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FPS help and Post Processing

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Hi guys,

I recently found that all the servers that I joined where dark, which i assumed was nighttime. I found that it was because my frames per second was too low to render light, and that i could turn all of my graphics settings to the lowest option except post processing, and it would be light. it is still choppy, and i have 2 questions.

1. How can I increase my frames per second? I've tried a few things and none seem to work, and I'm pretty sure my computer meets the recommended requirement.

2. Post processing causes choppy gameplay and white blurs to be on the screen, but it is the only thing that seems to make it light on each server that I join. Is there something i can do that can make my game light, without post processing?

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I went from 15 FPS to 30 FPS, just by defragmenting my hard drive.

And do this: http://pastebin.com/BiSnmAj7

In the options, HUD size and 3D resolution need to be the same. Memory must be set to default, NOT on high.

If it's too dark, increase gamma and luminosity. To see at night, set HDR to High.

Edited by Kiro

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First, check your Arma settings to make sure everything is set up normal, don't have brightness all the way down (I've seen it before, apologies for insulting your intelligence there.)

Also we would need to know your computer specs in order to diagnose such an issue.

Can be found via windows key + r, type in 'dxdiag' all the data we'd need would be there.

Other than that I'm sorry I cannot help you further at the moment.

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Had some issues to. There are several guides for the "standard" ArmA II settings out there so I won't tell you anything about it, just google it, but what really helped me was this:

Go to your "ArmA2OA.cfg". It is located in "C:\Users\YOURPROFILENAME\Documents\ArmA 2" and change GPU_MaxFramesAhead and GPU_DetectedFramesAhead to 1:



I'm not sure what exactly does this but it improved my FPS by around 20 especially while recording with Fraps or XSplit but also during normal gaming.

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I'll try defragmenting, I have my memory set to default, and my 3d and interface resolution are the same. It is dark with my brightness all the way up, actually, with post processing off. I've also tried changing ArmA2OA.cfg like lycake said, but that didn't do much for me either.

These are my specs:

AMD Phenom II X4 955 Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.2 GHz


NVIDIA GeForce 7025 Graphics Card

2 Terabyte Hard Drive

Tell me if you need any others.

Edited by Deaf719wow

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For me the way the light levels change when you look around is the worst part of the A2 engine.I get immersed into this world much better when I turned down color intensity on the Nvidia settings page.World looks so real to me and then I move and it goes from night to day.:( I had heard that this started happening when A2 added in something referred to as dynmaic lighting and I wonder if its possible to turn this feature off...anyone know??

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This will also boost your FPS

I actually just tried this, but either I didn't do it right, or it didn't help. It seemed to be launching from my C drive rather then my RAMDisk I drive.

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