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Server Restarting Questions

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On my server, I have scheduled restarts every 6 hours. I noticed that during schedule restarts, and even some restarts I do manually, when I come back into the server, all my vehicles and tents are gone. Tents that have been here for days disappear, as well as vehicles. When I restart the server again, manually, all these tents and vehicles spawn into their regular position. Can anyone explain this?

My second question: I keep putting stuff into my tents, then saving the tents, but then the items keep on poofing. I have one tent that I set up a week ago, and it managed to save everything I put inside it, but all my new tents keep poofing items. Is the problem that my server has desynced from the hive? The last couple of times I've put stuff in my tents, it was after 4+ hours of play, with no server restart. Should i bet putting stuff in my tents at the beginning of a restart or something? Thanks.

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When tents and vehicles doesn't show after a restart it's usually related to hive and them not being loaded correctly. Another restart usually solves it.

Items poofing can be several things, it can be a bug, delay to hive causing it not to save, you forgetting "save vehicle/tent". The most common is data not being saved to hive in time. There are also purging done during the maintenance of hive so unused vehicles and tents get removed/reset.

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Yeah I played about 3 hours earlier today setting up 3 tents. Logged back in to find all 3 didn't save. Ran way over to a tent I had placed 4 deaths ago and it was still there with guns I'm pretty positive I had taken out. Tents are wack right now.

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Set your scripts to restart at a uncommon time. Everyone and their grandma restarts every 6 hours on the hour. Switch it to restart at like 43 after the hour or something. guessing hive is getting hammered by all the servers trying to restart at the same time.

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Yeah I played about 3 hours earlier today setting up 3 tents. Logged back in to find all 3 didn't save. Ran way over to a tent I had placed 4 deaths ago and it was still there with guns I'm pretty positive I had taken out. Tents are wack right now.

Then you didnt save the tent, so the weapons reappear after a server restart.

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