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HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

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Quit crying... they went as far as making a post on here trying to make it right. You're being a typical American and bitching at something you can't control... ever heard of Louis C.K.?

We told them the HIVE was wrong days ago, they ignored us and have not responded to ANY tickets we submitted over the last few days.

Do non-Americans accept shitty support?

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It will be coming.

On a side note, our TCAdmin is down and are waiting for it to come back up

EDIT: It will take about 10 to 20 minutes for some and others may get hung up, which we will power cycle them.

i think 651 is hung up....its been more than 20

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All the servers are now rebooted. Give tcadmin a few mins to catch up to all the requests. 100+ machines requesting connections after the reboots and users signing in and trying to make changes caused it to have some sight issues. Should hopefully be back up in a few mins.

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We told them the HIVE was wrong days ago, they ignored us and have not responded to ANY tickets we submitted over the last few days.

Do non-Americans accept shitty support?

Is HFB a EA sabotage strategy to hurt Dayz while EA comes up with a Dayz type game?

Seriously... you think you have a valid point after you post something like HFB being a EA sabotage? I'm suspecting you aren't even old enough to rent a server and if you are, I feel pity for you.

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TCAdmin is the control panel that is used to manage servers. Hosts use it to install them and clients use them to manage their servers.

For the hive issue. Once TCAdmin comes back, I will check the servers and do a manual update myself.

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with this reboot...is this like a master reboot with vehicles all at orginal locations and shit and tents wiped?

Edited by btrizzle

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We told them the HIVE was wrong days ago, they ignored us and have not responded to ANY tickets we submitted over the last few days.

Do non-Americans accept shitty support?

The HIVE is the correct version. All the files that are packaged in the updates section are exactly the same as the latest versions HIVE wise. Updates are not simply just renamed, they are packaged with what ever they say they are. The updates ryan was referring to are dealing with control panel and server updates that i detailed in another post.

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with this reboot...is this liek a master reboot with vehicles all at orginal locations and shit and tents wiped?

No, the actual physical machine was rebooted vs the DayZ (software) server.... in laymen's terms.

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TCAdmin is the control panel that is used to manage servers. Hosts use it to install them and clients use them to manage their servers.

For the hive issue. Once TCAdmin comes back, I will check the servers and do a manual update myself.

Just keep in mind that you have to get the latest one, don't update it with the original files that came with the release of

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with this reboot...is this liek a master reboot with vehicles all at orginal locations and shit and tents wiped?

No this should't do that but I cant say I could be wrong. In order to get everything wiped on a server, you would have to reset the instance ID.

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with this reboot...is this like a master reboot with vehicles all at orginal locations and shit and tents wiped?

Vehicles tents etc are stored on the HIVE not the server. So unless we changed your mission id rebooting the server will not affect them. You do not need to worry there.

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The HIVE is the correct version. All the files that are packaged in the updates section are exactly the same as the latest versions HIVE wise. Updates are not simply just renamed, they are packaged with what ever they say they are. The updates ryan was referring to are dealing with control panel and server updates that i detailed in another post.

The package you guys had for had a hive issue they released a fix for this a few days after the original package was released.

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Seriously... you think you have a valid point after you post something like HFB being a EA sabotage? I'm suspecting you aren't even old enough to rent a server and if you are, I feel pity for you.

Seriously rbosse, are you his boyfriend or what? Who are you and what dog do you have in this race?

I'm against college frat boys starting up a service and then not holding up their end of it. They have my money, I want my service.

Do you seriously want to insult an entire country to defend the honor of your boyfriend here? You seriously feel the need to insult Americans because this part time business run by college kids can't make it in the real world when it's time to put up or shut up? Seriously?

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well, with this email string and the communication....you earned a little street cred back......haters gonna hate though....but you did a good job. Now make sure us651 comes back up before I snap.

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You've never ran a business nor serviced for a business, I can see that clearly... have a good one man. I won't go as far as insulting you to the degree that you did.

EDIT: I should have added this in... yes I will insult my own countrymen (sound good?) when I see it on a daily basis. They are working on an issue and it took them two days to respond... Call Dell, tell me how that goes, boyfriend.

Edited by rbosse

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it took them two days to respond

Not to nitpick here but it's been over a week I have not been able to play on a server I am paying for, this for an issue that I have been trying to get them to acknowledge and fix for said amount of time.

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Quit crying... they went as far as making a post on here trying to make it right. You're being a typical American and bitching at something you can't control... ever heard of Louis C.K.?

Short term, correct, I can't control this. Long term I most certainly can. They get no more of my money.

FYI, I don't know who you are or why you continue to post in this thread but you are not helping the HFB cause with your insults. I'm guessing you are another part time/volunteer that might help HFB behind the scenes or at least a wanna be. If that is the case maybe you should stay behind the scenes you are only making the issue worse again with your petty insults and constant need to defend them.

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They are working on an issue and it took them two days to respond.

9 days since has been out, our HIVE has been crap since then.

When you spend your money on an item you expect results worth your money. Some kids dont get that, and probably still have mommy and daddy get them stuff, and ho-hum if it doesnt work.

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Haven't had issues on our server since 95208... I'm suspecting I'm that kid? Man, I don't have a clue why I get into it with people (yeah I referred to you as people rather than kids) on forums. I'll learn someday.

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Your shoe is untied honey. Do you have clean underwear on? Look both ways before crossing the street dear. You have dirt on your face, let me spit on my hand and clean it off. There you go, all better now.

Thanks mom.

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I'll leave it at this... fix the HIVE and continue racking in the dough... have fun HFB :) I'll just laugh at chisel for losing his money.

PS. Thanks for the continuance of royalty checks HFB ;)

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Haven't had issues on our server since 95208... I'm suspecting I'm that kid? Man, I don't have a clue why I get into it with people (yeah I referred to you as people rather than kids) on forums. I'll learn someday.

I am glad YOU have not had an issue since then, we have, learn to accept that others experience is different than yours.

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