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[ Suggestion ] Respawn Item Bank

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I think it'd be completely awesome if there were some way, maybe involving tents, to store maybe one or two items that you get back when you respawn.

So, for example, if I find an extra compass, I could store that for my next life. Or maybe chem lights, if I know it's getting dark and I'm likely to respawn at night.

Nothing excessive, just being able to put a little something towards the next life.

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I think what would be cool is if there were random caches around the world that you could add your own stuff to which won't disappear unless the server restarts.

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The whole point of dying in-game is to somewhat apply a New Life Rule. Basically meaning it's a new character, being a new survivor who knows nothing about the past other than a zombie outbreak happened. Dying is part of the game and all of us deal with it, that's why there is loot all over the map to serve the purpose of those whom have died. It would logically not make sense with the realism that DayZ presents per example:

I just died, how is a body going to transfer from my dead body to a new body that just spawned on the coast being your new character. I personally support the simulation DayZ brings and would liek to keep it that way :3

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If that's the Damned case wweeee then the game needs to stop spawning me as a freaking bandit... I shoot one freaking asshole for him shooting me and am cursed with this bandit skin and have been for 4 days straight now......

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