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How about a splint and maybe slower movement fixing the broke leg in time takin morphine for the pain so you don't pass out. I think this would help the realism of the game :D

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Have you ever broken a bone? Pretty painful. Even with a splint, you'd still need crutches, splints only hold the bone in place.

I know it'd help with the "realism", but all you're really asking about is if you can get a increase in movement speed so you can find a morphine shot that magically fixes a broken bone. If morphine fixes bones, then technically you could crush up a couple boxes of painkillers and use that in place of morphine, or even a timed, temp fix. Painkillers stop shaking? so should morphine. "oh no, im at 3k blood, but i need to take out this bandit, gonna take painkillers." should be instant knockout due to extreme blood loss and intense amount of narcotics.

Edited by Crack-Cocaine Aficionado

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seen this been mentioned twice this week. try search next time. and support existing thread instead. its easier to get attention on the subject that way.

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seen this been mentioned twice this week. try search next time. and support existing thread instead. its easier to get attention on the subject that way.

im sry but i didn't find any post about this.im still looking

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cant really find it either, but its not long ago some had the same idea. splint, slower movement, ETC.

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Protip: if you want to backdoor moderate, at least link to existing threads.

On Topic: While I am all for realism in games that are supposed to be depicting realistic situations... I can't see using a splint being a good idea from a "fun" perspective. Considering the lifespan of your character is typically minutes or hours... or days and longer if you're experienced... a broken leg would take months to heal enough to walk at full speed again. If I was ever punished beyond needing morphine when I don't have it, for a broken bone... I'd suicide immediately since it would just be too unfair and annoying to continue.


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Fair call. Crappy forum software is crappy.... also, poorly named threads are the bane of my existence as a mod elsewhere.


Edited by Sol

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http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16974-ideas-for-medicin-bandages-painkillers-morfin/page__hl__%2Bbroken+%2Bleg+%2Bmorfine i found this post he/she make's alot good points

on topic, i have crawled from town to town and deer stands with a broke leg. i have lived for more thin 2 days with a broke leg hoping i would found morphine or a RL friend to log and come help me. i don't give up on my will to live in dayz no matter how slow i'm

Edited by BigFatJohnSon

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http://dayzmod.com/f...n +leg +morfine i found this post he/she make's alot good points

on topic, i have crawled from town to town and deer stands with a broke leg. i have lived for more thin 2 days with a broke leg hoping i would found morphine or a RL friend to log and come help me. i don't give up on my will to live in dayz no matter how slow i'm

a good thread indeed.

and im the same as you johnSon. so i know your pain.

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Was going to make a new topic on this, but replying here instead with what I was going to write.

-If playing alone and a player breaks his leg, give him/her the ability to right click wood pile and a new option "use as crutches". Player can now walk upright, moving moderatly faster than crawling.

-If playing with 1 other player and one of them breaks a leg and there's no morphine available. Another player can use wood and bandage to splint the leg. Splinting alone doesn't do anything, but when used with crutches can now move greatly faster than crawling.

-If playing with 2 or more players and 1 of them breaks a leg, can use scrap metal or wood, and cloth (new item, think tablecloth, bedding, carpet etc.) to make a makeshift stretcher and carry the injured player around (at a cost of increased dehydration for the carrying players).

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