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Stuck in half death (Can I delete my profile)

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Hey there,

Im kinda out of ideas here so I hope you guys can help me.

I just recently bought arma and used the six lauchner to get dayz set up. Played for a while and everything was cool. That is until a admin put out a global msg that everybody would need to leave the server if they want to keep their chars because he needs to restart it. Me noobish that I am was a bit too late I think. Well I disconnected alright but while doing so i saw ppl getting teleported? to the same location and some explosions.

When I reconnected to another server I found myself in a different location and unable to do any actions.

( This is what it looks like when i log in - http://img651.images...nbenanntkop.jpg )

Since this happens to me on all servers I have no idea what to do.

Can I somehow delete my global profile or are there other options ?

thanks in advance


ps.: I hoped to die from the bleeding or due to hunger/thirst but bloodloss stopped at 1600 and im not starving either.

Edited by locked_cc

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I cant killmyself actually. Couldnt even enter the menu to respawn.

But im dead now. Dunno what happend, just let the comp run for some hours.

Edited by locked_cc

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I've got the same problem, I'm totally new and when this screen appears, I log off because nothing was responding. Now I'm stuck with this hourglass and the server DC me before he is empty, like a half of the hourglass.

I can't create any char or respawn cause there is no esc menu when i see the hourglass, and i can't communicate with other people.

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I've got the same problem, I'm totally new and when this screen appears, I log off because nothing was responding. Now I'm stuck with this hourglass and the server DC me before he is empty, like a half of the hourglass.

I can't create any char or respawn cause there is no esc menu when i see the hourglass, and i can't communicate with other people.

Normally it takes 2 minutes for the Hourglass to empty. Have you waited for this or does it not move?

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this happened to me you must wait it out in cppl hours u will die of starvation and it allows you to respawn ,

your player id will be linked to your game and therefore changing profile wont work

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Ok, I'll try. This is really annoying.

Like i said, i didn't wait, so i think this is the deco/reco penality.

Edited by Gawyn

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It's always puzzled me why you can kill yourself any old time but when you really want to.

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