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in the past two hours.. 4 hackers.

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Are you going into populated servers? If so... STOP! 'Hackers' a.k.a. Script kiddies go into servers with lots of people in them. Go to one with around 10-20 people in it. I do that and I haven't met a script kiddie yet!

What is this this thing you call "low populated server?" :o

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Hackers are having fun yet but believe me it'll end very soon :)

It'll be a more enjoyable game again when they're gone.

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Did somebody say mad?

I troll, but it is alpha, just chill and deal with it.

remember the number one rule about living in Day Z is don't get attached to your gear.

Are you just trying to be a generic Dbag?

What the fuck does Alpha have to do with hackers? THE GAME ISN'T ALPHA THE MOD IS

And what did he say about losing his gear? Oh that's right! Nothing...

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So how about you try to post whole story and not some useless crap? Post a video, try to get that kiddie banned, talk to server admin.

It is alpha, you are testing it, you should try to find and isolate problems. And your behavior doesn't help at all. And personal attacks against other posters will not help either.

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Unfortunately, the "It's an Alpha" argument doesn't work here. Rocket has said himself just a couple of days ago that there is very little the mod itself can do to combat hackers, that lies in the hands of BI and BattleEye. People need to understand - They are hacking the game, not the mod. The game is not in Alpha.

EDIT: Here is that very quote:

This is something that is mainly done through BI and BattlEye. The mod itself can now do little more to combat this, without impacting severely on the players performance. It is a source issue, not a mod issue. I've already cleansed the mod of non in-use classnames in the last update, beyond that the mod's work on hackers is minimal. BI and BattlEye are working on it, confirmed, with every update.

Edited by nfsmwbefast

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