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US750 Kicking Players without cause

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Isn't that was bandits do?

In a sense, yes, that is what they do. However, I don't see a point in actually grid searching constantly, sure, whatever, it is considered part of the game, however, it seems like they're hoarding just as much as they accuse the server owners of doing, even more so. I don't see the point in arguing this? If you can't fight them back, because the possibility of any weapons around isn't there, then why bother?

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You shouldnt tell ppl how to play. My clan does gridsearching too. Its the most effective way to get vehicles. So you are saying that we have to play by YOUR rules to get fun out of the game? I dont think so. You should be greatfull that a clan wants to call your server their home.


Did I say that you had to play by my rules? No.

This whole thread is just one massive drama fest. I don't see the reasoning behind it, because deliberately threatening people to constantly raid their server over and over again is just immature.

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You know what, I find this entire post hilarious.

When I see any member of CQF posting, all I see are a bunch of ignorant, self centered and completely immature kids who get a massive love for kicking people down, either by "Grid searching" or just downright harassing others on the forums.

You people need to grow the fuck up, not us.

While I admit that what is being done is not in any way right, respectful or downright graceful, I still see the point to doing it. Clans like CQF are a bunch of punks, much like the ones you see on other games (for example, CoD, Halo, etc.)

Let me just say that there are THOUSANDS of servers for this mod; why you idiots decided to raid this one, where it was solely intended for a few friends and a few random strangers who wouldn't go as far as to "grid search" for EVERY SINGLE ITEM in the game (such as CQF's so called server "camps"), is beyond me.

I'm just getting tired of people ruining the experience for others. Doens't matter if its part of the game, if you were put on the spot and constantly camped by a "small" group (A group of 10, if I remember correctly QFC members stating); to have every single car, gun, utility item, whatever taken over and over again, I'm sure you'd be just as pissed and would do the same fucking thing.

I thank you for the support sir. And yes, like I've stated before, I know I didnt go about it the right way, but after a week of being nice, I honestly was fed up.

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In a sense, yes, that is what they do. However, I don't see a point in actually grid searching constantly, sure, whatever, it is considered part of the game, however, it seems like they're hoarding just as much as they accuse the server owners of doing, even more so. I don't see the point in arguing this? If you can't fight them back, because the possibility of any weapons around isn't there, then why bother?

All you need is a lee.

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All you need is a lee.

Right. Whatever, what if you can't find any Enfields anywhere, because they've all been taken? Riddle me that.

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Right. Whatever, what if you can't find any Enfields anywhere, because they've all been taken? Riddle me that.

Your post gives me the sense that you don't really know much about the game.

There are far too many spawns, dont forget the do respawn!, to never find a weapon. Ive been on 100 man servers and found a weapon.

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You shouldnt tell ppl how to play. My clan does gridsearching too. Its the most effective way to get vehicles. So you are saying that we have to play by YOUR rules to get fun out of the game? I dont think so. You should be greatfull that a clan wants to call your server their home.


Its not the grid searching in general, cause yes, I agree that is a very effective way to find vehicles and loot. And thats perfectly alright. Its the fact that they would hoard literally all vehicles on the server, then hide them off the map.

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Your post gives me the sense that you don't really know much about the game.

There are far too many spawns, dont forget the do respawn!, to never find a weapon. Ive been on 100 man servers and found a weapon.

Dude, I really don't see why you're trying to force a point down my throat. Alright, sure, I don't play as often as you do. I play to have fun, once in a while. Why you're even going as far as to argue with me is just wasting your time and mine.

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Its not the grid searching in general, cause yes, I agree that is a very effective way to find vehicles and loot. And thats perfectly alright. Its the fact that they would hoard literally all vehicles on the server, then hide them off the map.

That is a problem Rocket has adressed on the database side, go read the database clean up thread. Regardless doesnt give you the right. Also I find it even more funny that you said you would ban them for it but cant because your provider never gave you the rights.

Keep Digging.

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Dude, I really don't see why you're trying to force a point down my throat. Alright, sure, I don't play as often as you do. I play to have fun, once in a while. Why you're even going as far as to argue with me is just wasting your time and mine.

I am just correcting you on a very false statement. Don't be upset. The more you know.

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I don't know if this is clear or not.

But I am not in CQF(sp?) nor even played with them. Until this evidence of admin abuse was presented I had no intention of playing on this server.

However when the admin comes on thinking his shit doesnt stink and he had "justification" for kicking a clan because they wanted to be bandits and wel..do what bandits do.

Just saying because of your ignorance....your server will be burned.

I dont believe I ever gave off the persona that I think my shit dont stink. Cause I assure you, it does. They were not doing what bandits do, they were doing what internet trolls do, and make the game not fun for EVERYONE else. Like sure, if you wanna go around and find a camp or 2 and raid it, go nuts, but when you are on a server for a week, constantly having people searching the map for everything of value on it, just to put it OFF the map, where no one will ever find it.

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I am just correcting you on a very false statement.

Alright, fine.

Don't be upset.

Who said I was upset? I clearly am not. I'm just slightly... annoyed, that this entire thread was even made in the first place.

The more you know.


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Its not the grid searching in general, cause yes, I agree that is a very effective way to find vehicles and loot. And thats perfectly alright. Its the fact that they would hoard literally all vehicles on the server, then hide them off the map.

Off the map sux, but they get deleted after restart anyway (at least they should). So why ban/kick them? And by the way, we have also ALOT of vehicles horded, thats the point of having a lagre group. The reason that a clan is big and successful souldnt animate you to ban/kick them. It looks like it was for your own benefit, not for the other players on the server. You just denied other players to play the game, and this sux, regardless the hording out of the map.


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I dont believe I ever gave off the persona that I think my shit dont stink. Cause I assure you, it does. They were not doing what bandits do, they were doing what internet trolls do, and make the game not fun for EVERYONE else. Like sure, if you wanna go around and find a camp or 2 and raid it, go nuts, but when you are on a server for a week, constantly having people searching the map for everything of value on it, just to put it OFF the map, where no one will ever find it.

I can assure you.

That is what bandits do.

You do need more evidence other then "where you think they put said vehicles"

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That is a problem Rocket has adressed on the database side, go read the database clean up thread. Regardless doesnt give you the right. Also I find it even more funny that you said you would ban them for it but cant because your provider never gave you the rights.

Keep Digging.

Im not digging anything ahaha. Yes I said if I could have I would have banned them from my server. That is damned near what I did anyways. Oh and for the record, before all of this started, when I would see like 2-5 of them in the server, I wouldnt do anything. Its when I would see 20+ on the server, taking up over half the slot. that I woulds. Because what are you doing with 20+ people? Grid searching and hoarding off map, thats what.

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Alright, fine.

Who said I was upset? I clearly am not. I'm just slightly... annoyed, that this entire thread was even made in the first place.


Do you play on this server?

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Wait hold on a second, so you are saying if I did nothing, then everything would be all honky dory? No. Thats just kinda backwards. The only people whos game experience I potentially ruined, was the CQF clan members, because they now dont have a camp on the map. Now sure, because they have SOOO many people, I may have pissed off more than I didnt. But it honestly doesnt matter, if they have so many people, why are all of them too broke to buy a server?

They have stated multiple times that they have a number of servers. Even if they out number you that is still not a valid enough reason to kick them and instate an anti-CQF policy on your server. They have a good amount of evidence to substantiate their claims, I have seen zero evidence in your defense. The CQF are a survivor friendly clan.They would have most likely helped you and played along side you had you not insta-kicked every single one of them. You have broken the rules set forth by the Day Z development team and your server should be taken down, simple as that.

Except that that's exactly what they're doing. Did you not see RedFaction and Hashisx's posts? They intend to degrade the experience for others. In fact, most of the people in this very thread are from CQF trying to defend themselves by making the admin look bad so that they can continue to hoard and server hop.

No one needs to say anything to make the admin look bad, there are two videos that do that just fine. Red is going after Goliath and Co. BECAUSE they are would not permit CQF on their server not because he wants to ruin their in-game experience. Hashix is not affiliated with CQF. I don't understand your reasoning here Meepo, you don't make any sense. There is no evidence to back up any of Goliath's claims and even if he had proof it would be moot because the CQF guys did nothing wrong, they were just playing the game. Day Z players can play on any server they like, you don't have to restrict yourself to one server only.

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Im not digging anything ahaha. Yes I said if I could have I would have banned them from my server. That is damned near what I did anyways. Oh and for the record, before all of this started, when I would see like 2-5 of them in the server, I wouldnt do anything. Its when I would see 20+ on the server, taking up over half the slot. that I woulds. Because what are you doing with 20+ people? Grid searching and hoarding off map, thats what.


edit: second cleanup thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/25099-out-of-bounds-itemvehicles-cleanup-2012-07-06/

You are assuming that is what they are doing. Guess what happens when I find a camp? I tell my friends. The other day I found a large camp on US 303. About 12 tents full of very nice gear. I proceeded to tell the group I was with earlier on the server (about 6 people). Then I went and told another group that was close on a different server.(another 6),. That is 12 people on the server looting these tents.

Edited by Hashisx

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Off the map sux, but they get deleted after restart anyway (at least they should). So why ban/kick them? And by the way, we have also ALOT of vehicles horded, thats the point of having a lagre group. The reason that a clan is big and successful souldnt animate you to ban/kick them. It looks like it was for your own benefit, not for the other players on the server. You just denied other players to play the game, and this sux, regardless the hording out of the map.


I do not see how it was for my benefit, when I finally did find their camp, I ran over all their tents (Didnt loot it) and drove off with one of the vehicles (After blowing up the rest of course) which I later dropped off in cherno, and someone else has probably had fun with it. I didnt keep anybody from Day Z, I just denied them from the server, if they were going to do things like that...

And as it stands, from experience, a server reset does not reset vehicles off map.

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edit: second cleanup thread http://dayzmod.com/f...nup-2012-07-06/

You are assuming that is what they are doing. Guess what happens when I find a camp? I tell my friends. The other day I found a large camp on US 303. About 12 tents full of very nice gear. I proceeded to tell the group I was with earlier on the server (about 6 people). Then I went and told another group that was close on a different server.(another 6),. That is 12 people on the server looting these tents.

Yes it began as an assumption. And I didnt kick them when it was just that... But then a friend of mine stumbled across their camp that is off the map (Dont ask me how lolol). And considering the size of the camp. And the fact that only one clan would play on the server. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to put the two together.

:edit: And yes, that can be a way for alot of people to be on the server, but they were in literally everyday, with that many people. Like I said.... it doesnt take a rocket scientist.

Edited by wodahskcin

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Yes it began as an assumption. And I didnt kick them when it was just that... But then a friend of mine stumbled across their camp that is off the map (Dont ask me how lolol). And considering the size of the camp. And the fact that only one clan would play on the server. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to put the two together.

You assuming it was them. Let me tell you about my camp (that i no longer have because I am not longer tied to a server).

By myself i had. 6 tents, atv, bike, uaz. (took me about a week)

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They have stated multiple times that they have a number of servers. Even if they out number you that is still not a valid enough reason to kick them and instate an anti-CQF policy on your server. They have a good amount of evidence to substantiate their claims, I have seen zero evidence in your defense. The CQF are a survivor friendly clan.They would have most likely helped you and played along side you had you not insta-kicked every single one of them. You have broken the rules set forth by the Day Z development team and your server should be taken down, simple as that.

No one needs to say anything to make the admin look bad, there are two videos that do that just fine. Red is going after Goliath and Co. BECAUSE they are would not permit CQF on their server not because he wants to ruin their in-game experience. Hashix is not affiliated with CQF. I don't understand your reasoning here Meepo, you don't make any sense. There is no evidence to back up any of Goliath's claims and even if he had proof it would be moot because the CQF guys did nothing wrong, they were just playing the game. Day Z players can play on any server they like, you don't have to restrict yourself to one server only.

What evidence do they have? The videos? The stuff that I have explained why I did it?

What evidence do I need? screens of them flooding the server? well sorry I didnt think people would get so butthurt to make a post, so I didnt get any. But Ican assure you, I have alot of people that can back me up. if you like, I'll sign on to my server now, and get everyone in there to post on here? Would that be proof enough?

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You assuming it was them. Let me tell you about my camp (that i no longer have because I am not longer tied to a server).

By myself i had. 6 tents, atv, bike, uaz. (took me about a week)

Fine if you want to say it was an assumption whatever. But you cant denie the fact that I was right. Because no posts or anything was made, Untill we took their camp down.

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I do not see how it was for my benefit, when I finally did find their camp, I ran over all their tents (Didnt loot it) and drove off with one of the vehicles (After blowing up the rest of course) which I later dropped off in cherno, and someone else has probably had fun with it. I didnt keep anybody from Day Z, I just denied them from the server, if they were going to do things like that...

And as it stands, from experience, a server reset does not reset vehicles off map.

You should have told them to pack it up and get a new campsite. Just destroing other ppls stuff is griefing and an admin should never do so. You were just upset, i can understand that, but you could have reasoned with them. Instead of asking them, you just destroyed what the have worked for. Your just an poor admin, keeping 10-20 ppl happy isnt beeing an admin, you should treat everyone equally, Not favor some players and exclude the rest.


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Fine if you want to say it was an assumption whatever. But you cant denie the fact that I was right. Because no posts or anything was made, Untill we took their camp down.


They never mentioned you destroying their camp. Only of you clearly kicking them for some odd reason.

You have no evidence to back your own CLAIM.

So what excuse are you going to pull now?

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