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US750 Kicking Players without cause

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Meepo, he isnt just kicking CQF members, the admins of the server are kicking everyone from the server!

Ryddler has just emptied the server so he and his bumchum can loot without risk.

I'd like proof of this please, because Ryddler is one of my admins and if he is abusing then i will take it away, simple as that. See THAT is against the rules. But are you sure he wasnt just reseting the server? because for some reason if we dont kick everyone before a reset it glitches the server and it doesnt come back up.

But yes I can assure you, its only CQF.

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KIcking people to avoid them "hoarding

So you can hoard yourself...funny

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I'd like proof of this please, because Ryddler is one of my admins and if he is abusing then i will take it away, simple as that. See THAT is against the rules. But are you sure he wasnt just reseting the server? because for some reason if we dont kick everyone before a reset it glitches the server and it doesnt come back up.

But yes I can assure you, its only CQF.

look, im affraid ive got no proof (No proof to claim i know) but it was not a server reset. i tried joining 4 times in a row, would get into the game then get the message, you were kiced off the game). Im sure (not 100%) that the logs would back this up too ( if logs store that kind of info)

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Actually you are thinking backwards here, if you hadn't broken the rules and chain-kicked them all then this would all be a non-issue. You actually ruined the game experience for just as many, if not more players than you were trying to protect. Irony at its best!

Wait hold on a second, so you are saying if I did nothing, then everything would be all honky dory? No. Thats just kinda backwards. The only people whos game experience I potentially ruined, was the CQF clan members, because they now dont have a camp on the map. Now sure, because they have SOOO many people, I may have pissed off more than I didnt. But it honestly doesnt matter, if they have so many people, why are all of them too broke to buy a server?

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KIcking people to avoid them "hoarding

So you can hoard yourself...funny

Read my posts please. I explain that We dont hoard, like ffs, I even go out of my way to put my vehicles in places people will find them. because they are very usefull. and I know another one is just around the corner... 'Cept when people do what CQF has been doing, then it just ruins it for everyone except them.... And for some reason, I think the only people that are on their side about this, are friends with them.

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Wait hold on a second, so you are saying if I did nothing, then everything would be all honky dory? No. Thats just kinda backwards. The only people whos game experience I potentially ruined, was the CQF clan members, because they now dont have a camp on the map. Now sure, because they have SOOO many people, I may have pissed off more than I didnt. But it honestly doesnt matter, if they have so many people, why are all of them too broke to buy a server?

They stated earlier in this thread they have multiple. Joining your server because they were down or full. You should really pay attention more. Maybe like the server rules thread. Just shows how immature and incompetent you really are. Guess what if you dont like how servers are suppose to run. Then you should stop paying for one. Rocket is giving you the privledge to host a server with his mod/hive server. If you don't like it then you can always take your server off the hive. Its up to you but seriously. Grow the fuck up.

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look, im affraid ive got no proof (No proof to claim i know) but it was not a server reset. i tried joining 4 times in a row, would get into the game then get the message, you were kiced off the game). Im sure (not 100%) that the logs would back this up too ( if logs store that kind of info)

The best I can do with no proof, is tell him not to do it then keep an eye on him... Sorry... No logs with the company I'm with. But I assure you, if it does happen again, I will see it and he will loose his rights, simple as that.

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This behavior is unacceptable. Not only kicking for no apparent reason other then "grid searching", which is 1: not a kickable offense at all and 2: unproven. But also clearly recorded racism to. I will make sure on own accord that justice is done.

Edited by ImaffoI

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They stated earlier in this thread they have multiple. Joining your server because they were down or full. You should really pay attention more. Maybe like the server rules thread. Just shows how immature and incompetent you really are. Guess what if you dont like how servers are suppose to run. Then you should stop paying for one. Rocket is giving you the privledge to host a server with his mod/hive server. If you don't like it then you can always take your server off the hive. Its up to you but seriously. Grow the fuck up.

So hold on a second, out of the 4 servers they own, all 4 were down. and ours was up? It usually stays out of date for a few days, because we dont get to updating it in time. This does not hold up, if your servers were down, UPDATE THEM. its not hard is it? And I believe in the server rules, it alows kicks for friends? Or is that still being disputed? So if your servers were full, then that shouldnt have been a problem.

And to you, I could say the same thing. I am here defending myself, and I have to admit im doing a pretty good job at it. I am not acting immature, nor am I incompetent.

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You are going to have some problems lad, dont you worry. If you dont get taken down, well make sure we will have a nice time in your server.

See and its things like that, that obviously prove im in the right

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Wait hold on a second, so you are saying if I did nothing, then everything would be all honky dory? No. Thats just kinda backwards. The only people whos game experience I potentially ruined, was the CQF clan members, because they now dont have a camp on the map. Now sure, because they have SOOO many people, I may have pissed off more than I didnt. But it honestly doesnt matter, if they have so many people, why are all of them too broke to buy a server?

If I were you I'd just stop posting here. You continue to dig yourself into a deeper and deeper hole. You clearly broke the rules, it's been captured on multiple youtube videos. Either man-up and accept responsibility or take your server off the official hive so you don't have to follow Rocket's rules anymore (but you also lose the ability for persistent characters unless you host your own hive, and you lose support of the dev team).

It has been mentioned several times in this thread that CQF does have their own servers. However, nowhere is it made a rule that clan members MUST play on their own servers.

There's a mountain of evidence against you, the DayZ players are as a whole, against you. You have no ground to stand on in this matter. The next thing you should do is contact Rocket with your complaints (which is the FIRST thing you should have done instead of kicking people off your server). You are continuing to show lack of responsibility, which is opposite of how a server admin should act.

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My sincere apologies on my first comment, it was rude and unneccesary.

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So hold on a second, out of the 4 servers they own, all 4 were down. and ours was up? It usually stays out of date for a few days, because we dont get to updating it in time. This does not hold up, if your servers were down, UPDATE THEM. its not hard is it? And I believe in the server rules, it alows kicks for friends? Or is that still being disputed? So if your servers were full, then that shouldnt have been a problem.

And to you, I could say the same thing. I am here defending myself, and I have to admit im doing a pretty good job at it. I am not acting immature, nor am I incompetent.

I wouldn't call a admission of guilt, defending yourself. It's all fine and dandy. We will be visiting your server almost on a daily basis until your attitude is change. No we wont hoard but we will destroy every camp. Blow up every vehicle. Why? because we can and we are allowed to watch the world burn.

Edited by Hashisx

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If I were you I'd just stop posting here. You continue to dig yourself into a deeper and deeper hole. You clearly broke the rules, it's been captured on multiple youtube videos. Either man-up and accept responsibility or take your server off the official hive so you don't have to follow Rocket's rules anymore (but you also lose the ability for persistent characters unless you host your own hive, and you lose support of the dev team).

It has been mentioned several times in this thread that CQF does have their own servers. However, nowhere is it made a rule that clan members MUST play on their own servers.

There's a mountain of evidence against you, the DayZ players are as a whole, against you. You have no ground to stand on in this matter. The next thing you should do is contact Rocket with your complaints (which is the FIRST thing you should have done instead of kicking people off your server). You are continuing to show lack of responsibility, which is opposite of how a server admin should act.

So true.

Wodahskcin please get some manpants and admit that you are wrong, this is getting ridiculous!


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I wouldn't call a admission of guilt, defending yourself. It's all fine and dandy. We will be visiting your server almost on a daily basis until your attitude is change. No we wont hoard but we will destroy every camp. Blow up every vehicle. Why? because we can and we are allowed to watch the world burn.

See in my mind that is perfectly alright, like go nuts man. if all the vehicles are destroyed it just makes it more fun. But see, you can actually FIND them. when they are hoarded, its basically like they dont exist.

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If I were you I'd just stop posting here. You continue to dig yourself into a deeper and deeper hole. You clearly broke the rules, it's been captured on multiple youtube videos. Either man-up and accept responsibility or take your server off the official hive so you don't have to follow Rocket's rules anymore (but you also lose the ability for persistent characters unless you host your own hive, and you lose support of the dev team).

It has been mentioned several times in this thread that CQF does have their own servers. However, nowhere is it made a rule that clan members MUST play on their own servers.

There's a mountain of evidence against you, the DayZ players are as a whole, against you. You have no ground to stand on in this matter. The next thing you should do is contact Rocket with your complaints (which is the FIRST thing you should have done instead of kicking people off your server). You are continuing to show lack of responsibility, which is opposite of how a server admin should act.

Ok I dont ever remember not taking responsibility for my actions. And I dont see the 1million players on this thread saying I did something completelly wrong. No, instead I see a couple of guys, half of which are CQF that are saying I'm immature and that they are gunna do everything they can to make my life hell.

So if I should stop digging myself a hole, so should you guys :)

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So true.

Wodahskcin please get some manpants and admit that you are wrong, this is getting ridiculous!


Look I've already admitted that I chain kicked, because I dont have the power to ban. But I explained the reasons behind it, and I honestly think they are good reasons. Really tho, its all up to Rocket, but considering how much the servers have exploded as of late. I doubt he will even get to it.

But Anyways, I've written enough paragraphs to defend myself, I'ma just play Day Z in peace, and if my server gets taken down, so be it.

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It's not like the CQF intentionally swarmed a server to degrade the experience for others.

Except that that's exactly what they're doing. Did you not see RedFaction and Hashisx's posts? They intend to degrade the experience for others. In fact, most of the people in this very thread are from CQF trying to defend themselves by making the admin look bad so that they can continue to hoard and server hop.

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Ok I dont ever remember not taking responsibility for my actions. And I dont see the 1million players on this thread saying I did something completelly wrong. No, instead I see a couple of guys, half of which are CQF that are saying I'm immature and that they are gunna do everything they can to make my life hell.

So if I should stop digging myself a hole, so should you guys :)

There's no hole to dig when you aren't breaking any rules. I don't see the CQF breaking any rules.

You, however, have. You've called them racist names, kicked them because you 'wanted to', etc. There's a lot more you did to more than just CQF players, but that stuff isn't being brought up yet.

By all means, make your own choice on this matter. You can continue to complain about it or you can try to save what dignity you have left. I would highly encourage you to stop posting here, in order to stop fueling the fire. You are only hurting yourself, your server, and DayZ in general.

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You know what, I find this entire post hilarious.

When I see any member of CQF posting, all I see are a bunch of ignorant, self centered and completely immature kids who get a massive love for kicking people down, either by "Grid searching" or just downright harassing others on the forums.

You people need to grow the fuck up, not us.

While I admit that what is being done is not in any way right, respectful or downright graceful, I still see the point to doing it. Clans like CQF are a bunch of punks, much like the ones you see on other games (for example, CoD, Halo, etc.)

Let me just say that there are THOUSANDS of servers for this mod; why you idiots decided to raid this one, where it was solely intended for a few friends and a few random strangers who wouldn't go as far as to "grid search" for EVERY SINGLE ITEM in the game (such as CQF's so called server "camps"), is beyond me.

I'm just getting tired of people ruining the experience for others. Doens't matter if its part of the game, if you were put on the spot and constantly camped by a "small" group (A group of 10, if I remember correctly QFC members stating); to have every single car, gun, utility item, whatever taken over and over again, I'm sure you'd be just as pissed and would do the same fucking thing.

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Except that that's exactly what they're doing. Did you not see RedFaction and Hashisx's posts? They intend to degrade the experience for others. In fact, most of the people in this very thread are from CQF trying to defend themselves by making the admin look bad so that they can continue to hoard and server hop.

You have your timeline mixed up. That was not their original intention, they stated that AFTER the Goliath kicked them, etc. Even if they choose to do it now, it's not breaking any rules.

Also, what exactly is 'intend to degrade' the experience of others? Isn't that was bandits do? I believe this is also clearly a normal part of the DayZ mod/gameplay. I still don't see anything wrong with it. It's not like you can't fight back (in-game)! Part of the DayZ experience is overcoming challenges. If a group of people is offering up a challenge then meet them on the battlefield.

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There's no hole to dig when you aren't breaking any rules. I don't see the CQF breaking any rules.

You, however, have. You've called them racist names, kicked them because you 'wanted to', etc. There's a lot more you did to more than just CQF players, but that stuff isn't being brought up yet.

By all means, make your own choice on this matter. You can continue to complain about it or you can try to save what dignity you have left. I would highly encourage you to stop posting here, in order to stop fueling the fire. You are only hurting yourself, your server, and DayZ in general.

I dont believe I'm hurting anything except you guys (If you arnt friends with CQF than I'm sorry). And lets get this straight, what racist names was I calling them? Are you talking about how in the video I said, 'CQF niggas?' sorry thats how I talk, and it is obviously not a racial slur.

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If a group of people is offering up a challenge then meet them on the battlefield.

There's a fine line between "offering up a challenge" and "a clan hoarding everything on a server". If you honestly think that what they're doing is a normal thing that should happen on all servers, then I'm wasting my time explaining this.

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You know what, I find this entire post hilarious.

When I see any member of CQF posting, all I see are a bunch of ignorant, self centered and completely immature kids who get a massive love for kicking people down, either by "Grid searching" or just downright harassing others on the forums.

You people need to grow the fuck up, not us.

While I admit that what is being done is not in any way right, respectful or downright graceful, I still see the point to doing it. Clans like CQF are a bunch of punks, much like the ones you see on other games (for example, CoD, Halo, etc.)

Let me just say that there are THOUSANDS of servers for this mod; why you idiots decided to raid this one, where it was solely intended for a few friends and a few random strangers who wouldn't go as far as to "grid search" for EVERY SINGLE ITEM in the game (such as CQF's so called server "camps"), is beyond me.

I'm just getting tired of people ruining the experience for others. Doens't matter if its part of the game, if you were put on the spot and constantly camped by a "small" group (A group of 10, if I remember correctly QFC members stating); to have every single car, gun, utility item, whatever taken over and over again, I'm sure you'd be just as pissed and would do the same fucking thing.

You shouldnt tell ppl how to play. My clan does gridsearching too. Its the most effective way to get vehicles. So you are saying that we have to play by YOUR rules to get fun out of the game? I dont think so. You should be greatfull that a clan wants to call your server their home.


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I don't know if this is clear or not.

But I am not in CQF(sp?) nor even played with them. Until this evidence of admin abuse was presented I had no intention of playing on this server.

However when the admin comes on thinking his shit doesnt stink and he had "justification" for kicking a clan because they wanted to be bandits and wel..do what bandits do.

Just saying because of your ignorance....your server will be burned.

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