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Dayz Current State is Game Over

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The game is at it's worst stage perhaps as it is now. Pretty much a 45 day old character with 6 vehicles 25 tents and more gear than I will ever use. Tents duplicating items without any glitches, the inability to lose a tent if you die, too many dayz servers up, and then today dysnc so much that I can't even get an item from my tent to my inventory. There is nothing to do in the game and we tried to dertroy all of our equipment and coulnd't even do that because it spawns back. I'm stuck in this pitiful excuse for what is Dayz at this point. It has became a joke. To die means absolutley nothing to a veteran player at current stage and the entire feel of the game has been lost due to these problems not being fixed. We loaded all our gear into cars and blew them all up, then we ran over all the tents and gear with a tractor, the remaining vehicle, and boom, restart server and everything is back.... Please fix the mod, screw the zombies, screw the alt f4 crap, screw the worrying about how you spawn, camps off map, and blah blah blah...Wipe the whole damn system, clear the game of gear and duping, fix the damn tents and make the most basic elements of the game work before you do anything else. I miss the good ol dayz of death by climbing a ladder because at least back then the game had purpose, and that was to survive, now I can't even get rid of the shit we got...WTF happened?

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The game is at it's worst stage perhaps as it is now. Pretty much a 45 day old character with 6 vehicles 25 tents and more gear than I will ever use. Tents duplicating items without any glitches, the inability to lose a tent if you die, too many dayz servers up, and then today dysnc so much that I can't even get an item from my tent to my inventory. There is nothing to do in the game and we tried to dertroy all of our equipment and coulnd't even do that because it spawns back. I'm stuck in this pitiful excuse for what is Dayz at this point. It has became a joke. To die means absolutley nothing to a veteran player at current stage and the entire feel of the game has been lost due to these problems not being fixed. We loaded all our gear into cars and blew them all up, then we ran over all the tents and gear with a tractor, the remaining vehicle, and boom, restart server and everything is back.... Please fix the mod, screw the zombies, screw the alt f4 crap, screw the worrying about how you spawn, camps off map, and blah blah blah...Wipe the whole damn system, clear the game of gear and duping, fix the damn tents and make the most basic elements of the game work before you do anything else. I miss the good ol dayz of death by climbing a ladder because at least back then the game had purpose, and that was to survive, now I can't even get rid of the shit we got...WTF happened?

Sidechat was removed. That happened.

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please faggot

tell me more

the game is in alpha go play left 4 dead nobody cares

No Faggots here please.

PPS 14 days.


Edited by Boneboys
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Good thing this is alpha testing.

And also good thing we now have some competition coming out. War Z and that other Zombie MMO Class 2.

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Tell everyone were your gear is and watch the fight. :D

Edited by Ankhenaten
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Tell everyone were your gear is and watch the fight. :D

you have a cool sig and tell us where your gear is.

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please faggot

tell me more

the game is in alpha go play left 4 dead nobody cares

You and the people like you absolutely disgust me. They make me ashamed to be a part of this community.

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screw the alt f4 crap

But that is the number one issue that is ruining the feel of the game, making people bored because they no longer die, and thus just play to fuck around rather than actually play the game and survive.

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You and the people like you absolutely disgust me. They make me ashamed to be a part of this community.

You must be new to the internets. Hook, line, and sinker.

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There is so much things you could do,

Post the location of your stuff for some newbies and protect them looting,

Get a bus pick up some Strangers/Noobs show them the "World" and help/protect them

Go Hunt ( and i really mean HUNT not just sneak around in the NW^^ ) some Bandits that grief new players.

Make a stream giving your stuff away, dont know the most stupid joke in stream chat wins a XXX weapon

and so on.........

Its a Sandbox game, you have so much Freedom, learn to use it :beans:

Edited by R3dbud
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You and the people like you absolutely disgust me. They make me ashamed to be a part of this community.


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The point is that I tried to destroy 4 pair nvgs, 3 as50's, 20-30 akms, m16, crap guns, pp-19 bisons, etc, etc, etc, because the game is too easy as it stands. I've done everything in this game. If things worked, and if I died, then all of this stuff would be in jeopardy of being lost. It's not, i die and my tents stay put. Never gonna lose anything hence to die is jackshit and if to die means nothing then to play dayz means nothing. It is the heart and sole of the game...death is suppose to be a really big deal, without it nothing matters!!!

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please tell me more about your server hopping, and then hoarding on a near deserted server.

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I think you must remember that you're supposed to be "testing" a game in alpha instead of "playing" it ;D

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Tell everyone were your gear is and watch the fight. :D

Why would you fight over it? It can be all respawned! So stop by and grab a pair of NVGs, I know a guy on another server who came by two days ago with 8 nvgs asking the whole server if they wanted some...The game is a joke right now.

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I think you must remember that you're supposed to be "testing" a game in alpha instead of "playing" it ;D

And this post is a response to my 400 hours of "testing" the game...And included in that is the proposed most important changes so one may continue to test the game or drop it and go back to playing something interesting.

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And this post is a response to my 400 hours of "testing" the game...And included in that is the proposed most important changes so one may continue to test the game or drop it and go back to playing something interesting.

You don't seem to understand what Alpha means or what the point of an Alpha test is.

I suggest Google.

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please tell me more about your server hopping, and then hoarding on a near deserted server.

No I'll tell you about hundreds of hours playing and 20 tents located right in the middle of a forest...I've played on two servers in the last three months

You can visit my youtube channel, Thenoob2ube and see for yourself... I'm uploading us crushing the tents tomorrow

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No I'll tell you about hundreds of hours playing and 20 tents located right in the middle of a forest...I've played on two servers in the last three months

You can visit my youtube channel, Thenoob2ube and see for yourself... I'm uploading us crushing the tents tomorrow

Crushed tents will return. It's irrelevant.

Alpha, man.


I think I'm at ~700 hours.

Not bored.

Just lost a 20 day survivor with 500+ zombie kills to a bug tonight.

Did I care?



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And this post is a response to my 400 hours of "testing" the game...And included in that is the proposed most important changes so one may continue to test the game or drop it and go back to playing something interesting.

I think the problem is that you've all that gear... Just run all your tents over, blow up the cars - taking ony for yourself - drive into the middle of Elektro and let some noob kill you and take your goodies - you would have made someone's day, while at the same time you have to start over. How about play that game at a higher difficulty?

For example no U.S weapons?

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You don't seem to understand what Alpha means or what the point of an Alpha test is.

I suggest Google.

And you people who always bring up this "It's an Alpha" line, don't get the part where people let people know about the game while its in an Alpha...Otherwise wtf are we talking about if we don't bring up issues...you know for the alpha!!!

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please faggot

tell me more

the game is in alpha go play left 4 dead nobody cares

Hey look other douche on the forum's.

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