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About dk_250

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I watched some youtube vids before I got into the game, I find that helped a lot. You also want to always crouch walk in towns, and even crawl if they're facing you. Never run across roads, it's very loud. If you do pick up some zombies the best plan of action is to run inside a building, preferably one with 2 entrances so you can go in then run back out. If there's none around you sometimes you can shake them by going around a bunch of corners real quick and lose line of sight, then go prone or crouch walk away. If you're bleeding out...well you have bandages for that. Buildings that can be entered have windows you can see into, look for that. Guns aren't everything, they have the potential to get you into more trouble than you were in...sometimes an axe is better, remember you can equip it as a weapon (dont forget to relaod it).
  2. dk_250

    FPS drops to 10 at night

    Same thing happens to me as well. I normally play at around 50-60fps and the transition to nighttime really destroys my FPS (mine goes to 15-20 and stays there no matter if I'm looking far in the distance or at the floor). The only thing to fix it is to restart the game (and then you got to wait another 10mins because create character/loading takes forever since last patch for me), and most of the times when you rejoin the same server the time is a bit earlier than you actually logged and you go through the same day/night transition you were trying to avoid in the first place. To add to the hurt, I'm getting stuttering (like a flashbook) effect when driving 3rd person with my 4 wheeler. This comes and goes and has no affect on fps when it occurs. This issue as well as the low fps issue make playing at/around nighttime almost impossible. These issues started within the last few patches for me.
  3. dk_250

    so i got killed...

    This happens from basically having your weapon lowered. I Haven't had this after logging in, but it happens to me all the time after using ladders with a primary weapon. Double tap cntrl to raise your weapon, although you must be standing for some reason for it to work, or swap weapons as suggested already. If you're on a server that uses crosshairs you can tell if you're in this state by the little dot, between the 2 lines, being missing.
  4. I've encountered the static zombies a few times myself. I had always guessed they were someone elses zombies, and they had either left the area or were killed, but the zombies did not despawn. Althought just right now I cruised up to the NW AF on my 4 wheeler, took a quick drive by and saw no zombies (no zombies, no players in the direct area I usually assume). I found a crashed heli so I started to loot and load up the atv, I noticed zombies started spawning in the surrounding buildings like normal. But just as I make my final sweep to get out of there I look back and the dozen or so zombies that were spawned had now all stopped in their tracks, I figured something was up so I make a run for the quad but get gunned down by an M107 before I could react in time. So it seems to me these zombies should of disappeared but just stay on screen, that's why they may not react, because I've encounted a server hopper in the past and was tipped off by all the zombies in my immediate area despawning.