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DayZ - Best Deathmatch game around, sadly.

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Hey all, the Pvp in this game has now taken the game down to the dogs. For those of you that remember when DayZ first started out, you would run into other survivors on the beach or in the towns close to the beach and 'salute' or chat over direct chat and forge friendships to tackle the zombie problem and get beanz. People were friendly and the common enemy was the zombies. (In my opinion this is what set the game aside in the first place, otherwise I would just play Counterstrike).

Now... the zombies are easy (does anyone actually crawl around anymore like we had to at the start or are you like us and simply run around at top speed and turn to fight them as they enter a doorway?) , its the other people that are the problem. I am now forced to fire as soon as I see anyone as I now expect that treatment myself should someone see me. This game has turned into the madmax of post apocalyptic scenarios.

In fact, DayZ is now probably the best Deathmatch game around. There are no more forming groups of friendlies or helping out strangers. The whole game feels like Cabramatta in Sydney after dark.

People are actually just sitting in a kill spot with a sniper rifle and killing people because they can, they are not even looting the bodies in some cases but just senseless killing. The carnage that is occurring in Electro and Cherno are the worse hot spots as kids are grabbing a gun and just running around killing other people, its just stupid.

/flame suit: on

Now before peeps start spamming 'thats what would happen in a real apocalypse !!!!!!' then think again, people would not kill women or kids for the fun of it, bandits would still operate sadly as this is just human nature but not to the extent we are seeing in DayZ now.

I know the game was developed by a soldier and even though I take my hat off to him for what could have been a fantastic game I think the emphasis on mindless slaughter is too much, bring back the Bandit skins or implement one of the many hundreds of ideas I am seeing from other people that are also trying to come up with means of balancing out the mindless slaughter but something needs to be done about this.

Yeah yeah I expect lots of 'carebear' insults etc as I have seen these responses against others that have expressed concerns about the banditry in the game, but as its an alpha (as everyone seems to say in times like this) then I think any feedback, both constructive and positive should be welcomed as I too reflect some of the players that also play this game.

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Hey all, the Pvp in this game has now taken the game down to the dogs. For those of you that remember when DayZ first started out, you would run into other survivors on the beach or in the towns close to the beach and 'salute' or chat over direct chat and forge friendships to tackle the zombie problem and get beanz. People were friendly and the common enemy was the zombies. (In my opinion this is what set the game aside in the first place, otherwise I would just play Counterstrike).

Now... the zombies are easy (does anyone actually crawl around anymore like we had to at the start or are you like us and simply run around at top speed and turn to fight them as they enter a doorway?) , its the other people that are the problem. I am now forced to fire as soon as I see anyone as I now expect that treatment myself should someone see me. This game has turned into the madmax of post apocalyptic scenarios.

In fact, DayZ is now probably the best Deathmatch game around. There are no more forming groups of friendlies or helping out strangers. The whole game feels like Cabramatta in Sydney after dark.

People are actually just sitting in a kill spot with a sniper rifle and killing people because they can, they are not even looting the bodies in some cases but just senseless killing. The carnage that is occurring in Electro and Cherno are the worse hot spots as kids are grabbing a gun and just running around killing other people, its just stupid.

/flame suit: on

Now before peeps start spamming 'thats what would happen in a real apocalypse !!!!!!' then think again, people would not kill women or kids for the fun of it, bandits would still operate sadly as this is just human nature but not to the extent we are seeing in DayZ now.

I know the game was developed by a soldier and even though I take my hat off to him for what could have been a fantastic game I think the emphasis on mindless slaughter is too much, bring back the Bandit skins or implement one of the many hundreds of ideas I am seeing from other people that are also trying to come up with means of balancing out the mindless slaughter but something needs to be done about this.

Yeah yeah I expect lots of 'carebear' insults etc as I have seen these responses against others that have expressed concerns about the banditry in the game, but as its an alpha (as everyone seems to say in times like this) then I think any feedback, both constructive and positive should be welcomed as I too reflect some of the players that also play this game.

I completely understand your frustration, but this statement just makes me annoyed. DayZ in its current state is less then 5% of what it could be as a full featured game. This is a MOD not a GAME. It is less then 3 months old since the mod completely blew up, DayZ is and WAS supposed to be a sandbox game, Rocket said it a thousand of times.

DayZ is supposed to be played the way individuals wants it to be played, if 80% wants to play it the way its currently being played, then thats how it is. If DayZ arent for you, then thats cool, just find another game. DayZ is what we make it, its a sandbox.

Edited by Suspenselol

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Well, a lot of people actually DO group up, just not as much in game anymore because there's no reason to. It's a lot easier to trust someone you're speaking to in a third party application like Skype or TS rather than relying on direct communication in game to forge a friendship.

There are threads upon threads upon threads with people raging about the 'DayZ is a DM' thing. It's not going to go away, man ( just one example: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/6487-wtf-is-happening-to-the-server-community/page__st__20#entry67105 ): the endgame pretty much boils down to killing other people and taking their beans, or continuously helping other survivors get geared until you end up getting killed. Whether you're killing bandits or survivors or getting killed by them, that's pretty much it. Otherwise you're just sitting up in the woods somewhere eating and drinking until you die.

Why not go over to the Survivor HQ forum and try to find a group you can team with, rather than trying to lone wolf it everywhere?

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There are no more forming groups of friendlies or helping out strangers.

Sorry I have to stop you there. This is demonstrably not true. I help strangers out about 50% of the time. I think you're getting too close to what you think the game should be, instead of adapting to how the game is at this alpha stage.

Edited by Rogan

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Agree that the game is all about PVP now. It frustrated me in the beginning but I have now joined a group and now we're all looking for it.. the best being 6v6 or 4v4v4 type battles between organized groups. With the zombie backdrop, limit supplies/high loot areas, and unpredictability, it's much more fun than traditional FPS PVP with canned flag capture or DM matches. Without a group though, the game is either just frustrating or just boring. Give the PVP aspect a try with a group, you might like it.

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the lone wolves that are frustrated should look into joining a clan or group. many, like mine, have rules against intentionally killing others that are in teamspeak/voip.

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Avoid people and kill them on self defense unless you luckily find a player that is friendly or a friend/family member.

This is suppose to be hardcore, kill or be killed for survival.

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