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All the servers are red..

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So, I installed DayZ along with ArmA 2 and ArmA 2 OA.

I used Six Updater to install DayZ, later when I open the server list almost all servers were marked with a red cross and I was unable to join them.

So I deleted DayZ and Six Updater and installed the mod manually and the problem still occour, please help me :(

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Use Six Launcher. I've never used the in game server list but I have looked at it before and most of them have red crosses as well so I just use Six Launcher

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Okay, but is there anyone that has a solution to this problem.

I want to use the ingame menu due to Six Launcher's ping is broken..

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Dont join server from six...just launch the game from six and you will be able to use ARMA server browser

Edited by Drogur

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Same here, and when I do manage to join it crashes during the loading screen.

I get the deleted.chernarus error when I use the six updater so I don't use that...

And since the only solution to that seems to be running Arma 2 OA as combined operations through steam which in turns makes all servers red.

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Okay, but is there anyone that has a solution to this problem.

I want to use the ingame menu due to Six Launcher's ping is broken..

six launcher's ping isnt broke, it just takes time to update all the servers pings :P just give it a minute

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I'm going to keep suggesting the wiki. It will walk you through installing/launching regardless of how you want to do things. Whether its manually, or using some installer/launcher. It has things broken down for each combination. Seriously, if you want to do things yourself just follow the right sections here:

http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_install_DayZ :)

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Same here, and when I do manage to join it crashes during the loading screen.

I get the deleted.chernarus error when I use the six updater so I don't use that...

And since the only solution to that seems to be running Arma 2 OA as combined operations through steam which in turns makes all servers red.

the deleted chernarus message is typically due to either a launch issue or the mod files, but I'm gonna guess it is a launch issue in your case.

http://dayzwiki.com/...to_install_DayZ. For example, sometimes when I update my OA beta patch, I have to re-edit the "_runA2CO_beta.cmd" file that is used to launch the game to include the ";@dayz", otherwise I will get the deleted content warning.

Edited by Macrodamus

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