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Please.. Dying.. Of Hunger..

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I've searched so many houses.. So many servers.. But I can't find a single can of food. I've killed 17 zombies on the off chance that one of them would have food, but not a single one did.. Someone help me x___x

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I've been having the same problem. What happened to all the food?

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I wish I knew.. Dying from hunger is a bit embarassing, but my food meter is blinking now, and I really, really don't want to die from hunger x__x

Someone, save my life, please.

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Same problem here. I'm on my 4th character and have not found a single can of food on any of them.

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@Dead on Arrival, I only shoot in self defense, and if you'd help me I'd be eternally grateful! my skype and steam are both Buddymcfriend

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No knife, matches, and hatchet?

I hope it's not glitched. Haven't fired the game up today.

edit: Then again.. maybe the game is telling you to kill a player?

Edited by Super67_

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No knife, have matches and a hatchet, but my health is dropping now.. I had to log off. I have to stay off until someone gets in the house that I'm in x_x,

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Considering I'm not far from from there right now I could hop on an save your ass, if you'd want me to join me on my clans TS which can be found in my signature.

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Visit your local supermarket for food and such things.

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I've searched so many houses.. So many servers.. But I can't find a single can of food. I've killed 17 zombies on the off chance that one of them would have food, but not a single one did.. Someone help me x___x

You're doing it wrong. Kill 17 zombies = no food. Kill 1 human = food, ammo, bandages, painkillers, navigational gear, etc

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Kamyshovo? If i remember correctly, and I think I do, keep heading up the road from your position and there should be a place where the road crosses some train tracks. One you cross the tracks with the road follow where the road would go if it kept heading straight instead of turning and go over the hill. You'll be near the Elektro power station/ fire station. The hospital i've found has plenty of food and soda, currently looking for morphien though.

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A few tips when looting...

1. Try playing on a less populated server and/or at night. Daytime "Recruit" and "Regular" servers will usually be pretty full.

2. If you pick up everything, then go 20-30 meters away and wait a bit...new loot spawns.

3. Do whatever it takes to survive...train a bunch of zombies into a building, and kill them all until canned food drops. Surviving may also mean killing other players :murder:

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I haven't been able to find much food, but I've got a ton of drinks. In my character's pack I probably have at least 5 sodas and 3 canteens. Meanwhile, I only have 2 cans of beans and 1 can of pasta.

I guess hunting is a lot more important now.

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No knife, have matches and a hatchet, but my health is dropping now.. I had to log off. I have to stay off until someone gets in the house that I'm in x_x,

Unless you have some real gear.. actually, that doesn't matter. Just kill yourself and start new. You have nothing that you can't find elsewhere and later. Not playing because of this is sort of silly.

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Well the reason I'm in Kamy is because I was going to meet a friend there who had spawned north of there. I can't go to Elektro because I will bleed out. To the nice guys that gave constructive information, thank you! Especially TyRobot, that was an interesting tip (#2).

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My offer is void as I just got eaten by a zombie after attacking and skinning a boar for meat...

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My offer is void as I just got eaten by a zombie after attacking and skinning a boar for meat...

you died to single zombie?

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I'm just getting a liiiiittle tired of having to crawl around in the mud basically naked trying to find a Makarov in a crappy residential house. That's all. And to Izithel, I'm sorry to hear that, but the way you put it makes it very funny, haha.

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