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Some People Are Real Scumbags

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Today on ANZ 1 there was a massive glitch or something before the server restarted.

Everyone was teleported to the NWAF and there were about 8 hueys on the runway.

So for some reason everyone thinks they should go nuts and kill eachother, but that isn't the worst part.

The server restarts after a minute of this madness and the few who survived spawned there.

We agreed not to kill each other and everything was ok.

Then some cunt spawns in with an Alice Pack, M9 SD, AS50.

He says "Don't shoot, don't shoot, I'm friendly".

Straight away I know there is something suspicious about this twat, but I didn't attack him.

He runs off to the West and I figure he's just trying to get away so nobody kills him, but instead the prick fires upon us and kills the two guys I was there with.

I decided to use my super zig zag tricks to avoid his fire, and then I unload on him with my G17, but of course being the prick he is - he disconnects.

Some Day Z players are the worst gamers I've come across.

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Typical coward scumbag. I‘m surprised he thinks bleating “Friendly!“ actually works after the number of times he‘s undoubtedly shot players that make that declaration...

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Some Day Z players are the worst gamers I've come across.

Yep. Although i have come across some good ones

if they behave like that it makes it hard to believe others..

my son and i have discussed this lots. How to be a friendly but not get your ass shot off. He is of the mind to shoot now since we seem to get shot lots. I really dont think i will. Unless they fire on me first, alas this means im more likely to die first.

I havent as of yet shot anyone and dont want to start.

I'm hoping they bring back the bandit skin, at least you know then.

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I think I was on this server when this happened just joined and was checking some loot in cherno as some guy just managed to die to zombies with an M107 at balota, grabbed his gun and pow I was teleported to the air strip I saw like 8 people and just instantly logged off lol. When I next logged on I was at the air strip ready to loot the place lol xD

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Just today, on a fresh spawn, I ran away from the coast and literally 20 seconds later, some dude and his friend say they're friendly. They come out of a bush and shoot me

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All you have to do, is check the places your going into, Rooftops, Windows, Bushes and then head in, Personally, Dont even go in the Major cities without good gear

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