tree i was taken cover behind. Only to witness me shoot him in the leg when he was reloading and leaveing him.

Guess he found it importent to waste ammo on a tree :D.

Another example was me and a buddy getting killed by a AS50 dude while driving our newly acquired jeep. When we finally got back to the spot both our bodies and the car was still there.. i dont get it ? why leave all our items and the car ? :huh: one of us even had NVG.

Edited by Honey Badger.

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There should be a way to know the difference between Bandits and survivors. But it will be very difficult. I know I am a friendly. So Honey Badger if we do cross paths I am TITONICS2 on DayZ you don't need to kill me, I'll probably join you for safety.

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He had a better gun then you.

I'd protect it as well.

More times than not people call friendly and still shoot, so why risk it?

I would've shot you as well.

Though I wouldn't have missed like this spastic :).

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So you're admitting to DCing in combat?

So running away for 10+ minutes and then DCing whilst not under fire is considered DCing in combat, now?

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I was under the impression that he was being chased. Is this not true?

Also, no, I wasn't being chased. The other guy died.

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So running away for 10+ minutes and then DCing whilst not under fire is considered DCing in combat, now?

My mistake, from the wording in your post, it sounded as though he chased you firing at you for 10 min., then you logged. Again, my bad.

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My mistake, from the wording in your post, it sounded as though he chased you firing at you for 10 min., then you logged. Again, my bad.

"I ran like hell, dodging his bullets..."

Oh I'm sorry, it did look like that.

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OP: if you see something like 6 bodies and one standing less than 100m away from them..why you didn't:

1) avoid him and sneak away

2) shot his ass


you claimed your friendly presence just to become the 7th body

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OP: if you see something like 6 bodies and one standing less than 100m away from them..why you didn't:

1) avoid him and sneak away

2) shot his ass


you claimed your friendly presence just to become the 7th body

I did avoid him, but I didn't want to shoot. Although, I would have shot if I knew it was the M107 guy.

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He had a better gun then you.

I'd protect it as well.

More times than not people call friendly and still shoot, so why risk it?

I would've shot you as well.

Though I wouldn't have missed like this spastic :).

I have to agree with DarkRaven123, too many times have I called out friendly over Direct and get a shotgun too the face as a response.

I try and play friendly, but now I play with my brother we tend to try and avoid players, but at this moment in time we are in deep in Cherno and have had many close calls! but thanks to my AK with full auto and his deadeye shot with his winchester we have despatch a couple hostiles, none that we aggro first might I had, props to them though for trying to take on two of us :D


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I did avoid him, but I didn't want to shoot. Although, I would have shot if I knew it was the M107 guy.

To be honest, if I hear gunfire then see a body/bodies I assume everyone I see in the immediate area is a threat, call me paranoid but that's the way I play and that's how I am still alive 5 days in O.o

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when you say "don't shoot i'm friendly" i generally will simply consider you a more sophisticated bandit who attempts to use psychological warfare to get me to let my guard down so that you can fill my face full of bullets with less risk.

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