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Sorry if this topic has already been brought up before, I do apologize if it has. After getting killed today by a bandit, it hit me that a possible feature that could be implemented into the mod is some form of bounty board where friendly players can put up bounties for those players that they know are hostile and or bandits. Obviously there would be problems with this as no one has a set name and there could be 100s of Maxes, but potentially a permanent name is something that could be added in the standalone version as if you kill a tonne of survivors in-game your name would be tagged some what as a murderer. At the moment bandits can simply change their character name and have a dozen different aliases.

I'm not trying to moan about being killed by bandits and all that, i'm just saying that this could potentially make live a lot harder for those bandits out there who at the moment a living the easy live. I for one generally only shoot when shot at first so for me as soon as a bandit spots me i'm dead. Anyway what do any of you folks think of this idea? Feel free to add anything below or possibly make a few changes to my idea.

Edited by Chub

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what bounty do you offer as reward? beans?

The satisfaction of sticking it to a bandit?

Well, that and whatever he had on him when you put him down. ;)

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what bounty do you offer as reward? beans?

This I suppose would have to be implemented in as in a reward system. So I'm not quite sure how the developers would go about doing this, but potentially the rewards could be anything as considering the items a player has are kept in a MySQL database the data could easily be transferred over to another player. On the reward front I suppose the player placing the bounty could choose what they were offering as a reward.

On Thortimer's point I suppose yes simply the satisfaction of killing an insane murderer and getting their gear would be a good reward.

Edited by Chub

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The biggest problem I see with this is that we have no idea who anyone is. There are no name plates above people's heads, and when you died, it doesn't say who killed you. I think this would be an interesting idea though. However, I think it should be a player create system. You, or someone else, should set up a thread where people can go and set bounties on people. I think that is the whole point of this game. Player created content. It is up to us to make our own fun in the game.

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what about the anonymous nature of most killings that occur in dayz. its not like to have ample oppertunity to face you killer as 90% of the time you wouldnt even know his name

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The biggest problem I see with this is that we have no idea who anyone is. There are no name plates above people's heads, and when you died, it doesn't say who killed you. I think this would be an interesting idea though. However, I think it should be a player create system. You, or someone else, should set up a thread where people can go and set bounties on people. I think that is the whole point of this game. Player created content. It is up to us to make our own fun in the game.

Those are some quite important problems to consider, as I can see where your coming from with those points. I suppose possibly though in the standalone version the developers may add in nameplates, although I suppose that wouldn't be particularly realistic. So I suppose a thread with bounties on is equally a good idea.

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Sorry if this topic has already been brought up before, I do apologize if it has. After getting killed today by a bandit, it hit me that a possible feature that could be implemented into the mod is some form of bounty board where friendly players can put up bounties for those players that they know are hostile and or bandits. Obviously there would be problems with this as no one has a set name and there could be 100s of Maxes, but potentially a permanent name is something that could be added in the standalone version as if you kill a tonne of survivors in-game your name would be tagged some what as a murderer. At the moment bandits can simply change their character name and have a dozen different aliases.

I'm not trying to moan about being killed by bandits and all that, i'm just saying that this could potentially make live a lot harder for those bandits out there who at the moment a living the easy live. I for one generally only shoot when shot at first so for me as soon as a bandit spots me i'm dead. Anyway what do any of you folks think of this idea? Feel free to add anything below or possibly make a few changes to my idea.

Oh yes. That would make my job as a bandit hunter a tad bit more pleasurable.

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Okay, but only if there's a board that automatically tells us what gear you have so the bandits can hunt you as well.

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Okay, but only if there's a board that automatically tells us what gear you have so the bandits can hunt you as well.

Well I suppose bandits could equally have some form of bounty board for survivors that are a high threat to them. On the terms of showing you what a gear a player has I don't think would necessarily work unless the bandits, who have been shot by him can provide info on that. I think for now until some form of bounty system is implemented and that is an if, we will have to probably make a bounty board out of a thread on these forums.

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I would actually love to have people hunt me down. Being the bandit is kinda like a 1 sided pvp thingy ... as in 80% of the cases, it's me hunting someone else.

However, that will make Bounty Hunters also bandits, so in turn thay will also get hunted down ...

Need to figure it out.

But awsome idea ^^

As a bandit, I fully support it :P

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Ahh i would hate this, as i'd be on every servers board :l

if it does get implemented, i'd better watch my back :)

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I would actually love to have people hunt me down. Being the bandit is kinda like a 1 sided pvp thingy ... as in 80% of the cases, it's me hunting someone else.

However, that will make Bounty Hunters also bandits, so in turn thay will also get hunted down ...

Need to figure it out.

But awsome idea ^^

As a bandit, I fully support it :P

That is true I suppose but if this system where to go through i'm sure the developers could implement it so that when you kill a bandit it doesn't count as a murder maybe. I'm glad to see that Bandits like this idea of being hunted down themselves, we'll have to see how this idea turns out.

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Ahh i would hate this, as i'd be on every servers board :l

if it does get implemented, i'd better watch my back :)

But from a Bandit's perspective I could imagine that gaining a title of DayZ's most wanted would be rather prestigious in the Bandit ranks. Anyway I suppose it is a taste of your own medicine, getting back at the bandits.

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what about the anonymous nature of most killings that occur in dayz. its not like to have ample oppertunity to face you killer as 90% of the time you wouldnt even know his name

You just ned to change the death message to Player was killed by Player Name

But from a Bandit's perspective I could imagine that gaining a title of DayZ's most wanted would be rather prestigious in the Bandit ranks. Anyway I suppose it is a taste of your own medicine, getting back at the bandits.

I would imagine it would be quite popular

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That is true I suppose but if this system where to go through i'm sure the developers could implement it so that when you kill a bandit it doesn't count as a murder maybe. I'm glad to see that Bandits like this idea of being hunted down themselves, we'll have to see how this idea turns out.

Yeah, I would really love it. And I don't mind dying if I have have fun when it happens.

There needs to be a few things done tho:

- Kill feed: aka P5ykoOHD killed Chub (not just Chub is dead) ... you need a way to know the name of who killed you.

- Bandits need to play along, and not alt f4 --'

A reward is not necessary, as the person who downs the bandit will, in most cases, get very good gear after the kill. Let's be honnest about it, bandits get better gear much much faster than anyone else.

And the person who put the name up for bounty, can always add a little extra.

Also, bandits should have a classment, like the most wanted (just saw your post above). It would be a hell of an honnor to be the most researched bandit ^^

For me a bandit is someone who does not mind dying, as he chose that "path of life".

Only issue will be the scumbags who alt f4 and who have rendered banditry impossible.

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I personally have no problem with Bandits as long as they play fair, as in like you say not pressing AltF4 when they get killed. It is probably those Bandits that have caused Bandits as a whole to have a bad name. I do agree with the Player killed Player approach as that would be needed for the Bounty Board to be able to function. I also agree on the loot from the kill is enough of a reward, this would also keep the system relatively simple and not having a need for a reward system to be implemented into the game.

This idea will only really work if both sides agree to it, and so far I think that is happening.

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