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so i got killed...

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i was in the elektro church waiting to meet up with my buddy there. we're both from the same town and were getting bad lag on this server so we decided to switch to another server closer to us and hopefully get rid of the lag. we both logged and went to a new server. as soon as i spawn back in, i see that it's night time on this server and there's a flare in the church. i look to my left and see a guy with an AK watching the door while his friend looted stuff behind him. i had an enfield and about 4 mags so i thought i was set to take em out. i go to raise the gun up and look down the sights and nothing happens. i click it again. nothing. i clck the fire button a few times, still nothing. by this time one of them noticed me so i called out friendly, obviously i wasn't gonna kill them without a working gun. the other one turned around and watched me while his friend finished looting, then i heard one of them garble something over vchat and they opened fire.

if you don't like a story or tl;dr, skip down here:

so, can anyone tell me why i couldn't look down the sights and/or fire? i've had it glitch like that playing arma 2 when you can't raise the gun up to look down your sights, but pressing fire always fixes that.

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This happens from basically having your weapon lowered. I Haven't had this after logging in, but it happens to me all the time after using ladders with a primary weapon. Double tap cntrl to raise your weapon, although you must be standing for some reason for it to work, or swap weapons as suggested already. If you're on a server that uses crosshairs you can tell if you're in this state by the little dot, between the 2 lines, being missing.

Edited by dk_250

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thanks guys, maybe next time i won't get shot in the face.

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i had this too...couldn't aim down the sights or fire my AK-74. i thought it was some gay server setting, but, i guess it's a glitch. either way, don't expect people to not kill you if you're standing there pointing a gun at them.

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