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US957 Sniper

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Our group of guys just finished raiding the hell outa Cherno. There were 6 of us with an off-road truck and a just regular 4 door car. We were alive for atleast 4 days. We got all our gear from killing a group of ghillied elites armed with snipers and lots of nice stuff. The sniper shot at us north of the eletric station that is north of Cherno. He blew up the car killing three and one survived. Me and my buddy drove up hill and pulled out our snipers, but then we quickly got the hell in the truck and drove away, but he shot the truck making it stop. We sprinted into the woods where I was got out, but we escaped. We went back and saw the sniper run away. Didn't bother to try and loot or anything. This is a quick story on why you should keep moving and never sit still in one place. We sat at the station waiting for a friend to reconnect for 20-30 minutes. We shot some zombies at the station which is probably why the sniper found us. He heard our shots. Warning to all players new and vets, DO NOT STAY IN ONE PLACE FOR TOO LONG! Pay attention to map markings and when you shoot make sure to get what you were looking for that involved shooting and get out.


PS: I'm always on US957 with our group, if your friendly and wanting to get with a group of 10+ people PM me.

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to make a short story shorter, six of you got out gunned by one man? shamfull shit dude

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to make a short story shorter, six of you got out gunned by one man? shamfull shit dude

He only killed three. He shot the car with a 50cal and we were all in cars not watching the woods so we didn't see him until our one sniper saw him, but the guy was gone. Most of us lived and we got all our stuff back, he blew up the car which was the main cause. If we were on foot, one of us would have been dead and he probably would have died.

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hope you learned something about trigger discipline. if you're going to try to "hide" with a car while waiting for a friend, drop that gun, hatchet the zombies, and get back in the car with your gun!

or better yet, just dismount from the damn vehicle and make a damn perimeter to wait for your rendezvous.

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hope you learned something about trigger discipline. if you're going to try to "hide" with a car while waiting for a friend, drop that gun, hatchet the zombies, and get back in the car with your gun!

or better yet, just dismount from the damn vehicle and make a damn perimeter to wait for your rendezvous.

The zombies were spawning right infront of us constantly. We killed atleast 30 before just sitting in the cars, for some reason they act like your not there when in a car.

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don't mean to sound like an ass, but perhaps that was a bad spot to try to sit and wait? think I might try to park behind a non-spawning building out of sight of the road if I had a choice.

your circumstances may have varied, of course.

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to make a short story shorter, six of you got out gunned by one man? shamfull shit dude

Do you even know what "getting out-gunned" means?

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don't mean to sound like an ass, but perhaps that was a bad spot to try to sit and wait? think I might try to park behind a non-spawning building out of sight of the road if I had a choice.

your circumstances may have varied, of course.

I know your point, but I was trying to tell my partners to move. Even our buddy who was rejoining said to go, but the leader just said nooo we wait.

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