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Why does this game get worse with every patch?

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Why does this game get worse with every patch?

Seriously. This game is just shit now.

It was fine 10 patches ago apart from zombie glitches, but now i've got to deal with 1 hit kos and all this other shit. Im honestly starting to hate this game.

Cant talk to people, people shoot you on sight 24/7, spawns dont work properly anymore. Tons of lighting issues.

Everything you do to this game rocket, you make it so much worse.

Edited by woofed
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Bad day at the office eh? Please explain whats wrong with the patches? 1 Hit KO's have been happening for ages.

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it seems to fine to me. i'm sure no matter what happens people will still shoot on sight because theirs no reason not to

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I'm also pretty mad they made .50 bullets do MurderDeathKill in one hit with this latest patch. Also the flight model on th A10 is abit off, can we fix that next please?

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Can't confirm this. You must be one of a few who just see the negative aspects.

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Some aspects got worse but it's generally heading in the right direction

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Because its an alpha, its supposed to get worse. The mod is not supposed to be in a playable state during alpha, and no one here should expect it to be. The day which people realise that its supposed to be broken now, in order to be working in the future, is the day this mod will have a glorious community. Unfortunatly, this wont happen, as there are no limits to the stupidity of mankind.

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The people who keep using the alpha excuse are retarded.

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Ironing out bugs can present entirely different bugs, it's natural to happen. Also Alpha.

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The people who keep using the alpha excuse are retarded.

Its not an excuse, its the official term of a part of a development cycle that every game has gone through for 2 decades. Unfortunatly, as soon as you publicly release an alpha in order to get broader feedback, you get users like you, who probably have a 9-5 job that has nothing to do with computer engineering, and as such has no idea what you actually talk about, come here and talk dirt to people who do.

Respect the process of game development, if its too complicated for you to understand, then leave. But do not come here and talk shit and invalidate statements that you have no clue of whatsoever.

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Why does this game get worse with every patch?

Seriously. This game is just shit now.

It was fine 10 patches ago apart from zombie glitches, but now i've got to deal with 1 hit kos and all this other shit. Im honestly starting to hate this game.

Cant talk to people, people shoot you on sight 24/7, spawns dont work properly anymore. Tons of lighting issues.

Everything you do to this game rocket, you make it so much worse.

Y'know, instead of waiting for GW2 or PS2 like your sig shows, maybe you should just go outside or something if you hate this game so much.

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Cant talk to people, people shoot you on sight 24/7,

yes it was so much better when people used chat to lure people to locations to shoot on sight, or just used the clues they gave in chat to track them and then KOS

the only differacne loosing chat really made was we cant laugh at the nerd rage when you pop someone now

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yes it was so much better when people used chat to lure people to locations to shoot on sight, or just used the clues they gave in chat to track them and then KOS

the only differacne loosing chat really made was we cant laugh at the nerd rage when you pop someone now


The global chat was a huge waste of time and was never used constructively. It basically denegrated down to flame wars between butthurt parties and bandits using it to lure unsuspecting noobs to their death.

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Community gets worse with every patch.

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The people who keep using the alpha excuse are retarded.

Alpha is the time to make drastic changes and experiment. This is exactly what Rocket is doing, so if you don't like it, take a break from the game until things are working better.

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Community gets worse with every patch.

Community gets worse with every 15 year old, hearing about this awesome zombie game, where you can really annoy people by being an ass ingame and on the forums. Apparently the lure is irresistible.

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I'm 2 weeks in and loving it albiet a bit bored. Would of loved if they kept the chat and bandit morphing as that outfit looks sick. Alas I was to late to see either.

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Quite honestly I felt the same until I watched an interview with Rocket. What I took away from the interview is that the game we are playing now is in a transitional phase. It's not what it needs to be yet, but Rocket has an idea of what he wants it to become. So, be patient and the game will surely improve.

Here is the interview.

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I suppose we should get rid of chat/voice in every game. It would make it better imo since I want zero interaction with people I play with

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