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US750 Kicking Players without cause

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There's a fine line between "offering up a challenge" and "a clan hoarding everything on a server". If you honestly think that what they're doing is a normal thing that should happen on all servers, then I'm wasting my time explaining this.

Yep, I honestly do. If you are being challenged by a large clan, why not find one of the anti-CQF groups out there and have them come try to stop the CQF? Combat the challenge with STRONGER gameplay, instead of kicking people because they 'want this server to be for our friends, yadda yadda'.

People are so quick to take the easy route. Goliath, rather than finding an in-game way to stop the CQF, chooses to kick them off the server and then has the gall to try and defend his actions when CQF complain about being kicked? The CQF even made it publicly clear what their reaction to the kicking is going to be, but still Goliath fails to see the gameplay opportunities to combat the CQF.

Remember when bandits were a real big problem with DayZ? How did the rest of the players react? Did they kick all the bandits off their servers? Nope! Instead, they chose to create groups like the CQF, clans designed to combat bandits. So, if CQF is offering up some kind of challenge, then an anti-CQF group should be created to meet that challenge.

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So seeing what you say, there are 2 things that are off, first people already said you cant hoard of the map anymore. Secondly, your friends found a camp and you think its was cqf directly? We have 4 own servers to "hoard" stuff on, no need to do that in yours. You are excluding a big group of players on a claim that isnt funded, that is not a kickable nor a generally accepted offence at all. For a admin server you are taking actions on a very loose base of facts.

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You should have told them to pack it up and get a new campsite. Just destroing other ppls stuff is griefing and an admin should never do so. You were just upset, i can understand that, but you could have reasoned with them. Instead of asking them, you just destroyed what the have worked for. Your just an poor admin, keeping 10-20 ppl happy isnt beeing an admin, you should treat everyone equally, Not favor some players and exclude the rest.


I believe all the post against me, were stating how this is perfectly alright. I found their camp fair and square, so I did what I wanted to it.

And believe me Ido treat everyone equal. I guess they dont wanna say how I let them in the server for a week if not more, because they were just playing the game (Well or so I thought). Its only when I noticed what they were doing, that I did what I did.

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Fine if you want to say it was an assumption whatever. But you cant denie the fact that I was right. Because no posts or anything was made, Untill we took their camp down.

I'm totally with you, Goliath.

But If I was you I would just blow up their camp every single time they collect some stuff and vehicles instead of kicking them.

By kicking them you have provided them with good evidence of rule-breaking bullshit, even though socially you are correct. But exploding tents and vehicles are a lot more entertaining to watch.

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K you know what I'm done lol. You guys know that, that was your camp, and you know you only started making these posts because all your loot was gone QQ more. our server runs outta time in less than 3 days, and I'm not renewing it, because this Bullshit, is not needed. CQF, congrats of ruining the gameplay of the players of US 750.

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Fine if you want to say it was an assumption whatever. But you cant denie the fact that I was right. Because no posts or anything was made, Untill we took their camp down.

You mean no post was made until you started kicking them for being successful?

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K you know what I'm done lol. You guys know that, that was your camp, and you know you only started making these posts because all your loot was gone QQ more. our server runs outta time in less than 3 days, and I'm not renewing it, because this Bullshit, is not needed. CQF, congrats of ruining the gameplay of the players of US 750.

They clearly made the thread because you were kicking them for an invalid reason, Deathunt is right you should have just destroyed their tents and that should have been the end of it. Don't blame CQF for your mistakes, man up.

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Yep, I honestly do. If you are being challenged by a large clan, why not find one of the anti-CQF groups out there and have them come try to stop the CQF? Combat the challenge with STRONGER gameplay, instead of kicking people because they 'want this server to be for our friends, yadda yadda'.

People are so quick to take the easy route. Goliath, rather than finding an in-game way to stop the CQF, chooses to kick them off the server and then has the gall to try and defend his actions when CQF complain about being kicked? The CQF even made it publicly clear what their reaction to the kicking is going to be, but still Goliath fails to see the gameplay opportunities to combat the CQF.

Remember when bandits were a real big problem with DayZ? How did the rest of the players react? Did they kick all the bandits off their servers? Nope! Instead, they chose to create groups like the CQF, clans designed to combat bandits. So, if CQF is offering up some kind of challenge, then an anti-CQF group should be created to meet that challenge.

Did you notice at all that this doesn't solve a fucking thing? If the CQF were created to stop bandits and the anti-CQF were created to stop the CQF, then something else is just gonna have to be created to stop the anti-CQF and so on. This changes absolutely nothing. Its just an endless cycle that leaves the other players left out of all the hoarded items. Please actually think before you post the first fucking thing that pops into your head.

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I am proud to know your server is being shut down.

I do feel bad for you regulars though. Suffering from a shitty admin.

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They clearly made the thread because you were kicking them for an invalid reason, Deathunt is right you should have just destroyed their tents and that should have been the end of it. Don't blame CQF for your mistakes, man up.

You are most obviously CQF, seeing as you just made an account to post on here (Atleast I assume so, seeing as you only have 3 posts). So really anything you say, in my mind is invalid. The only person from CQF that even has a say in anything is karadan, and thats because its his post. :),

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I am proud to know your server is being shut down.

I do feel bad for you regulars though. Suffering from a shitty admin.

Well, My server is shutting down, but we are obviously buying a new one. And hopefully this wont happen again,

And really you have nothing to feel sorry for, cause I havent gotten any complaints untill you guys. Infact, I've made alot of friends from the server, because I'm not a douche. :)

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Well, My server is shutting down, but we are obviously buying a new one. And hopefully this wont happen again,

And really you have nothing to feel sorry for, cause I havent gotten any complaints untill you guys. Infact, I've made alot of friends from the server, because I'm not a douche. :)

You are a douche. Sadly changing server providers will work. Until you do this again.

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Hashisx, the minute you posted on the first page:

Ill be sure to visit your server soon with 6-10 guys and go grid searching.

CQF guys ill mail you grid locations.

You pretty much invalidated everything you'll ever post in this thread. Buzz off, pest.

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Did you notice at all that this doesn't solve a fucking thing? If the CQF were created to stop bandits and the anti-CQF were created to stop the CQF, then something else is just gonna have to be created to stop the anti-CQF and so on. This changes absolutely nothing. Its just an endless cycle that leaves the other players left out of all the hoarded items. Please actually think before you post the first fucking thing that pops into your head.

Meepo you have done it! You're a genius! Quick somebody get this man a noble prize! You've uncovered the ongoing cycle of Day Z because the CQF couldn't possibly stop the Anti-CQF!


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Hashisx, the minute you posted on the first page:

You pretty much invalidated everything you'll ever post in this thread. Buzz off, pest.

Ha Ha ha man I bet you are one of those WarZ bandwagoners?

what is wrong with my post.

Because clearly an admin abused his powers? who cares how i play on his server as long as I am not breaking the rules.

Edited by Hashisx

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Meepo you have done it! You're a genius! Quick somebody get this man a noble prize! You've uncovered the ongoing cycle of Day Z because the CQF couldn't possibly stop the Anti-CQF!


Oh boy, a MEME! That'll show me! Boy howdy, nothing says "Look how mature I am" like throwing an internet meme with some WORDS on it at the end of your post. You sure hammered in your point! Which was what, by the way? That the anti-CQF couldn't stop the CQF? When did I imply that they did? If you could actually read, you'd see I was quoting Landshark, who explained that the anti-CQF was designed to stop the CQF. Then again, if you could actually read, you'd have noticed that post where I said to actually think before you post. But then we wouldn't be having this discussion, now would we?

And since you seem to value your little "memes" so much:


Edited by Meepo

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You are most obviously CQF, seeing as you just made an account to post on here (Atleast I assume so, seeing as you only have 3 posts). So really anything you say, in my mind is invalid. The only person from CQF that even has a say in anything is karadan, and thats because its his post. :),

There you go again making those wonderful assumptions, keen detective work. I actually made this account to report DE 750 for having a password on their server but saw this and decided to chime in. Your disregard for admin rules is painfully obvious and unjustified.U0S3B.jpg

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Oh boy, a MEME! That'll show me! Boy howdy, nothing says "Look how mature I am" like throwing an internet meme with some WORDS on it at the end of your post. You sure hammered in your point! Which was what, by the way? That the anti-CQF couldn't stop the CQF? When did I imply that they did? If you could actually read, you'd see I was quoting Landshark, who explained that the anti-CQF was designed to stop the CQF. Then again, if you could actually read, you'd have noticed that post where I said to actually think before you post. But then we wouldn't be having this discussion, now would we?

You may want to go back and re-read your statements, you'll see your foolishness and the irony.

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You may want to actually say what's on your mind instead of being vague, cause it makes it seem like you have no idea what you're talking about.

If you want a legitimate response, plainly state whats on your mind. Now try again.

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You may want to actually say what's on your mind instead of being vague, cause it makes it seem like you have no idea what you're talking about.

If you want a legitimate response, plainly state whats on your mind. Now try again.

ERROR...ERROR...does not compute...... Doessss noooottttt compuuuttttteeeee......


Please contact your local Troll center for Troubleshooting

Edited by FunFryFrenzy

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Ha Ha ha man I bet you are one of those WarZ bandwagoners?

what is wrong with my post.

Because clearly an admin abused his powers? who cares how i play on his server as long as I am not breaking the rules.

What is in your ass man? People are talking to you, like, you know. human beings and you behave like a 13 years old that is trying to hard not to rage. I mean, i dont even know the admins nor their server, but i couldnt help not respond to this... If the guy you re discussing with respects you despite all the namecalling, it should at least tell you something about them. Learn to discuss, debate and read what the others are telling you not just quote the parts you dont like. Jeeeez internet people nowdays

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What is in your ass man? People are talking to you, like, you know. human beings and you behave like a 13 years old that is trying to hard not to rage. I mean, i dont even know the admins nor their server, but i couldnt help not respond to this... If the guy you re discussing with respects you despite all the namecalling, it should at least tell you something about them. Learn to discuss, debate and read what the others are telling you not just quote the parts you dont like. Jeeeez internet people nowdays

You may have my beans sir :) ahaha.

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What is in your ass man? People are talking to you, like, you know. human beings and you behave like a 13 years old that is trying to hard not to rage. I mean, i dont even know the admins nor their server, but i couldnt help not respond to this... If the guy you re discussing with respects you despite all the namecalling, it should at least tell you something about them. Learn to discuss, debate and read what the others are telling you not just quote the parts you dont like. Jeeeez internet people nowdays

Are you kidding me? He stated pretty clearly he doesn't respect me because I said I would grid search with 6 of my friend and tell CQF if i found anything? You should take some of your own advice.

Nor did i call him any names?Other than him being a douche admin..which is correct.

Also i qouted his post in full.

So please point out where I did such things you claimed i have.

Maybe youre getting two different people mixed up. I don't know but damn...internet people.

Edited by Hashisx

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Nor did i call him any names?

Other than him being a douche admin..which is correct.

I cannot facepalm hard enough.

Edited by Meepo

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