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arch3r (DayZ)

SCO 60 Admin DCers

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me and weedman and cas were in sco 60.we ran out of fuel.and we all went out to get some at kabanino.cas on his wee bike went back to our wee bus.and seen 2 vehicles at our happy bus :) there was 4 of them one was the admin.

we have been playing on there server for a cpl of days now.i

cas started shooting at them.and killing one.then we got no message received.and the 4 who where at our happy bus was in the lobby when we got that message server went down and did not come back up and have been told the server is still down.the screenshot only show two of them one being legendary fox who is the admin.time that it happened including your timezone.about 12.40am GMT


Edited by arch3r
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Yip Server Admin included tut tut all 4 of them sitting in the lobby seconds before the server goes down.

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After i killed one of them the others ran behind the cars for cover, i kept shooting at them under the cars as i could see them no problem with my L85, then the server goes down and stayed down for 20mins or more.

screenshot of all 4 in lobby to follow..


Edited by Cast0r
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Server Admin [0M6] Legendary Fox and his mate Killswitch then came back into the server, cas and Arch3r started to fire at both of them 1 after the other and they both disconnect to avoid being killed.....then again the server mysteriously goes down for the second time in a 20 min period.

P.S When server had came back up both players had moved original positions too to flank us.

Edited by TheWeedMan
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heres one of killswitch disconnet to the loddy after cas started to fire at him


and heres one of the sco 60 admin doing the same thing after a started to shoot him


you can see both of them in the lobby.

and heres one of them both disconnect from the server.and at the same time the server goes down.


Edited by arch3r
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this is the one cas took.this shows all 4 in the lobby.this was the first time they dc'ed

Edited by arch3r
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this is them DCing a 2nd time


Edited by Cast0r

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I jumped on for around an hour or so last night to do some config changes, time changes and edit some other things that I have been meaning to do. I really do not understand how you could so be so bias to the point of pinpointing me onto to that firefight when most of the time I was in the lobby. I must also add that it is a requirement for all OM6 members to wear our tag in-game, and we are very strict about this too. We have also had nametags offline for a few weeks, so as I said, your pulling that one out your arse.

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lol you was 3 of your mates.at our happy bus the first time.you got shot at and you dc'ed and the sever went down.2nd time you and your pal moved to get into a better position over us.cas started to shot at your pal.trying to get back to the bus.he then dc'ed.a seen you then a opened fire at you.then you dc'ed and the server goes down.

Edited by arch3r

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I am just sick of people making assumptions because their butthurt, didnt get their kill or server crashed or whatever, because in the end it always gets pin pointed at me, which puts my account at risk for doing absolutely nothing.

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The three of us watched you and your mates DC into the lobby as you came under fire.

The server then goes down and when it comes back up yous have changed position, yous then DC to lobby again as your shot at.

say what you wish but ive seen a few posts now about your clan and its server, they all say the same thing!

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You still do not have sufficient evidence to pinpoint me in that firefight though. You will also be delighted to hear that I can barely keep the server up for next month, so were going offline in a few days, so even if those people did kill you and take your van or vice versa, either way you would still loose them.

But as I said, by all means ban me with sufficient evidence for something I didn't even do.

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We dont care about vans,cars,gear or any of that sort, all we wanted was a good firefight win or lose!

We hope your server does go down, the less servers ran by your sort the better, we will just move on to a better run/admin server.

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How many times do I have to tell you?

I was not involved in your firefight, I am currently logged at near Krastnostav. This most probably wont pass anyway, insufficient evidence by the looks of it. You had might as well take a picture of any server lobby menu and say that everyone in there that belongs to the clan is a abusing admin with some bs story.

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funny thing is the first time the 4 that was involved in the fire fight.all dc'ed at the sametime.and whats more funny is you where one of them who dc'ed into the lobby.then the 2nd time when a was shotting at you.then you dc'ed into the lobby with your pal killswitch and you still think your not one of them.are you high take it like a man.

you can go on to say its not you but the screenshot shows YOU and your pals dc'ed but its not you eh.end of now up to the devs hope you dont get a server again.this game does not need kids for admins.

Edited by arch3r

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How many times do I have to tell you?

I was not involved in your firefight, I am currently logged at near Krastnostav. This most probably wont pass anyway, insufficient evidence by the looks of it. You had might as well take a picture of any server lobby menu and say that everyone in there that belongs to the clan is a abusing admin with some bs story.

Yes you were, we all seen you DC into the lobby with your 3 friends, its plain to see in the screenshots.

why did you change server name to sco 27 now?

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Word against word. Locking this thread for now.

DC:ing to avoid death is something a lot of people do, it's bad mkay *southpark impression*. But on other hand we'll try to solve it with an upcoming update.

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