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We have survivors and bandits, but what about Vigilantes?

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We all know that if you murder a certain amount of people you become a "Bandit" in terms of the Debug monitor. What about if we kill Bandits? a certain amount of Bandit kills, let say 2, would label you as a Vigilante. You could get a different skin (just as Bandits USED to have their own skin).



maybe so?

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Yeah there should be two sides. Bandits get the old skin after 10 kills. While people who kill bandits 10 times get some sort of camo.

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This is supposed to be realistic. In real life, your clothes wouldn't magically change after you killed 10 guys.

You also can give blood transfusions without any medical training and gut an animal by patting it down with your hands.

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skins were removed for two reasons

1) they didnt achomplish anything, it didnt change player reaction or motives

2) it stood in the way of development, rocket wants lootable clothing, forced skins breaks this.

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We need some way to destinquish between good guys and bad guys (which ever view you take) to stop all the "shoot on site" kills from peole that just are sick of getting popped by every one they see.

I can definately see this game going into never before social directions with the ability to distinquish players affiliations or demenor if you will. Wouldn't patches or something, optional of course, go a long way to opening new uncharted territory in terms of real social interactions in a game?

For example; players with the same patch essentialy become "friendly" and do not recieve "friendly fire" from others with the same patch or other designation affiliating them with a group or sect or whatever you call it.

I can see that turning into large very LARGE groups of semi-organized like minded people and provide the "safetynet" needed to allow trading, social interactions not available before and possibly small "safe zones". Essentialy, it would allow people to form groups very very similar to early civilizations, tribes if you will.

One could even be stripped of their "patch" and cast out or choose to denounce their "citizenship" and go rouge. Once removed the "patch" could not be reinstated until a new charector was spawned.

the "friendly fire" thing could fairly easily be integrated into the existing engine along with some sort of "patch" or uniform/clothes designating those affiliated with the group.

Even the most primative people had the ability to band together. This would take DayZ to a whole new "realistic" level and open the game up to develope in ways no game has ever done before. Imagine large battles between groups, you know in "real life" this would happen given time.

Anyway, just an idea. What an awesome game we've all enjoyed so far. It's an exciting time to be a PC gamer. I haven't had this much fun and true immersion in a game in all my 42 years. Props to Rocket and the crew, you've earned your place in PC gaming history and definately changed the "game".

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